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  1. Captain Spaulding

    Someone once asked why I dont believe in god.

    Amen, about time someone besides brak is finally making sence in this thread.
  2. Captain Spaulding

    The guy who played Kramer on Seinfeld: Racist asshole

    Since everyones so sue happy nowadays, the producers of Moulin Rouge owe me 2 hours of my life back plus monetary damages.
  3. Captain Spaulding

    The guy who played Kramer on Seinfeld: Racist asshole

    Those were 2 comments were not related in any way they were just 2 seperate thoughts on the same post.
  4. Captain Spaulding

    The guy who played Kramer on Seinfeld: Racist asshole

    True, I just think the STUPIDEST censoring is when the say god dam and block out the god part. Why can't we just go back to the happy go lucky times of the Beav.
  5. Captain Spaulding

    The guy who played Kramer on Seinfeld: Racist asshole

    Okay fine Cheepy D can censore all he wants, since you missed the point of the post i'll explain it to you. If anything it should be the decision of who ever owns the channel or radio station or website forum what gets put into their programming, not the government. Also as long as it falls...
  6. Captain Spaulding

    The guy who played Kramer on Seinfeld: Racist asshole

    Amendment I Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. The...
  7. Captain Spaulding

    The guy who played Kramer on Seinfeld: Racist asshole

    Thats one problem with society, if someone other than a black person calls another black person a nigger they are immediately labeled as a racist but its ok if they call it to each other and since we register this as offencive to one group of people then everyone is supposted to get offended and...
  8. Captain Spaulding

    The guy who played Kramer on Seinfeld: Racist asshole

    It doesn't make it ok that he did that I just think its messed up the way minorities can get away with so much but when a white person does something similar to what they do it gets blown up the the news. If Carlos Menica was white and said the same things hes saying now I guarantee he would...
  9. Captain Spaulding

    The guy who played Kramer on Seinfeld: Racist asshole

    One thing to point out is we only saw the video from when he starts to freak out, he could have been trying to get them to stop for 20 minutes and just finally lost it when they would not stop. Also how come its ok for black people, in their comedy, to insult white people but if the tables get...
  10. Captain Spaulding

    Did you vote today?

    I like how the Base agument of Democrats is the war and just because Michigans economy was based on the automotive industry doesn't mean it can't find new ways to make it stronger. Michigan has a LARGE farming industry seeing as how we export Apples, Cherries, and Corn. Also what your saying...
  11. Captain Spaulding

    Did you vote today?

    I'll I did to base my vote is look at whats happened since she took office -Worst economy in the nation -More schools close then I've ever heard about before. -Shes for abortion even though she says shes personally against it. -Highest unemployment rate in I don't know how many years. I...
  12. Captain Spaulding

    Verdict is in: Saddam will be hung/hanged.

    pretty sad you can't even take a little disagreement and as soon as someone come in with a different way of thinking you just want me to go away. I'm not much into forums but I'll be sure to stay active in this one for awhile.
  13. Captain Spaulding

    Verdict is in: Saddam will be hung/hanged.

    I still can't believe all the people who are buying into the lies the liberal media is feeding you people. Some people just have a sad life spending it try to make the president look bad. I don't like Clinton but I don't make it my life work to point out how bad of a job he did.
  14. Captain Spaulding

    Did you vote today?

    Devos know how to run a business and knows what they want to keep them here plus he said he wouldn't take the goveners pay so that money could go into the schools that Granwhore likes to close. What she need to do with all that money shes taking out of my paycheck is go get those damn moles cut...
  15. Captain Spaulding

    Did you vote today?

    I voted but Granwhore still won for Michigan governor and the only good thing that came out of it was banning affirmative action.
  16. Captain Spaulding

    CAG Halo 2 Clan Thread #2

    gamertag - Capt Spaulding1 I'd like to join the clan
bread's done