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  1. EMdaftRAVE

    Reduced Price Game Guides: Thread XI

    I didnt expect the same guides to be pennied, i never said they would be, in fact i just said the opposite. I was under the impression that a GAME employee would react similarly if not the same as a Gamestop employee, which is why i posted in this thread. I never said they would have the same...
  2. EMdaftRAVE

    Reduced Price Game Guides: Thread XI

    No it isnt the same and my point is it dosent really matter does it? Im not a moron. They do do penny guides. Just not the same guides. I wouldnt be in the thread if i knew they didnt do penny guides. Moron.
  3. EMdaftRAVE

    Reduced Price Game Guides: Thread XI

    Now you're just nitpicking. it dosent explicitly say anything about countrys in the first post. Isnt the whole thread about penny guides, not what country you get them from?
  4. EMdaftRAVE

    Reduced Price Game Guides: Thread XI

    Yeah, so i went into GAME (UK if you're wondering) And asked for the ME2 CE guide, they didnt have it on the rack, and he said they had it in a stack in the back of the store, but they arent allowed to sell them because they get thrown away... The guy knows because hes tried to take them home...
  5. EMdaftRAVE

    Reduced Price Game Guides: Thread XI

    Im going out to try it tomorrow morning for the first time, which is why i was asking if anyone had any tips. Forget it... it seems like asking is more hastle than its worth here. I'll go tomorrow and share my findings.
  6. EMdaftRAVE

    Reduced Price Game Guides: Thread XI

    So you're saying i should basically get lucky? Theres 3 GAME's near me so ill try my hand at all 3... any specifics i should say? I know i shouldnt mention the word penny or pennied. anything else?
  7. EMdaftRAVE

    Reduced Price Game Guides: Thread XI

    Clearly not. He just dosent have the information i want, which is why im asking, or i wouldnt have asked now, would i? And as for the FAQ - its good, in the information it gives.
  8. EMdaftRAVE

    Reduced Price Game Guides: Thread XI

    Actually UG was right.. the Commonly asked questions thing didnt really answer mine.
  9. EMdaftRAVE

    Reduced Price Game Guides: Thread XI

    Ok sorry... but i completely missed the "show spoilers" thing for the commonly asked questions... my bad.
  10. EMdaftRAVE

    Reduced Price Game Guides: Thread XI

    You dont think i have read the first post? It dosent have a method or any tips for walking in and and getting the guides, which is why i asked. As in, what do i say? what times should i go into the store, should i ask for the manager? Those kinda things. Also, Im in the UK, going to GAME, which...
  11. EMdaftRAVE

    Reduced Price Game Guides: Thread XI

    Hey... sorry if this is a FAQ but i really dont wanna go through 180 pages to find my answer... How should i go about getting these things?
  12. EMdaftRAVE

    Mass effect 2 £9.98

    Hey, im new :D, thought id share my findings, Currys is doing a deal on Mass effect 2, £9.98, if you didnt already pick it up, i would, a great game. I think most other places are doing it around £15 nowadays. EDIT: Sorry, forgot the link XD...
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