is my dvd dead


i bought a used viva pinata from game stop. never played it for months, finally took it out to play, the dvd just spins and spins, won't detect. i take it out and look at it, everything looks fine, except that where normally the reflection of rainbow looks uneven and melted. its hard to describe, basically only the reflection of the light is messed up the actual physical surface is not. what can cause this? is the dvd dead or can a spin dr dvd repair kit still save it?
Aw shucks, I was hoping this was a slidecage or starmask thread. :(

What you're describing is a resurfaced disk. Basically, GameStop got the game in unplayable condition, threw it in a resurfacer, which either sanded down the protective layering or filled the scratches with a protective film then polished it, and they assumed it would work. If it's wavy like you say, they probably filled the scratches with this DVD repair liquid they used to sell. I bought some once, and it hardly works. You can't do much if the scratch was deep enough to penetrate the data layer. An unplayable disk, no matter how pretty it looks, is still unplayable.

Do you have problems playing any other games? Sometimes, the laser eye that reads the information gets dirty and it can't read disks well. The only way to tell for sure if you were screwed by GS is to try it on a different 360. Too bad the used game warranty has run out on it. It's a good practice to always test out any game you buy from GS to make sure it works--you can always delete your achievement history after!
actually i don't really care about getting it to play or get my money worth as much as I care about the explanation of the arrival of its current condition. I mean I am a technology geek at heart, and a cheap ass gamer so I do care about both aspects of things, but now its more of a curiosity kind of thing driving me nuts.

so this refill liquid you speak of, i've never heard of it. if the disk was only scratched in protective layer, i guess in theory they can refill it or polish it off. the wavy reflection makes me think maybe the consistency of the refill is not the same as the original surface? so I guess if i polish the shit out of it and just take everything off, it'll eventually be smooth again? i really think we are on to something here, the light refraction needs to be even to work, if its wavy, there's just no way it'll work. the data side looks impeccable btw by looking on the printed side, and i doubt any scratches ever got that deep to hit it. otherwise the disc overall would look beat up?
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