GGT #78 Crashing Yo' Castle

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feel free to not believe me:

Wild Arms 6th
Shadow Hearts 3
Gunparade Sonata
Soul Blader 2 (note: Soul Blader is the name for Soul Blazer in Japan)
Double Cast Refrain
Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology 2

Wii Biohazard 2
Full remake like GC1 (Gamecube Resident Evil 1)
Except the point of view is like the Wii Resident Evil 4 and the operation has changed.
New swordsman creature Thousand Sworder
Addtional story parts.

Other news

Nezumi-kun GHU! (Microsoft)

Super Real Mahjong Special (Seta)

Sword of Sodan (Sega)
Mobile Suit Gundam: Gundam vs. Gundam (Bandai Namco)

Nintendo DS
Atelier Annie (Gust)
Robot Third Class Warrior (Bandai Namco)
The news about RE2 remake is great (if it is true) but being Wii-exclusive is not-so-great. It needs to be in HD, Capcom. Duh.

Went up against the final boss in Xenosaga yesterday and turned it off after about an hour cause I didn't have the right characters on my team. I didn't expect the boss and just wasn't prepared. Today, however, will be a different story.
Mornin GGT,

That RE2 remake could be good but it is a shame it's Wii exclusive. I loved RE2 on the PS1. I was never a huge fan of the first game and was reluctant to try the sequel, turned out it was a much better game.

Played some more C&C3 last night, then a bit of BC:R and Fable Pub games.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']feel free to not believe me:
Source it or I won't! All I can find is a 2ch rumor.​
[quote name='Maklershed']Damn Benjamouth .. you have a lot of achievements.[/quote]

Yeah, I'm surprised I find the time in between banging lingerie models and driving around in my Aston Martin. Which is of course all a lie.

I was big into the cheesemint whoring for a while but I'm not as bothered these days, I'm trying to actually finish a few games so I can reduce my backlog. I do play a lot though as I've pretty much abandoned TV so have much more time for gaming.

There's a few people on my friends list with more points, so I'm not the worst whore around.
[quote name='Krymner']The news about RE2 remake is great (if it is true)[/quote]wat. I saw Rero's post, but where does this news come from?
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']feel free to not believe me:

What's to believe or not believe? This is just a list of titles. It can't be unannounced games, because TotW:RM2 we know about. Timeshift is out, there already is a Shadow Hearts 3.... don't you need to copy and paste a little more?​
Thnks Krymner. That would be awesome if they did a remake of it. RE2 was a great game. I want to blow the head off a giant sewer gator again. kabooom.
[quote name='Krymner']Oh, and what is the GGT opinion of the Squeenix buyout of Tecmo? Will this mean we might get a remake of

????[/QUOTE]Squeenix bought Tecmo? :O


Ah, looks like it's just an offer right now.

If it goes through, I predict Tifa will show up in a future installment of DoA :lol:
[quote name='blueshinra']If it goes through, I predict Tifa will show up in a future installment of DoA :lol:[/quote]
If true I predict that I will but it.

[quote name='corrosivefrost']Oh shit. What will Squeenix do to Ninja Gaiden? :whistle2:s[/quote]
I'm calling it NGIII will be an Action RPG.
As long as they don't fuck around with the NA release of Fatal Frame and more importantly Tecmo Bowl, SE can do whatever they want with Tecmo.
[quote name='botticus']As long as they don't fuck around with the NA release of Fatal Frame and more importantly Tecmo Bowl, SE can do whatever they want with Tecmo.[/quote]

$40 tecmo bowl DS!
Hmmm, I'm thinking of importing Macross Ace Frontier. But I'll be getting Ikkitousen: Eloquent Fist a few days before it...
Hey GGT,
Going to get my paycheck today and hopefully picking up Tales Of Vesperia for teh free.
I have no friends on Steam :( Can the people who have Steam put there username at the end of their posts or something? I could use some Steam friends :p
Yay me! I finally beat Xenosaga Ep1. Final time was 40:24. Not a bad game, and I'm looking forward to Ep2 (even tho I hear it is pretty crappy...I also hear it is shorter than Ep1 tho).

Before that tho, I'm gonna head back into the world of Final Fantasy and play FFX-2 and get that one off my backlog.
Stranglehold continues to be fun. The Casino level was a little annoying as you had very little space to move around, but overall it was fun. :)
[quote name='Krymner']Yay me! I finally beat Xenosaga Ep1. Final time was 40:24. Not a bad game, and I'm looking forward to Ep2 (even tho I hear it is pretty crappy...I also hear it is shorter than Ep1 tho).

Before that tho, I'm gonna head back into the world of Final Fantasy and play FFX-2 and get that one off my backlog.[/QUOTE]

Xenosaga II is decent, though it starts off really slow. It's nowhere near as bad as some people make it out to be, but yeah, it's definitely the weakest game in the series.

Xenosaga III though... unbelievable. Loved it.
[quote name='Krymner']Read all about it here:

That's about all I know of the remake.

