Am I out of luck? Question about target replacement plan.


CAG Veteran
EDIT: Sorry if this is the wrong spot for this. This seemed more of a general discussion board than the rest.

I gave in and bought a PS3 from craigslist today. For all the hassle I've gone through (a canceled amazon order, canceled best buy order, waiting outside 6 hours to wait in line to camp for a PS3 (and then not even getting to)), I was tired of trying to search around stores everyday. I found one at a decent price and purchased it.

The receipt shows it was an employee discount, and the person who sold it even admitted to working at target (which I thought wasnt going to be allowed during the initial shipments?). The employee discount (10%) took $60 off the console plus $6 off Resistance. To make it worse, it was paid with a gift card.

I didnt think much of it, and he even said it was included "so you can buy a warranty from target if you'd like". I was told you have 90 days from the date of purchase to buy a 3 year warranty for $59.

I went to target to purchase it, only to find out I would need to:

Return the PS3 and have the amount credited to the original gift card (which I *THINK* I have. It did come with a gift card but it was advertised as a "freebie" since it was the limited edition PS3 gift card. The last 4 digits on the card and on the receipt seem to match though.

Anyways, they said I would need to return the PS3. They would then "defect it out" (meaning it cannot be resold and would be listed as defective). I could then purchase another PS3 (whenever they became available, and only THEN could I purchase a warranty for it.

Thats all fine and dandy except:
1) If I was able to walk in and buy one, I wouldnt need to purchase through a private party
2) I would have to pay the difference obtained for the employee discount ($66) Plus the pric eof the warranty ($59.99).

They said this is so that "it can all be on the same receipt". I asked if anything else could be done (purchase it seperately and link the two, or have them return and resell the PS3 (without having to bring it in).. but add the warranty to it). They said that isn't possible and refused to let me speak with a manager (something I never do, but in this case when their policy even said "You can purchase a warranty within 90 days as long as you have your receipt", it doesnt sound nearly as difficult as it turned out to be).

I'm sure a warranty from sony would cost about the same as one from target with all the fees attached (one for my $999 computer would've cost me $179), but it would be much easier to walk in and swap it out if theres a problem.

I'm loving the PS3 though and am thankful for the 1 year warranty on it. I've had good luck with previous consoles (still have an original working PSX, PS2, Gamecube, Dreamcast, Xbox, and Xbox 360), but its worth some extra cash to be assured it will be working for years to come.

Does anyone know more about these? Was I given the correct answer or the runaround (prior to this, the Customer Service desk sent me to Electronics to purchase the warranty.. who sent me back to customer service.. who called electronics to find out how to do it). I'll try another target for a, hopefully, better resolution before giving up.

Loving the PS3 though! No problems besides the hassle with target :(
bread's done