CAG Apple Game Center/OpenFeint/Plus+/WWF IDs


181 (100%)
Per shrike4242's post in the iPhone and iPod Touch Games Sale thread, creating a thread for everyone to post their Apple Game Center IDs. I'll work on keeping it up to date daily. I spend a lot of time at the computer so it'll be easy enough.

Information on Game Center:

Compatible Devices (requires iOS 4.1): iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPod touch 2nd Generation, iPod touch 3rd Generation, iPod touch 4th Generation, iPad (4.2.1 iOS required)

CAG Name - Game Center Name
2DMention - Beefy Hits (pleas send message in request that you are a CAG)
Admiral Moo - HPGR_Thrawn
AdvOfJet - QuantamPulse
alison - helloalison
anarchyburger - Anarchyburger8t8
Big St3ph3n - BigSt3ph3n
BlueLobstah - scurker
BREVITY - Brevity
Brother Daz - Brotherdaz
CagGrenade - rrickman9
cgh312 - Caesar312
CheapyD - CheapyD
chrisp - vchrisp
Chrono Gear - Chrono Gear
Cimpy101 - Cimpy101
clockworkgreen - Bigwinnerx
CouRageouS - courageous
crunchberries - crunchyberries
crunchewy - crunc is
cycophuk - cycophuk
dallow - dallow
Darknuke - Darknuke
Darknyss - Darknyss
dougstill -Ruben Rybnik
EastBayAnt - EastBayAnt
eliter1 - eliter1
elkanich - Big Daddy Elk
FriskyTanuki - Lord Crashington
garbagge59 - garbagge59
gbpackers94 - gbpackers994
GodlyOne - The GodlyOne
Hostile - Hostile
viiral - Gametaisen
icebeast - SinOfHeart
iKilledChewbacca - iKilledChewbacca
Immortal fWd - Immortal_11
Jek Porkins - RedSix66
jimbach13 - Jimbach13
JMEPO - DaftMan
joebootoo - joebootoo
JP - Valen Korde
knightsdwn - KnightsDwn
Kush - MKush
Liveforlaughs76 - ShutUpMcKee
luan87us - luan87
macontosh2000 - macontosh2000
Malik112099 - Malik112099
mattvander - vandercrew
maxim2boobles - maxim2boobles
microcuts777 - MicroCuts7
Miranda - MeRandDuh
mkernan - mkernan
nightmare452 - nightmare452
omega999 - Ate-Bit
orntar - orntar
o0achilles0o - AchillesPDX
Papa Neorev - Papa Neorev
porieux - DethBoxx
PrarieD0G - PrarieD0G
Pure Apathy - Pure Apathy
RAMSTORIA - ramstoria (please send me a PM on CAG before adding via GameCenter)
RavenousBear - RavenousBear
RelentlessRolento - RelentlessRolento
Romis - Captnstryker
ryanflucas - ryanflucas
Sage30 - Sage30
Salamando3000 - salamando3000
SaraAB - SaraAB87
seanr1221 - SeanR1221
shadylane - shadylane310
Shimrra - Shimrra
SirDiealot - Quicksilver86
SpazX - Mucon7
Stello - ArchStelllo
tacohouse - Yoolen
TeamSwish - Teamswish
teddybass - slainet
tenchim86 - tenchim86
TheHammerGod - Matesamo
Thomas96 - Thomaticus
twigg - twigg
Viol8tor - Viol8tor Mode
ViolentLee - ViolentLee
Viva Las Vegas - ARSE TO GOB
Volt1up - hawxed
whizzups - Whizzups
WormFOODx - Syranth
xX Afraid V2 Xx - BeyondReality x
yukine - ratzombie

CAG Name - OpenFeint Name
AdvOfJet - QuantamPulse
clockworkgreen - Bigwinnerx
Chrono Gear - Chrono Gear
crunchewy - Crunc
cycophuk - cycophuk
Darknuke - Darknuke1987
Darknyss - Darknyss09
EastBayAnt - EastBayAnt
eliter1 - eliter1
elkanich - BigDaddyElk
gbpackers94 - gbpackers94
Hostile - HostileFire
iKilledChewbacca - iKilledChewbacca
joebootoo - joebootoo
JP - ValenKorde
Malik112099 - Malik112099
maxim2boobles - maxim2boobles
microcuts777 - microcuts777
mkernan - mkernan
orntar - orntar
Papa Neorev - Neorev
PrarieD0G - PrarieD0G
porieux - DethBoxx
RelentlessRolento - Rolento
Romis - Captnstryker
ryanflucas - ryanflucas
SaraAB - SaraAB87
Spanky - Spanky4G63
viiral - Gametaisen
tenchim86 - rseng86
ViolentLee - ViolentLee
Volt1up - hawxed