Oh, and what is the GGT opinion of the Squeenix buyout of Tecmo? Will this mean we might get a remake of


I could dig a remake of RE2 and a remake of Tecmo SotS. I'd be perfectly happy if tecmo just released SotS on the VC if only so that I could finally beat the game. Got so close years ago but never finished it.
[quote name='Krymner']Oh, and what is the GGT opinion of the Squeenix buyout of Tecmo? Will this mean we might get a remake of


Final Fantasy Football. Everyone will want to get their hands on those triple F's Fall of 2010.
Man, so my friend sends me a text message today and says that his prof said something like "what is a human", and my friend said he wanted to answer "a miserable little pile of secrets." I was disgusted. I had to explain to this roach that man is a miserable little pile of secrets -- humans just wish to pay me tribute.
[quote name='corrosivefrost']Oh shit. What will Squeenix do to Ninja Gaiden? :whistle2:s[/quote]



Ninja Mask


New Ryu character model

I'd have made a 'shop, but I'm at work/lazy
Question for MarkMan - Is Yakuza 2 self contained enough that you could play it without the original? Because the original doesn't work on my 80GB PS3 and I'll never play it now.

I got Ratchet and Clank Future - It's definetly a Ratchet and Clank game. Plus the graphics glitches that make it fit right in with the PS3 generation of laziness.

Either it's 720p that looks closer to 420p or 1080p that barely looks 720p and has a mess of garbled pixels on the bottom right corner of the screen. Awesome. The only TRUE HD Console..

Lots of people have this problem because the game doesn't run at native 720p and the PS3 doesn't have a hardware scaler.
[quote name='corrosivefrost']Oh shit. What will Squeenix do to Ninja Gaiden? :whistle2:s[/quote]

Ruin it beyond all recognition and make me regret that NG was ever my favorite game series.
[quote name='benjamouth']They might port NGII to the PS3 ?[/quote]

Agree! S-E sees the value of cross-platform and it seems like it is the end of platform-exclusive titles for them for the most part.

[quote name='SL4IN']$40 tecmo bowl DS![/quote]

heh, I don't think so, but I admit that thought did cross my mind. I think SE knows they can't only make "premium-priced" titles, even for DS. Tecmo might be an excuse to put the SE-brands into that category, though.

[quote name='distgfx']Ruin it beyond all recognition and make me regret that NG was ever my favorite game series.[/quote]

I don't think so, however it's hard to say what will happen with NG now thanks to all the crap that went on with Itagaki.

What's everyone gonna play this long weekend? Mercs2 will be my big title...

Jer, as for R&CF, the game actually looks great on newer HDTVs. My 46" Sharp handles the scaling and it runs just fine. Sorry it's not working out for you, though.
I just made some progress on Castle Crashers. The Volleyball game can be a bitch when you are the only one playing! I am going to be switching from CC to ToV all weekend long. So far enjoying both!
fuckawesome. My locker combo doesn't work and I don't have to time to go bitch at the custodian to fix it because, hey, my school is still super-paranoid about letting us leave class after our series of
lockdowns and bomb/death threats
I mentioned many, many GGTs ago.

Carrying five textbooks all day for the win!
Need a backpack JSP?

Mercs 2 isn't available to me until Sunday, so I'll be Castle Crashin' and Madden Franchisin' this weekend as well.
[quote name='Kendal']I just made some progress on Castle Crashers. The Volleyball game can be a bitch when you are the only one playing! I am going to be switching from CC to ToV all weekend long. So far enjoying both![/quote]I just beat that part. I would just hit the ball over and then use magic to make them miss. Good times. ;)

Once you're at that point, how far from the end are you?
I should switch from Seahawks to Redskins for my Madden franchise mode. Too bad EA and NFL don't have a DNA live stat feature like the upcoming NBA Live will...
[quote name='gunm']Need a backpack JSP?

Mercs 2 isn't available to me until Sunday, so I'll be Castle Crashin' and Madden Franchisin' this weekend as well.[/quote]

I haven't had a backpack since like elementary school.

We aren't allowed to carry bags around during the school day.
[quote name='Jesus_S_Preston']I haven't had a backpack since like elementary school.

We aren't allowed to carry bags around during the school day.[/quote]

Dam, rough school. :p

NBA Live 09 sounds very interesting. And it takes a lot for a game to break my general avoidance of yearly sports titles.
I think you should avoid at all costs NBA Live this year. It's got Tony Parker from the spurs on the front. ew.
[quote name='Maklershed']Dark Sector is so much fun. Slow mo + glaive + dismemberment = entertainment. :)[/quote]

Maybe I'm wrong,but I saw in the ott you posted about Too Human or at least I think it was you. Is it better than the demo was? I was thinking about picking it up.
[quote name='SL4IN']I think you should avoid at all costs NBA Live this year. It's got Tony Parker from the spurs on the front. ew.[/quote]

I picked up NBA 2K8 last year. It was an ok game, for the most part. Live hasn't been as good as 2K, but the new DNA feature is potentially awesome.
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