Black Friday Shopping: Is it easier online?


CAG Veteran
The whole appeal of this paticular day has grown on me the past couple of years and I thought I'd ask the advice of seasoned pros. Do the sales in the stores (say Best Buy, for example) apply online and you can purchase them and have them shipped to your house. Do the sales price of that day also apply when you buy them and have them so you can pick them up at the store? Just curious.
Last year I was able to order all the DVD's that were offered as doorbusters online and I was able to order the night before.
Last year Best Buy had all their DVD's available for purchase online. I'll probably go that route again this year. Usually I don't like paying shipping, but if I can avoid the crowds on Black Friday I have no problem at all.
Everything DVD wise that I can remember showed up online last year. I personally like the atmosphere of shopping on Black Friday and the day after Christmas. Seeing old ladies sprint and fight with each other is priceless.

Finding DVDs, CDs, and Games, I have had no problem ever getting what I want out when I have been out. It saves me on shipping. If you don't like crowds, I would pay the shipping online and grab them there.
[quote name='Oddball']Can anyone tell me if other stores have their BF sales online (like Circuit City)?[/quote]
Last year I got a cordless phone from that was advertised for BF. They were all sold out in the store so I decided to check it out online when I got home. They had some in stock so I picked it up.

I wasn't looking for much else from CC last year so I can only speak for the phone. But if that one example is indicative of the rest of the deals for CC's BF, then I guess it is possible.
[quote name='lordopus99']Everything DVD wise that I can remember showed up online last year. I personally like the atmosphere of shopping on Black Friday and the day after Christmas. Seeing old ladies sprint and fight with each other is priceless.

Finding DVDs, CDs, and Games, I have had no problem ever getting what I want out when I have been out. It saves me on shipping. If you don't like crowds, I would pay the shipping online and grab them there.[/QUOTE]

I kind of enjoy going to the stores on Black Friday, but I also don't like waiting in line twenty minutes or more to purchase a movie or game and fighting the crowds in stores and the traffic outside.

I'd much rather wake up at around 5 a.m., turn on my PC, go get something to drink while it boots up, order what I want, and go back to bed until noon or so. Then once I'm up, I may consider going out for the weekend sales after the craze for the Door Busters has ended. It worked out just fine last year.
This is the best option for me (can't speak for anyone else). I can't stomach Black Friday anymore. I tried it for a couple of years, but I'm not going to make the sacrifices necessary, and I'm to the point where I'm willing to settle on an online sale price as opposed to the 'Door Busters' which may or may not (read, may not) be there unless you happen to be the poor schmuck who's been sitting in like since 9pm the night before. Be a smartCAG, not a meatbag...
going out might be fun in a masochistic way, but screw waiting up to a half hour to save a few bucks on a game or dvd. it's just not worth it.

scoring $100's in savings would justify it though...
Ill be writing down a list of where and what I want. Then be online ordering on midnight.....

The crowds really suck and I dont want to deal with them again.....might as well pay an extra $5 for shipping...
I also ordered all the Dvds I wanted from bestbuy last year online. Some of them where backordered but oh well.
Yeah I got up last year and ordered the cheap DVD sets I wanted from CC online around 5AM West Coast time, went back to bed, then headed out to check out a few other things at the stores after the loonies had already gone home.
I guess some people should start looking out for deals soon cause some odf the ads state that most of the values will be up on thanksgiving day...
[quote name='CitizenB']Anyone know if the $479 westinghouse lcd at BB is going to be online?[/quote]

It's a doorbuster, so I highly doubt it.
[quote name='Trakan']It's a doorbuster, so I highly doubt it.[/QUOTE]

Damn it I live in the "bad part of town" man. I really don't want to have to conceal a pistol just to buy a tv. The pistol is for defense only btw. I'll just wait, and buy a DLP in the future.
All the Best Buy deals are up minus the doorbusters.

You can do instore pickup if you are close to a Best Buy, as well... save on shipping (which gets kinda pricey, it was already at $5 for a few DVD's for me, it scales the more things you buy).
[quote name='Roufuss']All the Best Buy deals are up minus the doorbusters.

You can do instore pickup if you are close to a Best Buy, as well... save on shipping (which gets kinda pricey, it was already at $5 for a few DVD's for me, it scales the more things you buy).[/QUOTE]

I would be careful with the in-store pickup. I know the stores around here mark them all "out of stock" when they have to verify and pull that morning on BF so that the folks waiting outside are able to get them first.
Yeah I just said screw it and paid for the shipping. I'm not in any hurry and at least I have the guarantee of actually getting the items I bought.

Where are BF deals? I first time I actually have to go out and get paper today as Im not seeing any BF deals in this forum.
bread's done