i heard of ice cream giving a brain freeze BUT shoulder freeze??


106 (100%)
some of my friends was out eating at one of these ALL YOU CAN EAT Places few months back. Well my friend bet me 20 bucks that i couldnt eat a bowl of ice cream in so many mins. Of course i took the bet and about 80% though the bowl i started to getting major pain in my shoulder (around my collarbone)

i didnt think much about it since this is the first time it happened

well last night we went out again and I ate 2 big bowls of ice cream and 90% done with the 2nd bowl the pain came back

its not all the way down the arm its just right at the shoulder.

this ever happen to anyone else
None of the things that happen to you ever happen to anyone else. You're a truly amazing individual, and I mean that as literal as possible.
[quote name='Scorch']None of the things that happen to you ever happen to anyone else. You're a truly amazing individual, and I mean that as literal as possible.[/QUOTE]

i was just wondering cause it was the first time it did it back then never did it before then,. dont know if it could be a pinch nerve or something. Just find it werid that it only happens when i eat a lot of ice cream (cold stuff)
Did you try speaking with your primary physician? It's more or less impossible for a bunch of posters on a message board to diagnose you with any kind of condition...especially with your post.
[quote name='slidecage']some of my friends was out eating at one of these ALL YOU CAN EAT Places few months back. Well my friend bet me 20 bucks that i couldnt eat a bowl of ice cream in so many mins. Of course i took the bet and about 80% though the bowl i started to getting major pain in my shoulder (around my collarbone)

i didnt think much about it since this is the first time it happened

well last night we went out again and I ate 2 big bowls of ice cream and 90% done with the 2nd bowl the pain came back

its not all the way down the arm its just right at the shoulder.

this ever happen to anyone else[/quote]

You didn't learn anything from that woman who died drinking water for a Wii did you? Your life is in danger.
[quote name='Chris in Cali']You're probably having a minor heart attack, but worry not, keep eating.[/QUOTE]

no its not a heart attack LOL when i asked the doctor about it they said dont worry about it. I mostly was wondering if anyone else had this

and its not under the armpit its right on the shoulder blade. where your shoulder and arm connect. Its just werid that it just started doing that.

maybe its something in the ice cream at the place or something. I can eat ice cream at home and not really have the problem.

was just wondering if it happen to anyone else

by the way when i have the pain in the shoulder if i eat anything that is not cold the pain goes away . that is another werid thing.

and if your interested in another WERID FAct about me. i wonder if anyone else has this : )

i know before im going to throw up. I get this tingle feeling in the bottom of my jaw *under my tounge* i know if it starts to tingle im about to throw up. Now this has been with me all my life. Even when i was 3 i knew when i was going to throw up. Doctor said its probally nerves that can feel the stuff coming up or something

at you glad i added that LOL
As a scientific experiment, you should stick your penis in a tub of ice cream and report your findings to us...
your friend bet you the money to eat it because he laced it. That pain you feel in your shoulder is the bacteria working it's way through your body.
[quote name='slidecage']
i know before im going to throw up. I get this tingle feeling in the bottom of my jaw *under my tounge* i know if it starts to tingle im about to throw up. Now this has been with me all my life. Even when i was 3 i knew when i was going to throw up. Doctor said its probally nerves that can feel the stuff coming up or something
Actually yea, and my saliva suddenly gets salty too.
doing some research on line found out it may have something to do with a tear in my rotator cup. it would add up since i ##$#$ up my shoulder few months back.
[quote name='slidecage']doing some research on line found out it may have something to do with a tear in my rotator cup. it would add up since i ##$#$ up my shoulder few months back.[/quote]

I can guarantee you don't have a rotator cup anywhere in your body. Any on-line site saying you have one is pretty incompetent as a medical resource.
I know the problem, slidecage.

A couple things:

-Everyone has that response to being about to throw up. You don't have a special "puke sense"

-Is the shoulder that goes numb the same one you are using to rapidly spoon ice cream into your mouth? If so, then maybe your rotator cuff has something to do with it, if not do you honestly thinking eating ice cream could possibly aggravate an injury in that area within a matter of minutes?

-Don't use the internet to diagnose yourself, you'll be convinced that your condition could be fatal no matter what it is.
I eat ice cream with my penis, and then I go have sex, it makes my load like 10000000000000000000x larger.
[quote name='InuFaye']I eat ice cream with my penis, and then I go have sex, it makes my load like 10000000000000000000x larger.[/quote]

Do you mean to say that the ice cream enters your stomach through your penis, or you use your penis to scoop out the ice cream like a spoon, and then put it into your mouth?
[quote name='InuFaye']I eat ice cream with my penis, and then I go have sex, it makes my load like 10000000000000000000x larger.[/quote]

I was reading this while drinking coffee and I sprayed my monitor with coffee...
i know before im going to throw up. I get this tingle feeling in the bottom of my jaw *under my tounge* i know if it starts to tingle im about to throw up. Now this has been with me all my life. Even when i was 3 i knew when i was going to throw up. Doctor said its probally nerves that can feel the stuff coming up or something

Oh my god, that's amazing! I, too, have a special power. When my stomach starts hurting, I usually end up having to take a crap. I told my doctor about it, and it blew his mind. It's happened all my life.
[quote name='Scorch']Oh my god, that's amazing! I, too, have a special power. When my stomach starts hurting, I usually end up having to take a crap. I told my doctor about it, and it blew his mind. It's happened all my life.[/quote]

Except sometimes when it push so hard and it doesent come out, my stomach explodes.
This has to be thread of the week, if not month/year hear.

The shoulder thing seems odd to me. I almost wonder if (the first time), it was more of a coincidence. You were sitting oddly or something, and that caused the pain. The 2nd time, it might have been some sort of weird pavlovian response.
[quote name='naes']It's not lupus.[/quote]

That makes me not feel as bad about not having anything to watch due to the writers guild strike.
bread's done