Deal? Marvel vs. Capcom 2 (Xbox, used) $59.99 @ EB/GS

A better deal would be to find another used Xbox game as extravagantly expensive and use the buy 1 get 1 free used coupon from this week, provided your local store has it. At this point, $60 is only really worth it if you're a big fan.
This is a repost, but no big deal. The consensus in the original thread was that it isn't a deal because the Dreamcast version of this title was the only one that wasn't buggy.

Thanks though, I'm sure some of the CAGs out there that miss this game and don't have a DC will be interested.
[quote name='rpepper']Thanks though, I'm sure some of the CAGs out there that miss this game and don't have a DC will be interested.[/quote]

The irony is that for $60 you could pick up a Dreamcast with MvC2.
[quote name='Shimrra']I dont see this as a deal. I mean why would anyone still be interested in this game.[/quote]

I'll go ahead and assume you never played it. If so, you may just have not found the enjoyment other people did. There's a HUGE fanbase for these games and it's fondly remembered as the pinnacle of Capcom's 2D fighters for many people. I only have the original and have kicked myself for years for not buying this on the cheap before it's value shot up.
[quote name='Shimrra']I dont see this as a deal. I mean why would anyone still be interested in this game.[/quote]
Because it's a kick-ass game with lots of replay value, and more worthy of a $60 purchase than the latest flash in the pan 360/PS3 game.
[quote name='mrchainsaw']Just a warning, don't buy this if you plan to play it on your 360. It technically is compatible but it runs like total shit.[/quote]

Indeed. Shit is probably a nice way of putting it, too.

This is a pretty good deal for anyone without a Dreamcast. Worst case scenario, you can always just return it, or if it actually arrives in very good condition (yeah, I know, ha ha), you can flip it for a profit.
The xbox version doesn't normally go that high and of course you still need the immense luck of finding a complete copy. PS2 version on the other hand goes for much higher
[quote name='MikeHoncho']The xbox version doesn't normally go that high and of course you still need the immense luck of finding a complete copy. PS2 version on the other hand goes for much higher[/quote]

Oh yeah, i forgot about that. Ended up finally getting mine like 2 weeks ago, when gamestop was having their buy 2 get 1 sale. Ended up with 6 games total kept mvc2 [complete and vg] (ps2) and half-life (ps2) for my collection, and sold the other 4 games on amazon. I ended up with MVC2 and half-life for free and had a little under $20 profit, after i sold the other 4 games on amazon.
bread's done