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  1. J

    The Wii 16:9 List - Work in Progress.. Come HALP!

    wow, I can't say $$$$le
  2. J

    The Wii 16:9 List - Work in Progress.. Come HALP!

    What you're describing there is something called underscan. It was rampant on Gamecube games, back when tube TVs were more common. Basically, developers would intentionally not render the picture near the edges of the screen where it would be covered by the bezel around the TV tube anyway. It...
  3. J

    Metroid Prime Trilogy - Out of Print (Thanks, Nintendo!)

    I'm excited for both primes and pikmin games. I actually own all but the first pikmin game, and I fully intend to repurchase them all. Here are some thoughts... Metroid Prime had connection bonuses with Metroid Fusion, you could use the fusion suit and unlock the original Metroid. Will these...
  4. J

    Gamestop trade 2 wii games get $30 off select titles, 2 ds games get $20 off select

    Ugh, I was stoked at the thought of getting 30 bones for Mario Party 8 and Madden 08, but then I saw the dreck that I was limited to. Sorry, I'd rather keep buggy-ass-1-second-perma-lag-madden 08.
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