Playstation 3 Motion Controller - How Many do you need?


Just watched the Sony press conference at GDC '10 on Gametrailers (link to videos) and I have some concerns. They said that a game a controller and camera will be under $100. Which means it will be anywhere form $50-$99.

Now some of the games require their nunchuck (socom 4) while other games (the fighting one) require two of the MOVE controllers (the ones with the balls on them). So that means I would need to a nunchuck, another motion controller, and the whole package (controller, game and camera).

What if I have a family, how many contollers would I have to buy and how much is it all going to cost? Makes me nervous. At least with Natal according to Microsoft, no controller is necessary, you just need to buy the camera, which I believe they said will also be under $100. Sony needs to work hard to get me one the MOVE train.
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