CAG Name - Plus+ Name
AdvOfJet - QuantamPulse
clockworkgreen - Bigwinnerx
Chrono Gear - ChronoGear
crunchewy - Crunc
cycophuk - cycophuk
EastBayAnt - EastBayAnt
eliter1 - eliter1
elkanich - Big Daddy Elk
Hostile - Hostile
iKilledChewbacca - andrewcarey93
joebootoo - joebootoo
JP - ValenKorde
Malik112099 - Malik112099
microcuts777 - MicroCuts7
mkernan - mkernan
orntar - orntar
PrarieD0G - PrarieD0G
RelentlessRolento - Rolento
ryanflucas - ryanflucas
tenchim86 - tenchim86

CAG Name - WordsWithFriends Name
clockworkgreen - Bigwinnerx
Chrono Gear - Chrono Gear
crunchewy - Crunc
EastBayAnt - EastBayAnt
joebootoo - joebootoo
microcuts777 - MicroCuts7
mkernan - mkernan
ryanflucas - ryanflucas1
tenchim86 - tenchim86

CAG Name - Agon Name
clockworkgreen - Bigwinnerx
Chrono Gear - ChronoGear
Hostile - Hostile
Malik112099 - Malik112099

CAG Name - Crystal Name
clockworkgreen - Bigwinnerx
Hostile - HostileFire
Malik112099 - Malik112099
PrarieD0G - PrarieD0G

CAG Name - GameLoft Name
clockworkgreen - Bigwinnerx
Malik112099 - Malik112099
Last edited by a moderator:
GC ID: Anarchyburger8t8 feel free to add me fellow CAGs

Also, put CheapyD in the master list. Before Shrike cleaned up the thread someone commented that CheapyD tweeted that CAGs can add him on GC
sweet, i see im already on there. if you add me please send me a PM first just so i know who is adding me, otherwise i might reject you.
Got everyone up to this point. I'll also keep an eye out for incidental mentions in the other iPhone/iPod threads I'm subscribed to.

[quote name='RAMSTORIA']if you add me please send me a PM first just so i know who is adding me, otherwise i might reject you.[/QUOTE]
Included an abbreviated version of this note next to your name.
I would recommend adding Open Feint and Plus names on here as well, since game center is still only available to a fraction of idevice users, and only a handful of games currently support game center
[quote name='elkanich']Gamecenter id & plus+ id: BigDaddyElk[/QUOTE]

[quote name='o0achilles0o']BigDaddyElk is not a valid username...[/QUOTE]

Correct. He's on my list and it has spaces: "Big Daddy Elk".
[quote name='mkernan']Correct. He's on my list and it has spaces: "Big Daddy Elk".[/QUOTE]
Fixed. Thanks guys. Since I'm on a 3G I can't really test these unfortunately.
Pretty sure I've added all those who have submitted their IDs so far... also, it's nice to see iTunes already featuring a "Game Center" section. I'm gradually getting addicted, but I hope we see some improvements to the interface sooner than later. Right now, it's all pretty bare and empty. I just really hope this catches on and becomes something awesome... not just something that is a novelty at first and then fades and dies.
Okay, everything updated and I added in the other game stuff as well because there are some people who can't use GameCenter.
OpenFeint, Plus+, Words With Friends and Reiner Knizia's Samurai: Crunc
Carcassonne: cagDOTcrunchewyATgmailDOTcom

For Carcassonne, if you don't want to give out your email address, just do what I did and make a new email address on gmail (or whatever service you want), specifically for games.
[quote name='cycophuk']Silly question, but has anyone had cheapyd accept their friend request?[/QUOTE]
Yes but i asked him and he said he doesn't like you because you drank the last of the milk.
bread's done