take w/ a grain of salt: 2nd shipment: 3/2006?



I was in gamecrazy today and asked them what their 360 situation is like...the manager, who is pretty on top of stuff, said that they weren't getting a 2nd shipment until march 2006 after their initial load of 75. Of course, every game store says something different, gamestop says they'll get their 2nd shipment before xmas, but this was the first I'd heard this and thought I'd relay it. It's hard to tell what's BS to get people hyped or if anyone knows for sure about anything regarding the numbers of the 360 launch, so take it with a grain of salt.

If anyone has any facts to debunk this, let us know, cause this would suck ass if it were true. ;-)
I don't have any facts to make you feel better, but theres absolutely no way that's the case, Microsoft will make as many units as they can right away, especially with the holiday season right there and the 360 being the only next-gen system on the market, they would be foolish not to be all over that
A 75 unit shipment is pretty good for a store like GameCrazy. And I always laugh at the people who say that if you didn't pre-order a 360, or aren't going to wait in line at a Wal Mart or Best Buy, you won't get a 360 until 2006. This is Microsoft we are talking about, you think they will have any problem pumping out millions of these things? It is launching during the busiest shopping season of the year, and the biggest time to make money for Microsoft. MS launched early for this very reason, along with beating the PS3 to the market, so you can bet your ass that if you want a 360 this holiday season, and have the money for it, you'll be able to find one. It would be a terrible move for MS to run short of systems during the peak shopping season.
There's no way MS is going to go 6 months without getting any new systems into stores. That's like 10% of the console's lifespan (or 12.5% if you are MS and on the 4 year plan).
yeah, now that I'm not in a hurry and have a minute to think about what he said, i see it's a load of shit.
bread's done