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  1. Kronik Khaos X

    Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare - Gen. Discussion & Info

    The reminds me of the annoying fact that the M16 is used way too much. It's extremely cheap, like seriously, its one-shot one-kill. People should be banned from using an M16 once they reach like level 20 or something. I still encounter 5th prestiges at level 55 that use the M16 all the fucking...
  2. Kronik Khaos X

    Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare - Gen. Discussion & Info

    Thats what I would like to know...
  3. Kronik Khaos X

    Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare - Gen. Discussion & Info

    I hear ya man, totally. Always happens to me when I transition from Halo to CoD4. And switching from CoD4 to Halo, I keep dropping my bubble shield (or whatever) when I want to reload. Argh! I didn't want to use that yet!
  4. Kronik Khaos X

    Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare - Gen. Discussion & Info

    I fucking hate the knife for those exact reasons. I'd rather just no scope the bastards with a .50cal than use a knife
  5. Kronik Khaos X

    Post your COD4 LVl/Weapon/Perks setup here!

    UAV Jammer tears people up a lot. One of my classes is a Silenced P90 w/ Gold Desert Eagle, a stun grenade, bandolier, UAV Jammer, and Dead Silence. Sometimes I change my P90 for the Skorpion, small clip but pretty accurate. Sometimes I ponder whether I should use the Desert Eagle or a...
  6. Kronik Khaos X

    Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare - Gen. Discussion & Info

    It'd be great to customize your character, like Halo. Though, there would have to be 3 characters to customize; American, Russian, and Arabian (or whatever) for team games. It might be kinda stupid though, a lot of people would have a Ghillie suit on. If it's one thing I'd like to have...
  7. Kronik Khaos X

    Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare - Gen. Discussion & Info

    Hey guys, I'm new to the forums here, signed up maybe an hour ago. I've been looking for information about prestige levels, most interested in the 10th prestige. I've used the search option and happened to find this thread. I'm hearing rumors that InfinityWard is doing something special for...
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