Cheap Gamer Beef on Epic DLC


CAG Veteran
It's a small beef.
I'm not actually consumed with anger and outrage or anything, but i have what seems to be a legitimate beef on Epic's DLC action.

It's about achievements, so caveat: if you don't think achievements are worth thinking about, please don't tell me about it.

I purchased the Flashback and Combustible DLC for Gears of War 2 as they were released, and really planned my gaming around the pursuit of the achievements that were opened up with these purchases.
Upon the release of the Snowblind DLC, I suddenly was unable to get into Horde mode on ANY of my DLC maps at all because the matchmaking system requires you to have Snowblind. I confirmed this on the official Gears forums, and the only suggested solution there is to shell out the additional $10.
I have grown used to getting what I pay for, and I don't think I'm getting it here.
If you wanted to be accusatory, you could call this bait and switch--a change of conditions post-purchase. I think it's just lazy coding for the matchmaker that should be corrected.
Am I the only one that laughs at the fact that Epic still craps on its Gears fans, yet they still give the Unreal franchise free maps despite there not being too many people for UT3?
[quote name='Paco']Am I the only one that laughs at the fact that Epic still craps on its Gears fans, yet they still give the Unreal franchise free maps despite there not being too many people for UT3?[/QUOTE]

Because MS forces Epic to charge for GoW Maps. If it is up to Epic the Maps would be free
[quote name='62t']Because MS forces Epic to charge for GoW Maps. If it is up to Epic the Maps would be free[/QUOTE]

Ding ding, we have a winner. Also, Microsoft sucks because of it. $10 for 3 maps? fuck that.
Yeah. This is another reason why I laugh when people refer to Sony as evil and greedy, but act like MS cares about consumers. All corporations are evil and least, the successful ones are.
[quote name='hankmecrankme']Ding ding, we have a winner. Also, Microsoft sucks because of it. $10 for 3 maps? fuck that.[/QUOTE]

yup, thats exactly why i dont own any of the multiplayer maps for any game (unless they are free)

[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']Yeah. This is another reason why I laugh when people refer to Sony as evil and greedy, but act like MS cares about consumers. All corporations are evil and least, the successful ones are.[/QUOTE]
sony is evil and greedy :p and microsoft cares about ME (that's why they charge me $50 a year to play games online, if they didn't care about me it would be free XD):p
[quote name='62t']Because MS forces Epic to charge for GoW Maps. If it is up to Epic the Maps would be free[/QUOTE]

Wow.. I didn't know that. Who keeps the money then, Epic or MS?
[quote name='hankmecrankme']Ding ding, we have a winner. Also, Microsoft sucks because of it. $10 for 3 maps? fuck that.[/QUOTE]

I really don't believe that it's all MS's fault. If Epic really wanted to give away free content, they could have compromised with MS. Why not offer six maps for 800 pts? And why is Epic going so heavy into consoles? I don't buy the piracy excuse for a minute. Could it be because they can get away with charging for extra content? Something that is harder to get away with on the pc.
Reading the title, I thought this was for cheap gamer beef jerky or something. What's gamer beef jerky? Jerky infused with caffeine, of course. :lol:
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