Epic Mickey Collector's Edition $39.99 @ Amazon

[quote name='SonictheHedgehog1337']Good deal. I wouldn't be able to pass it up for $29.99, but for $39.99 I can stop myself from buying. Just too rich for my blood.[/QUOTE]

This. I had this on my watch list but $40 is still a little too high. Tempting though that statue is pretty nice. Too bad the game is Wii and mine has been collecting dust unplugged even for a while now. : /
I'm addicted to collector's editions, but I'm waiting for that sub-$30 range on this too. The reviews of the CE contents were pretty scathing... and yeah, it's a Wii game - which pretty much only gets any play at my place during drunken parties.
^lol^ same here my wii games are collecting dust and for $40 not worth...waiting to hit the $19.99 mark.
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