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  1. scottamus

    CAG PSN Gamesharing - Find/Create a Gameshare Group & Gameshare FAQ

    I'd like to start/join a group(s) for Pain add-ons GHWT songs any other good games (cept burnout and socom)
  2. scottamus

    Wal-Mart 2 for $30, 2 for $20 (PS3, 360, Wii, PSP, DS, PS2, GBA) [Back!]

    check back often. I keep seeing different games every hour. It was also weird that I couldn't get 2 bundles at the same time. I had to order separately or I'd get an error. So if you get this just take one off and bite the bullet for extra shipping.
  3. scottamus

    Oblivion Ps3

    I was disappointed when I first started playing. trying to shoot someone with an arrow is ridiculously hard with the controls even if they are just walking around. and hand to hand is equally frustrating at times. trying to switch spells while running around in the dark or have the monster run...
  4. scottamus

    CAG PSN Gamesharing - Find/Create a Gameshare Group & Gameshare FAQ

    sorry for OT but is Burnout on PSN the same as the one in the stores? If so, I'd like to share it. I will paypal any trusted members (since I'm the noob here) who are looking for a group.
  5. scottamus

    CAG PSN Gamesharing - Find/Create a Gameshare Group & Gameshare FAQ

    Not totally sure how this works but I have pain and would b willing to share it for most any decent games out there. let me know. P.S. I am a total PS3 n00b as in I just got my system 2 days ago.
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