Complaint to Gamestop.


I bought 6 games from Gamestop today and they were for the xbox console. 2 of them didn't work. I tried them twice but my xbox wouldn't read them and on one of the games it said it was an unrecongizable disc.

Why would gamestop sell me game discs that dont work?

Why would they not check if they work?

Is gamestop that ignorant that it accepts any games regardless if they work or not?

some of the discs were really in bad shape like they had marks on them all over and the bottom of the discs were dirty.

I've shopped at eb games online and bought used games from them and the discs are squeaky clean and work always.
They buy everything that they can, so they don't have time to check every disc.

Take them back to the store you bought them at and tell them that they don't work, present receipt, and they should replace them for you.

Ignorant? Yes.

If the discs are in horribly bad shape, depending on the store, they will refurbish them, and send them back to the corporate warehouse to resurface them.

Why are you telling us, go tell Gamestop to replace the games already.
The time it takes to test the games is more costly than the percentage of games traded in that "look" good enough to play but end up being broken...
Well.. it might have helped to look at the discs before you bought them so if there were any descrepencies you could have taken care of it right then and there.
See, this is why even when I seem to be in a 'hurry', I check all my discs I buy from ANY GS brand store(Funco,GS,EB,etc,etc). Nothing says PITA more than not taking that minute to check each disc and make sure they don't look like they were used in a rousing game of pavement frisbee than having to go back the next day and say 'this shit you sold me doesn't work'.

This is especially true when you live 30-40 minutes from the store you got them at. The only good part about GS buying up SO MANY chains, is that you CAN return them to another GS brand store and get another copy THERE.

It may be ymmv for some of you, but my local stores have let me do that since the merger went through and finalized.
They sell scratched up games so if you happen to trade them back in they can charge you a resurfacing fee.

Seriously though, I don't think they pay too much attention...can't say I really blame them either since so much gets traded in.
[quote name='Michaellvortega']Please Lord, make a Gamestop/EB games complaint sticky and save us from the flood of these topics.[/QUOTE]

I've tried making an Gamestop/EB Games complaint sticky thread. Nobody noticed.
[quote name='Demolition Man']I've tried making an Gamestop/EB Games complaint sticky thread. Nobody noticed.[/quote]
That's because they didn't get attention since all the complaints were in one thread. Instead of 500000+

fucking attention whores.
actually the MVP DISC was the most torn up of my discs I did check them and the one that didn't work didn't have that many scratches on it suprisingly my MVP Disc worked. unless I hook up the old xbox to the car and check em there and return em right away right guys?
It could your system too... I know from experience that some games work fine on one Xbox but run with some problems in another (slower loading times, stuttering during gameplay).
I have to say I just had a good experience at a Gamestop (first one ever maybe?). I just got a Joytech AV control center so I'm like well I should hook up everything best connections possible which means I'll need a PS2 component cable. Likely the closest place to get one is the local Gamestop which I had not gone to before(I recently moved to this area). I look online see they have some in stock, so I call over to verify before I drive 20 minutes to find out they don't. Guy on the phone was helpful, found it quickly, said he'd set it aside for me if I wanted. Ok. After work I drive over there say I called earlier about some PS2 component cables, the one guy perks up says right over here got them behind the counter. You need anything else? Naw I says just doing some rewiring. Guy rings me up thanks me for my purchase. There's a couple other workers in there guy and a girl, we talk a little bit about this and that and I'm on my way. It seemed that all 3 workers(2 guys and a girl....and a pizza place) were pretty knowledgeable and on the ball. Neat!

A. This is the first time at a Gamestop the employee's I've dealt with seemed to be actually knowledgeable.
B. This was the first time they didn't try to shove magazines, and cards, and warrenties on me. It's almost like the guy "got" that I knew what I wanted and I didn't want to be bothered with a lotta other nonsense.

This store seriously impressed me and next time I need something I'm going to go back to see if my experience is the norm there, or if it was just a fluke. I'm hoping it was the norm.
My GameStop experiences have been nothing but positive. The one that I go to the staff was always friendly and the prices were as reasonable as you can get in the capital district of New York. I've never bought a used game that hasn't worked from this location be honest, that's about all I buy when it comes to Cube, DC, or GBA games at this point.
[quote name='macdude22']I have to say I just had a good experience at a Gamestop (first one ever maybe?). I just got a Joytech AV control center so I'm like well I should hook up everything best connections possible which means I'll need a PS2 component cable. Likely the closest place to get one is the local Gamestop which I had not gone to before(I recently moved to this area). I look online see they have some in stock, so I call over to verify before I drive 20 minutes to find out they don't. Guy on the phone was helpful, found it quickly, said he'd set it aside for me if I wanted. Ok. After work I drive over there say I called earlier about some PS2 component cables, the one guy perks up says right over here got them behind the counter. You need anything else? Naw I says just doing some rewiring. Guy rings me up thanks me for my purchase. There's a couple other workers in there guy and a girl, we talk a little bit about this and that and I'm on my way. It seemed that all 3 workers(2 guys and a girl....and a pizza place) were pretty knowledgeable and on the ball. Neat!

