Just got Stranglehold CE on the PS3, and...


...it seems like something's wrong. I downloaded the latest patch as soon as I put the game in the PS3, but things still act weird.

1. I'm using 480i over component cables on a widescreen TV with the PS3 set to widescreen mode, and the game just wants to send a letterboxed widescreen image in 4:3 mode. WTF?

2. I just watched Hard Boiled on the collector's edition game disc, and the video was weird. Sometimes things just behaved oddly visually. It's hard to explain. The framerate would drop at the weirdest times. I think I can discern when it dropped on purpose for effect, but sometimes it looked like a choppy video game. Other times the picture would quickly stretch or distort, but that might just be an analog source issue.

3. I also watched the whole film with the English dub, and sometimes the audio would be out of sync, and sometimes it wouldn't. I'm not just talking about the dialogue. Sometimes guns would be fired, and you wouldn't hear them until half a second later. After completing the movie, I checked out a scene in which this was particularly bad but with the Cantonese audio this time, and things were still out of sync.

And I haven't even started playing the game yet! Does anybody know what's up with these problems, and should I expect more?

At least the game was only $20 new and sealed at G$. CAGtastic.
I can't comment on #1 and 2 but as for #3, I think something is wrong. I didn't have that problem when I watched the movie at all. Everything was in sync.
bread's done