Wii PDP Energizer 2X Induction Charger on Amazon

Oops - sorry about typo in title. Manager going to be upset.. :( Either way, you all get the drift.. It's the cheapest on Amazon, period! Typo or not! :)
Not much of a deal considering that the 4X Induction Chargers were $19.99 during the holiday last year. Besides these things don't work that well, my 4X died on me within a few months.
[quote name='lhfan04']Not much of a deal considering that the 4X Induction Chargers were $19.99 during the holiday last year. Besides these things don't work that well, my 4X died on me within a few months.[/QUOTE]

Thanks - So for those that didn't purchase one of the above mentioned discontinued 4X induction chargers, or didn't have a Wii during the holidays where you were able to get one -

The one we are discounting is the cheapest price on Amazon.

As far as relevancy ... Just remember, one mans trash is another mans treasure.. (You'll learn that with age) :)

We have an Amazon VG DotD on 5/16/2011 at 12:01AM PST - stay tuned..
[quote name='threefiftyzzz']These work great...! I bout one for my son and its saved me a ton on batteries...![/QUOTE]

Some of our staff have these as well.. We try to please everyone, but obviously, that's impossible! ... We have the lowest price on Amazon on this item... Period..

Thanks for the great real life experience review!

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