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  1. S

    [Dead] KBtoys Sale - Official CAG Thread

    So would anybody be able to pick up some games for me? If you can get me F-Zero GX and Boktai, I'd gladly pay for them + shipping. Please let me know. (I'm also looking for World Series Baseball 2k3 (Xbox version), Ico, and Xenosaga, though F-Zero and Boktai are the ones I want the most). I...
  2. S

    [Dead] KBtoys Sale - Official CAG Thread

    Nope. Only 400 out of the 1300 or so are doing the good sale. And not every single other store is doing the 20% one either, though really saving 20% ($7-$10) isn't a big deal. You can get used games at for that cheap anyway. The only deal worth much is the huge clearance at the 400...
  3. S

    [Dead] KBtoys Sale - Official CAG Thread

    Ditto. I am pretty sure my store isn't doing the sale. I called them and they hadn't heard of it (so unless they just weren't informed until the morning of or weren't supposed to say a word until the morning of, they aren't doing it) and that's the only store in my area. If someone could pick...
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