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  1. Accidental-187

    The Gamestop Thread

    Any idea when the new ad might take effect?
  2. Accidental-187

    The Gamestop Thread

    Traded in a bunch of my collection within like 3 days time... PS4, Switch, games, controllers etc. There were duplicate games and accessories (that I made sure to trade into different locations, not that a single location would take multiple anyways) so maybe that's what took me down. Was just...
  3. Accidental-187

    The Gamestop Thread

    Curious if anyone has had luck with getting a trade ban removed... not sure if it's worth the time to speak with GS "Customer Service" or not. 
  4. Accidental-187

    The Gamestop Thread

    Yeah, that's been my experience at least. In-store first and then online shortly thereafter.
  5. Accidental-187

    Walmart YMMV In Store Clearance Thread I (READ THE FAQs)

    @ThatOneGuyWho Thanks for sharing. How'd you know they were back in stock? Notified somehow or you just check back regularly?
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