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  1. Chris Carter

    CAGcast #174: Shoplifting Grapefruits and Other Tasteless Metaphors

    VERY true! But that's just the first hour. Most levels don't have pitfalls that you can fall into without going out of your way to do so. Complaining about pitfalls in Demon's Souls is similar to complaining about pitfalls in a Mario game (Mario's pitfalls are actually harder). But yea, as...
  2. Chris Carter

    CAGcast #174: Shoplifting Grapefruits and Other Tasteless Metaphors

    I think you need to read a few of the reviews again, because the main reason Demon's Souls is scoring so high is because of the fact that it presents you with a challenge in a fair manner. When you fail, you actually feel like it's your own fault, and not the game's design. Also, even if the...
  3. Chris Carter

    CAGcast #174: Shoplifting Grapefruits and Other Tasteless Metaphors

    Greetings Cheap Ass Gamer! This is Chris Carter, Editor-In-Chief of Gamer Limit, and reviewer of Demon's Souls. I want to assure you that I did complete the game before I reviewed it, because it apparently came up in the podcast. Atlus sent me an advanced copy quite a few weeks ago, and...
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