Christians dealing with criticism - sad/hilarious

Catholics have struck in Fullerton, CA

Exclusive: City Of Fullerton Demands That SLAYER Bus Benches Be Removed - Aug. 1, 2006

The city of Fullerton, California has demanded that the SLAYER artwork be removed immediately from the 17 SLAYER bus benches scattered throughout the city. The bus benches, which "went up" over this past weekend, are promoting SLAYER's new album, "Christ Illusion". This past Monday (July 31), the city officials called the company that the band's record label (American) hired to put the ads in place, demanding that they remove the SLAYER ad/artwork, reportedly because they did not like the name of the band, which they feel refers to a murderer. They are also apparently offended by the antichrist and skull logo on the bench artwork.
[quote name='evanft']

700 WLW, home of the Reds, represent!

(well, they do the Reds by night, but by morn, it's conservative fucknuts like Mike McConnell and Bill Cunningham who perform on the air; it's the former fucknut who the "God Listens" ads are in reference to)
[quote name='DeathDealer']Holy shit, what the hell is this?
Flying spaghetti monster?!?!?
Thats hilarious, are these people for real?[/QUOTE]

It's a satirical organization trying to point out that although advocates of Intelligent Design/creationism claim that they're not pushing the Judeo-Christian creation, they are not willing to encourage people to acknowledge other alternatives. They also have some of the greatest examples of using verifiable data to prove something that is technically not connected (less pirates+increased temerpatures=more pirates would end global warming).

They were in the news when some member of the Kansas Board of Education was throughing a fit that a teacher had the spaghetti monster picture on a wall (even though they said that creationism/ID should be taught as a viable alternative to evolution).
Not commenting on the OP at all, but I think it's ridiculous that white Christians are suddenly the right people to be bigoted and racist about.
I would like to tell you that i was very offended by your letter, and would like to join the 5% that believes you are going to hell. I did not at all appreciate the way you dipict those who beleive something other than you. Jack ass.
P.S. I hope your genitals fall off and are eaten by three-legged mice with squirrel tails.
P.S.S Ninjas are way cooler than pirates. Jack ass.
you're an idiot. I'll pray for you.
-Andrew Schmitt
:rofl: :rofl:

note - empahsis not mine
[quote name='CocheseUGA']Not commenting on the OP at all, but I think it's ridiculous that white Christians are suddenly the right people to be bigoted and racist about.[/QUOTE]

Most minorities will villify the majority and most majorities will villify the minority, that's how it usually works.

Personally, I hope no one here thinks I have a particular beef with white Christians. As someone who works customer service, I assure you, I mock anyone regardless of race, creed, or sexual orientation. :)
[quote name='sheepboy_1923']Most minorities will villify the majority and most majorities will villify the minority, that's how it usually works.[/quote]

Minorities also villify minorities (think immigrants and black people at the turn of last century) and 'majorities' villify 'majorities' (red state vs blue state)

However it's rare that a group can keep the ruse of persecution going as long or as far as the American christians, it's not like any American christians have ever been burned at the stake or violently beaten and incarcerated as a result of their religion.
[quote name='CocheseUGA']Not commenting on the OP at all, but I think it's ridiculous that white Christians are suddenly the right people to be bigoted and racist about.[/QUOTE]

Not necessarily. Two years ago, the Cincinnati city council proposed a citywide vote (in the general election in Fall 2004) to repeal a ban on protections for sexual orientation discrimination - the city charter, up until that point, explicitly prohibited any law from being made *protecting* people from sexual orientation-related discrimination.

The Christian groups and conservative groups joined together to label sexual orientation protections a "special right" for homosexuals, and they support "equal rights."

Now, it's not a controversial or stereotypical claim to say that blacks, on the whole, tend to be very Christian (just as, if not moreso, than whites - when you consider times of daily prayer, church services attended, etc). In this city battle, they were fronted by the Reverend Fred Shuttlesworth (, most assuredly not a Republican or a conservative. The conflict was interesting to see, as liberals and progressives that respected his work in the civil rights movement had conflicted feeelings as a result of his opposition to ending discrimination based on sexual orientation.

Anyway, I can go on an on - I think I understand what you want to say - and the problem with the argument is that claiming "white christian bigotry" is the consequence of who is the public face of christians. And that, of course, like many other things, is white people.

It's ironic, of course, given people like Shuttlesworth (who has since retired, but this is the first thing he'd done that could be construed as "conservative christian"), Al Sharpton, Joe Lieberman, and others who wear their religion on their sleeve. On the other hand, those who want to use religion as a force for good in our greater society, to unite rather than ostracize, to help rather than harm - let them be as religious as they want, as far as I'm concerned. It's those who want to use religion as a tool of "eliminating the competition" (in the sense of science, or sexualities, those things contrary to what this particular group says "is the way things ought to be") that I want to fight against.

Anyway, I'm very very tired and hungover this morning, so I'll just stop and hope there's a shred of coherence in there.
My favorite:
...But I am going say that I think you should not be allowed to have an internet web site telling people about Flying Spaghetti Monsters that created the world. I think that is complete and utter madness. I would also like to say that while I was reading the contents of your site I shoved a spoon up my ass. Why? Because if I'm going to go through that kind of pain, I'm doing it to myself. Finally if I were you, I would hit myself in the crotch with mallet and delete the site.
bread's done