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  1. D

    Forgotten Gems

    I didn't see one mention of Earthbound on SNES! Phantasy Star Online- DC Shenmue 1 & 2 - DC Chrono Trigger - SNES Perfect Dark - N64 Jumping Flash - PS1 Twisted Metal Series - PS1 Shinning Force - Sega Saturn Myst - Sega Saturn Kung Fu - NES Castlevania SOTN - PS1 Diablo 1 & 2 - PC Golden Sun 1...
  2. D

    XBOX 360 Red Ring of Death FAQ: Soon to be known as the Red Dot of Death! :P

    If you do need to do a license transfer make sure you do it right the first time. If I remember correctly, you only get one a year. It sounds like microsoft is not being very forgiving to you, so don't mess this up!
bread's done