XP/Vista Theme/Set On Win9X


Just finish installing urberskin/RP8 beta on my computer, to make it look and feel XP/Vista.

I'm using at the moment, a vista theme, and a Custom XP appearance. Man, everything moves much faster, and everything looks smoother, even winamp looks better. There are alot of things coming out and already release on win9x to made it more updated, and don't forget the patch to play XP only games on Win9x.

Just amazing stuff :applause:
Does this support windows sidebar (the widget dock that came with vista)?

Edit: Nvm, I misunderstood the hell out of the OP.
[quote name='n25philly']Yeah, but your still using windows 9x. Fail[/quote]

[quote name='CocheseUGA']This.

There's cheap, but this is ridiculous.[/quote]

no not really. Some people still use Windows 9x even today. Heck if I did have to format my hard drive to FAT16 instead of 32 or NTFS, I could be running Windows 9x, Xp home and XP pro on a triple boot system. Bet you he's playing all his classic games with no hitches what so ever :(
[quote name='seen']Are you using windows media center?[/quote]


[quote name='ITDEFX']no not really. Some people still use Windows 9x even today. Heck if I did have to format my hard drive to FAT16 instead of 32 or NTFS, I could be running Windows 9x, Xp home and XP pro on a triple boot system. Bet you he's playing all his classic games with no hitches what so ever :([/quote]

I plan to buy Vista soon, it will be my secondary gaming center for those newer games that does not run on win9x. I play the older games without any trouble, well i cant play MKT for some reason, the game sucked on the pc anyway. I can even play some of newer games, because someone made a patch so win9x users can play XP only games:

--------> There is also a updated patch for Win9x Users, to play XP only games on 98SE. I have it install, so now i can play Quake 4, Prey and others.


Now about the security thing, well there is something called:

Auto Patcher


Service Pack

[quote name='ITDEFX']no not really. Some people still use Windows 9x even today. Heck if I did have to format my hard drive to FAT16 instead of 32 or NTFS, I could be running Windows 9x, Xp home and XP pro on a triple boot system. Bet you he's playing all his classic games with no hitches what so ever :([/quote]

You're so right, there is nothing wrong with Win 9X.

I have the following: Win 98 desktop, Win 98SE laptop, Win XP desktop and my hardcore gaming PC, a Win MCE 2005. I have no problems playing everything from DOS games to Crysis. Each machine offers something different in playability.:cool:

You wouldn't believe what can run on Win 98 SE. I use Firefox 2.0.XX as a browser with a Netgear USB wireless adaptor! I also watch DVD's and listen to MP3's on it. So don't dis Win 98SE!
Yea windows98se for me is my main computer to play old games, use internet, watch movies, etc and even play some of the newer games and these are my specs:

500GB External My Book Edition HD
Seagate Internal 160GB HD
SoundBlaster Sound Card
BFG Geforce 6200 256MB OC Edition PCI Card
Intel(R) Application Accelerator 2.3
512Megs of Ram

Computer works great. And i plan on buying Vista for my secondary Computer to use the newer hardware, software and newer games.

Next to 2000, Windows 98 is my favorite MS OS. My XP install is skinned to look exactly like 2k hehe
agreed 95/98 were ok, but damn I will NEVER INSTALL WINDOWS ME EVER AGAIN!!!:bomb: Combine that with the early ATI Rage series cards and you will have so many problems :(
Pretty cool.

And yeah, at least you're running Windows 98... it beats ME. No reason to run 95, that version of Windows is just as bad.
Wow, and here I sometimes feel a little guilty for buying a new laptop with XP on it (we have an XP and a Vista machine at work; everyone hates the Vista machine, so yes, I've tried Vista before I made this decision).

It reminds me of my first laptop. I miss it sometimes.
[quote name='Vega$']Yea windows98se for me is my main computer to play old games, use internet, watch movies, etc and even play some of the newer games and these are my specs:

500GB External My Book Edition HD
Seagate Internal 160GB HD
SoundBlaster Sound Card
BFG Geforce 6200 256MB OC Edition PCI Card
Intel(R) Application Accelerator 2.3
512Megs of Ram

Computer works great. And i plan on buying Vista for my secondary Computer to use the newer hardware, software and newer games.


I miss windows 9x :( The memories playing all those DOS games and the like. Ha want any more ram? I got a spare sticks floating around and a PIII 800mhz sitting in an old pc.
bread's done