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  1. D

    World of Warcraft System Requirements.....

    I am hoping someone out there has an answer for this one. I have a PC that is getting a bit long in the tooth but right now is not the best time to upgrade. So my question is this will it run WOW good enough or should I just wait and get it when I upgrade. Plus if anyone has some suggestions...
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    A moment to rant on Ebay sellers and their rediculous shipping amounts....

    I had heard of it but never checked it out I already found some good prices that are great. One thing I would recommend though is for everyone who reads this email ebay and let them know you disgust it might not mean anything but who knows if CAG's all over do this maybe something will come out...
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    A moment to rant on Ebay sellers and their rediculous shipping amounts....

    Hi all is it just me or does it seem that the only good deals on ebay for video games is for the person selling them. Here is an example I wanted to buy Armed and Dangerous for the Xbox and they are selling for various prices but the low ones piqued my interest. Up until the money for shipping...
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    Does anyone have a clue as to how much these would be worth?

    TImesplitters 2 for Xbox, Chaos Legion for PS2 , and Rebel Strike for GC. I'd like to take advantage of the EB deal where you get an addtional 10 bucks on top of the trade ins. I get the feeling though these arent worth much. Thanks.
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    Painkiller 19.99 shipped at Gamestop

    Here is another great game from what I've heard. Like an old school Doom wish I had the system to but it I would probably get it. Its been price dropped down to 19.99 and once again with free shipping and no tax a great bargain.
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    Call of Duty 14.99 at Gamestop

    Another great game for a great price so if your in a Nazi stomping mood grab this great game. With the free shipping and lack of tax its a great bargain.
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    Far Cry at Gamestop $19.99 + free shipping

    By the time you add in the tax and the godawful 7 bucks to ship its almost not worth it. That is why I didnt pick it up from them instead the Gamestop deal with no tax and free shipping you save 10 bucks instead of 5.
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    Far Cry at Gamestop $19.99 + free shipping

    As far as I know no one has gotten this listed yet, but Gamestop has the amazing game Far Cry for 19.99 add in the fact of the free shipping code and no tax and its a definite bargain. Famous Quote: There may be some ringing in your ears, fortunately you'll be no where near them.
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    Xbox live demos

    Hoping someone can help me with this. Is there anyway to play Live enabled demos without being on Live. I personally dont have Live and I've already got enough bills without adding another if I dont have to. So help me out. Also if said demos are link enabled can they be played single or does it...
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