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  1. W

    XBOX Live Marketplace Game Code Trading Thread

    The free arcade game promotion gave out games I already had... If anyone's feeling kind enough to swap out for cheapo 400 point games, that'd be great. PM me please. Have: Robotron, Joust Want: DigDug, AstroPop, 400 points, TimePilot, Frogger, Track and Field, or Ms. Pacman.
  2. W

    XBOX 360 Premium $352 shipped - overstock

    Thanks for this, just ordered my 360 for $352 on the 21st, supposedly I'll get it by the 25th (My birthday n_n Love how that worked out), which would be four days shipping. I'm just upset I'll be missing out on the free download for poker :\
  3. W

    Halo 2 LE 19.99 @

    Thanks for this. I wasn't really interested in getting Halo until I decided for sure I was going to get an XBOX 360 today... Even if the shipping's a bit steep, $26.08 is a good price for this.
bread's done