Search results

  1. G

    A list of Upcoming DS Adventure Games heard of them all? Updated 1/17/08

    Thanks for posting these, I hadn't heard of some of them. I'm really looking forward to Hotel Dusk and, of course, PW2.
  2. G

    24 AA NIMH 2300mAh $19.99 w/Charger

    Just ordered, free shipping still works. Looking forward to getting these for our Wiimotes. :applause: Thanks OP! :applause:
  3. G

    Do rechargeable batteries work well in Wiimote?

    What brand of rechargeable are you guys using? I'm looking to get some new ones.
  4. G

    Hoorah - Metal Slug 12/14

    Thanks chair_home, appreciated that info!
  5. G

    Hoorah - Metal Slug 12/14

    Anybody pick this up yet? I'd really like to know for sure which controllers will work on it.
  6. G

    Dragonball Z for Wii 19.95 at PX (Military)

    Thanks OP! Picked up my copy just now. It was marked 19.95, but rang up at 49.95 - no problem getting the price adjusted. I imagine this will get fixed soon, though.
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