Search results

  1. Joey Crack

    Free Mass Effect 2 DLC from Dr. Pepper Promo

    Since I can only wear one at a time, I only ordered the Recon Hood - goes well with my playing style. Thanks Warlock!
  2. Joey Crack

    4000 XBox Live Points + Saints Row 2 + Halo Wars DLC- $59.95 * 7/11*

    drfrielgood, do you have an email account that you check? I have sent two emails to the address that you have on your website and still no response.
  3. Joey Crack

    4000 XBox Live Points + Saints Row 2 + Halo Wars DLC- $59.95 * 7/11*

    seriously! Aren't the maps going to be priced at regular map pack price in two weeks?
  4. Joey Crack

    4000 XBox Live Points + Saints Row 2 + Halo Wars DLC- $59.95 * 7/11*

    What a great deal on Halo Wars. I had to bite and since I sold a used game on ebay, this comes out to $24 out of pocket. WOOT!! I should have thought about getting the LE and getting rid of the innards. Genius idea.
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