Wav to MP3 Converter

Just know that you only have 30 days to use the mp3 encoder before you have to purchase a license. You're not allowed to have an mp3 encoder for free.
Dbpoweramp is quite slow in comparison to a few other programs. Also, their mp3 converter is for 30 days only. Personally, I like the front end RazorLame for mp3. I use DBpoweramp solely for m4a conversion (using FAAC). I use OggdropXP for Ogg.
[quote name='capitalist_mao']Dbpoweramp is quite slow in comparison to a few other programs. Also, their mp3 converter is for 30 days only. Personally, I like the front end RazorLame for mp3. I use DBpoweramp solely for m4a conversion (using FAAC). I use OggdropXP for Ogg.[/QUOTE]

I only needed to convert a couple a couple files. I uninstalled it after.
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