Pre-order Shooter on BR @ Amazon for 20.95 or 12.17 shipped after 10 of GCO

Hmm.. I may bite on this. I saw this movie on the red eye to London last summer. I took 6 Tylenol PM and deliriously watched part of it. They didn't kick in until I was about an hour into the movie however. So I remember liking what I saw, but not remembering the rest.
[quote name='MrDubbs']Wow, this will piss alot of people off..

It used to be OOP and go for a good sum on Ebay[/QUOTE]

I know i was going to buy it for 65shipped hell now i can buy like 6 now
[quote name='MrDubbs']Wow, this will piss alot of people off..

It used to be OOP and go for a good sum on Ebay[/quote]

Can't say I really feel sorry for these people. It's on Amazon too. These people have got prices listed up in the $60 range and above. If you are that sleazy to try to triple up on a movie then you deserve what's coming with the price crash on this movie.
[quote name='cartman58']Can't say I really feel sorry for these people. It's on Amazon too. These people have got prices listed up in the $60 range and above. If you are that sleazy to try to triple up on a movie then you deserve what's coming with the price crash on this movie.[/QUOTE]

its a great movie is this OOP one
It's an okay movie, might want to put GCO in the title for Only reason it went for so much was cause Paramount went HD DVD and now they're back. Anybody who didn't see this coming is an idiot.
[quote name='Thongsy']It's an okay movie, might want to put GCO in the title for Only reason it went for so much was cause Paramount went HD DVD and now they're back. Anybody who didn't see this coming is an idiot.[/quote]Fixed the OP to mention the $10 off GCO.
[quote name='shrike4242']Fixed the OP to mention the $10 off GCO.[/QUOTE]

thankz shrike4242 ur the MOD of the mouth
bread's done