WoW Burning Crusade Collector's Edition preorders at, ~$75US Shipped

I think it's worth a try, considering what it is. If this is anything like the original's CE version, it will be hard to come by soon after release.
[quote name='evo t rex']I think it's worth a try, considering what it is. If this is anything like the original's CE version, it will be hard to come by soon after release.[/quote]

If its still in stock by the end of the week, I may start to worry. If they don't have it in stock anymore by the end of the week, I will be extremely happy and glad that I jumped on it.
My big problem, besides any legitimacy issues, with this is I made sure to get the 16th and 17th off so I can sit and play it for 48 hours straight, so ordering online means that I won't get it the 16th. So I'm going to take my chances on showing up at the stores as soon as they open and bugging the employees until they give me one.
[quote name='amusedtoe']My big problem, besides any legitimacy issues, with this is I made sure to get the 16th and 17th off so I can sit and play it for 48 hours straight, so ordering online means that I won't get it the 16th. So I'm going to take my chances on showing up at the stores as soon as they open and bugging the employees until they give me one.[/QUOTE]

Dude, you don't want to take time off during the launch....the servers are going to be toast! Wait a few weeks so Bliz can make everything stable, THEN take the time off to play...
[quote name='youbastards']Dude, you don't want to take time off during the launch....the servers are going to be toast! Wait a few weeks so Bliz can make everything stable, THEN take the time off to play...[/QUOTE]

Exactly... the server is going to crash like crazy the day this expansion comes out, and it'll take Blizzard a few days to get it right.

Hell, Blizzard even KNOWS this, they wrote this to me in an email:

Given the high volume of returning subscribers we expect when The Burning Crusade™ expansion goes live, if you are planning a return to Azeroth, we recommend reactivating your account as soon as possible in order to avoid the expected rush of launch-day activations.

People like me who quit will be re-activating, people who have never played will be activating, and people who are playing now will rush it the first day to try it out. The servers will collapse under the strain.

I'd say if you're taking 48 hours off to play, maybe 8 of those hours will actually be playable.
I took a chance and ordered from here a few weeks ago, today I got this email:

Dear Customer

Thank you for your recent order of the Collector's Edition of Blizzard's new Warcraft Expansion Burning Crusade. However, due to overwhelming demand for this title, we are unable to ensure that this product will be shipped to you on the its release date.

To better your chances of a speedy shipment, we encourage you to change your order to the Standard Edition of the Burning Crusade Expansion, which will be shipping on time. Please email us at [email protected] with your request and we will be happy to adjust your order.

We thank you for your patience, and look forward to filling your order soon.

21-160 East Beaver Creek Road
Richmond Hill, Ontario
L4B 3L4

p. 905-709-1571
f. 905-709-4073

email: [email protected]
Here's hoping it goes through. I'm not counting on or even really want it on launch. I can pvp until I receive it, I just hope they actually fill my order.
I think im just going to cancel my order and hope for the best when i head to Best Buy or Circuit City on launch day.
bread's done