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  1. B

    Official Coffin Support Group - Is your 360 Dead? Post Here.

    I also agree that paying for any extended warranty is a bunch of crap. I have never bought an extended warranty on anything except my TV. But having this many problems and the fact that M$ is only willing to go so far scares your average consumer into insuring their product. Also a bunch of bull...
  2. B

    Official Coffin Support Group - Is your 360 Dead? Post Here.

    Thanks guys for sending this thread. I would of posted the original here if I realized this was here. Here again is the thread I posted. It's nice to see a support group for our beloved 360's. Frustrated as I am I still very much enjoy playing my 360...
  3. B

    Official Coffin Support Group - Is your 360 Dead? Post Here.

    No, fortunately I have never had any problems with any systems. I still have a working Dreamcast, PSOne, japanese PSOne, japanese DC, PS2. I didn't think I would have this many problems. I wanted to also state that each time (2 previous) my system has failed I have received a replacement system...
  4. B

    Official Coffin Support Group - Is your 360 Dead? Post Here.

    Hi All, I just wanted to say, yet again I have gotten the dreaded "red ring of death". This will be my 4th system in 14 months. Yes, that is 1 system every 4.3 months. As usual I contacted Microsoft and they explained that the system I received in November was out of warranty. Apparently it...
  5. B

    New to the CAGcast

    I wanted to say that I recently have started listening to your CAGcasts and is By far one of if not the best one I listen to. Cagcast has a good mixture of gaming news, reviews, great buys, humour and everyday conversation. Mucho props to CheapyD and Wombat. I also wanted to say that Wombat is...
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