Circuit City: Price drop on some games


In the Columbus, Ohio area. They were marking down some games today at Circuit City. I only got to see them mark down two DS games but there was others behind the counter I couldn't see. Final Fantasy III now $29.99 and Inuyasha Secret of the Divine Jewel now $19.99 Can anyone else comfirm what other games they were marking down?
I would buy Final Fantasy III if it dropped to $16.96. $29.99 is too expensive for me. I am going later today if I spot any new drops I will report them here.
The Citcuit City here has Perfect Dark Zero for $60 last time I checked. I wouldn't buy a game there unless it's on sale or you know for sure it's not over priced.
[quote name='Robjus']The Citcuit City here has Perfect Dark Zero for $60 last time I checked. I wouldn't buy a game there unless it's on sale or you know for sure it's not over priced.[/quote]

Did you actually have the price checked? PDZ hasn't been that much anywhere in over a year.
You should check it, most CC's never mark down prices on games. And it seems to shock half of their cashiers when it rings up for way less than what it's marked on the package.
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