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  1. Obifasa

    The official "OMG Wii IS HERE!!!!" HAPPY HAPPY JOY JOY THREAD!

    My local Fred Meyer is going to open at midnight with 150 Wiis available. I only live five minutes away, so I am going to drive there periodically throughout the day to check on a line. With that many available, I don't think there will be much of a problem. I'll probably end up getting in...
  2. Obifasa

    What puzzles in games stumped you back in the day?

    Legacy of the Wizard was definately the toughest game I ever beat. My cousin and I split the cost and played that thing for an entire summer when I was 10. I have tried to go back and beat it a couple of times since then, but it just isn't fun when you can actually afford more than one game...
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