Search results

  1. sadelack

    12 mo gold membership, please

    please PM me. i turned down a great deal last month because xbox had a $1m/1 mo deal, and now I need. any help would be great.
  2. sadelack

    Cheap Gamer Beef on Epic DLC

    It's a small beef. I'm not actually consumed with anger and outrage or anything, but i have what seems to be a legitimate beef on Epic's DLC action. It's about achievements, so caveat: if you don't think achievements are worth thinking about, please don't tell me about it. I purchased the...
  3. sadelack

    game mileage

    im broke and unemployed, so have been trying to squeeze every bit out of the games i have. which makes me wonder what games people are getting the most playtime out of. My bids would be Orange Box, GTA IV, and GoW1. gears because of the ridiculous achievements, but the other two for pure fun...
  4. sadelack

    CAGbag: Get your questions answered on CAGcast

    hey cheapy is Ninja Warrior (the tv show) a big deal on Japanese TV? i just found Top Gear on satellite, and i'd never heard of one of the UKs biggest shows before. who would'v known? a japanese major and havent been able to get there yet. any ideas? revise: could i be more...
  5. sadelack

    minesweeper?? really???

    so i see Minesweeper is being released for xbox360: 1. Why? really, I want an explanation. its free on every PC in the world. 2. the fark-linked article on the "smooth operator" site claims microsoft purchased minesweeper from the military for $11 billion...
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