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  1. S

    [Now Online - Check 1st Post!] Big TRU Clearance w/ $5 PG Rebates and 12/29 update!

    So much for online. Geist is sold out on the website. I was just about to order it there, as I saw it only about an hour or two ago, then poof! Gone. And 3-5 weeks for RE4 is killer. I'll try my luck tommorow with other TRU's.
  2. S

    [Now Online - Check 1st Post!] Big TRU Clearance w/ $5 PG Rebates and 12/29 update!

    Went to 3 TRU's in my area (2 in the Bronx and 1 further up...forgot where exactly : ) Anyway, anyone in NYC find Geist for 9.98? How about Baiten Kaitos? I've had no luck. Anyone?
  3. S

    Bestbuy Videogame Ads Jan. 1 - 7, 2006

    Anyone know if those coupon scans work at the 86th and Lex Ave location in NYC or any other location in NYC? Figure I could pick up a copy of GOW or something today.
  4. S

    [Now Online - Check 1st Post!] Big TRU Clearance w/ $5 PG Rebates and 12/29 update!

    Why didn't I find this site sooner? Could've saved myself a ton of misery. Too bad about Geist. I was looking forward to getting that one. Guess I'll have to pay the $20 elsewhere. Sure, it's more than half off the regular price, but I'm a cheap ass gamer, and have been one since before I...
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