Wow I <3 the fact that my team is in the NL West...

ph33r m3

The Giants have won 6-7 have a weak schedule ahead of them. We just passed the Dodgers and are 6 behind the Padres. With 'Teh Lord' coming back and finally are pitching healthy somehow someway, the playoffs here we come!

Ya I know, the NL West sucks but still i'll take an extra week of a beating from the Cards then no extra week :lol:
[quote name='WeaponX2099']If the giants win the NL West without bonds, I'll laugh my ass off. And The Yankees next year will have Bonds.[/QUOTE]

yah and they will sign Palmero and Sosa and all bring there fake penises to the roid tests.
Im not a big baseball fan but I'd probably watch a few Giants games if bonds came back. Baseball is so boring without roids.....
Nice to see some other Giants fans. This has been a rough year. If the Giants win the division, I too will laugh my butt off. The NL West is truly one of the worst divisions ever. I just hope they finish ahead of the dodgers.
Even worse, the winner of the West will likely face Atlanta, unless Houston wins the WC.

And will likely beat the Braves in the playoffs. Lol.
Heh, I doubt anyone will pull ahead of the Padres, but shit happens. Too bad whoever comes out on top of the division will get embarrassed in the playoffs.. look what happened to the Dodgers last year.
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