Red Cross sends Cease & Desist to game makers


71 (100%)
I only WISH this was an Onion article

Red Cross condemns misuse of emblem in videogames
Ellie Gibson 14:03 07/02/2006
Organisation hopes to set up dialogue with developers

The British Red Cross has told that it hopes to work with developers to prevent the "illegal and detrimental" misuse of the red cross emblem in videogames.

"It is important for videogame manufacturers not to use the emblem in their games, including for matters related to its humanitarian purpose, such as first aid or general medical care," said Michael Meyer, head of international law for the British Red Cross.

"The use of the emblem in videogames is both illegal and detrimental to the special protective value of the emblem."

Meyer's comments come after US website published a letter from David Pratt of the Canadian Red Cross complaining about the "unauthorised and indeed illegal use of the Red Cross emblem by the [gaming] industry."

"The fact that the Red Cross is also used in [videogames] which contain strong language and violence is also of concern to us in that they directly conflict with the basic humanitarian principles espoused by the Red Cross movement," Pratt stated.

Meyer said this view was shared by the British Red Cross, which "has been aware of this problem for a number of years" and would welcome a dialogue with game developers "in order to prevent further misuse of the emblem and to try to stop current misuses."

"We would be willing to work with a videogame manufacturer to produce a game which shows the emblem in its correct use, as a symbol of protection during armed conflict, and where the player is rewarded for using the emblem correctly. Such a game could reward the player for respecting the rules of war and thereby, help the Red Cross Movement with its work to promote such respect," Meyer continued.

"The help of videogame manufacturers in protecting the integrity of the emblem, and upholding its special meaning, would be much appreciated."
"We would be willing to work with a videogame manufacturer to produce a game which shows the emblem in its correct use, as a symbol of protection during armed conflict, and where the player is rewarded for using the emblem correctly. Such a game could reward the player for respecting the rules of war and thereby, help the Red Cross Movement with its work to promote such respect," Meyer continued

I know, it seems like every organization in the world now thinks that their creeds would make the best game evar.

Anyway, what they're asking is pretty absurd.
Wait... when is the Red Cross logo used in a bad way? The only time I can recall seeing a red cross (which isn't trademarked or anything) is in war games, on medical vehicles. Is there something I'm missing? A Red Cross truck with mounted turrets?
I think if the Red Cross wants to worry about a Trademark type thing they are going to have to get a letter of permission from Jesus
I don't play online games, so I associate red crosses with medkits. Of course, I am aware of online games which have a Medic class, but even so, don't most people associate a red cross as more of a universal symbol for medical assistance, than a logo?
A red cross (not the org) A red cross is the universal symbol for help/health. Are they going to try to sue all of those people who make first aid kits with a red cross. Are they going to try to sue all of those companies who make medical products with red crosses?

Nope they are just trying to jump on the game bashing wagon.

btw they have it trademarked :cry:
"Red Cross is a registered trademark of The American National Red Cross"

more info
[quote name='Vegan']don't most people associate a red cross as more of a universal symbol for medical assistance, than a logo?[/QUOTE]
Yep, which is probably why this isn't going to go anywhere.
The problem is that the Geneva Convention specifically protects the Red Cross logo. It transcends even trademark law.
[quote name='Vegan']The problem is that the Geneva Convention specifically protects the Red Cross logo. It transcends even trademark law.[/QUOTE]

Who's been paying any credence to the geneva convention the past 5 years? C'mon, you've got to come up with something more reliable than widely-agreed upon and frequently ignored international doctrines. Geneva conventions are as authoritative as my flatulence (though I'm being sarcastic, I am serious, though I wish I weren't).

I'd like to see FEMA/Red Cross present EA's Katrina '05. It'd be like Hydro Thunder meets Vigilante 8 meets Crazy Taxi.

"Take me to the goddamn liquor store!"

Actually video games are just the first step, their real target is switzerland.

red cross blows anyway, what has it done for you or me? I'll tell you, nothing. I have been really thirsty so many times and they dont even care, what are they good for, nothing.
[quote name='Michaellvortega']white cross?[/QUOTE]

The red cross was developed as the 'negative' of the Swiss Flag, they need to destroy the negative for power.
[quote name='Ikohn4ever']red cross blows anyway, what has it done for you or me? I'll tell you, nothing. I have been really thirsty so many times and they dont even care, what are they good for, nothing.[/QUOTE]

Are you a vampire? The blood is for the living!
[quote name='botticus']Wait... when is the Red Cross logo used in a bad way?[/QUOTE]

I don't know. Maybe it's on the ambulances in GTA III? If so, maybe they think that running over people with the ambulance means it's used in a bad way.
[quote name='Brak']Why don't you have a med pack? Making you feel better.[/QUOTE]

If the red cross gets its way, from now on all video game health will be delivered via chicken drumsticks and hookers.
[quote name='Mr.Answer']I think if the Red Cross wants to worry about a Trademark type thing they are going to have to get a letter of permission from Jesus[/QUOTE]

and his Knights Templar
Thankfully the request came from Britain so they haven't asked Jack Thompson to champion their cause. Hopefully he doesn't add this to ever growing indictment against video games.
[quote name='Mr.Answer']I think if the Red Cross wants to worry about a Trademark type thing they are going to have to get a letter of permission from Jesus[/QUOTE]
[quote name='mykevermin']Who's been paying any credence to the geneva convention the past 5 years?[/QUOTE]

Everyone but the Bush administration. :whistle2:#
[quote name='Vegan']"The fact that the Red Cross is also used in [videogames] which contain strong language and violence is also of concern to us in that they directly conflict with the basic humanitarian principles espoused by the Red Cross movement," Pratt stated. [/QUOTE]

I can understand the beef with their trademark being present in violent games and how that might run contrary to thier credo -- but how exactly is strong language un-"humanitarian"?
bread's done