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  1. S

    Defense Grid Kickstarter Pledge Tier for $95 includes AMD Radeon 6770

    I pledged a couple of weeks ago --- really hoping this one gets made. The $95 pledge tier is an amazing value. You could almost just sell the card on eBay as soon as you get it and make a profit, and keep all the other stuff that comes with it for free.
  2. S

    Steam Deal Thread V1 - Thread closed. See V2 thread for the deals!

    Really wanted Napoleon, but already have Empire... so guess I'm passing. :( I'll definitely get Far Cry 2. Not sure about the others yet.
  3. S

    Steam Deal Thread V1 - Thread closed. See V2 thread for the deals!

    Got Grand Ages: Rome today. Was tempted to get Europa Universalis, but I'm really eying that Paradox pack... might pick it up at the end. Of course, every time I look at all those strategy games in the pack, I feel my head beginning to explode from information overload. So far, I've gotten...
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