A. This is the first time at a Gamestop the employee's I've dealt with seemed to be actually knowledgeable.
B. This was the first time they didn't try to shove magazines, and cards, and warrenties on me. It's almost like the guy "got" that I knew what I wanted and I didn't want to be bothered with a lotta other nonsense.

This store seriously impressed me and next time I need something I'm going to go back to see if my experience is the norm there, or if it was just a fluke. I'm hoping it was the norm.[/QUOTE]

The main problem seems to be that the "cool" people, like the 2 guys a girl and a pizza place (lol) never seem to last because they don't sell replacement plans and get 15 reserves a day.
[quote name='Michaellvortega']The main problem seems to be that the "cool" people, like the 2 guys a girl and a pizza place (lol) never seem to last because they don't sell replacement plans and get 15 reserves a day.[/QUOTE]

I lasted for about 3 years. :)
So just take the games back and get your money back. Sucks that you're out of the gas money but maybe you'll get a cool manager that'll hook you up with something for your trouble.
Exchanged my PS2 yesterday for another refurbished one because I was getting DRE's. Come home plug it in and yes you guessed it more DRE's!!!!! I looooove Gamestop.
[quote name='nyprimus4']Exchanged my PS2 yesterday for another refurbished one because I was getting DRE's. Come home plug it in and yes you guessed it more DRE's!!!!! I looooove Gamestop.[/quote]

A few of the local GS employees who were/are cool enough to let me get in on ALL the discounts available when buying games that there's coupons/discounts available for and buy penny guides galore and they told me how GS 'refurbishes' their PS2s.

Step#1: You trade in your PS2(and if you're like me, you open it up, clean the laser and chuckle when it works long enough to get tested on all disc formats).

Step#2: Somewhere between the fibs about sending it into corporate to get cleaned, fully tested, sent back as a refurb, they say F IT and just stick it in a refurb box and put it in the stacks of other systems in the back.

Step#3: They sell your old PS2 sans cleaning, really testing it or anything else to some shmuck who comes in and thinks 'wow, refurbished MUST mean that they cleaned and tested it, so it'll work great for me'. And, if the cashier is lucky or pushy enough, they sell a replacement plan on the refurb PS2, so that when they come back in crying that their 'cleaned,tested and good PS2' gave them DREs galore or just died, the clerk can just say 'we can swap it out for a new refurbed one for you'.

Repeat step #3 if you're a GS store employee till you're made a DM for scamming poor suckers out of their money on systems you didn't fully test and sold bs replacement plans(for other crap systems)for out the wazoo. Sit back and watch the profits roll in.
[quote name='Michaellvortega']The main problem seems to be that the "cool" people, like the 2 guys a girl and a pizza place (lol) never seem to last because they don't sell replacement plans and get 15 reserves a day.[/QUOTE]

Wouldn't surprise me, but they are going to get repeat sales from a fairly avid gamer such as myself. But I suspect that those sales are less than the shameless boning over of uneducated consumers that buy into the usual shams. If indeed they roll like they did last time I'll be a consistent consumer. Gamestop would do good to have people like that, really it felt like my old place of gaming Preplayed (its a private company, fantastic people).
The stuff about the used systems is true, they do the same with used games, they stick them on the shelves 2 min after they are traded in without cleaning and testing them, just make sure you know what your getting into before you buy something. Although every time I have returned something I have been met with no hassle whatsoever.

Like I have said many times common gamer's sense tells you that NO ONE will trade in their PS2 to gamestop if its fully working, you will get a half-working system at best, this also applies to every system but some more than others depending on reliability of the system.

macdude22's experience with gamestop pretty much sums up how my trips there usually go, HOWEVER lately they have been very pushy, the people that used to be cool and talk to me and stuff have now become what gamestop thinks to be the ideal employee, one that pushes everything on the customer, its lovely really. All I know is that other than the occasional 5$ used gba game purchase gamestop has managed to lose me as a customer, after I pick up my order for pokemon d/p I am done with the company, other than the occasional very cheap game.

I have to ask you all, should we be putting up with it?? Used games that look like they have been run over by a car (we all know that they just pocket those refurbishing fees as extra profit), intentionally selling broken systems, selling used games at 5$ below retail even though the above about the discs getting run over by a car is probably true, intentionally selling untested and broken games to innocent customers just wanting a gift for their kids (oh, you can SAVE 5$ by purchasing the used game!), selling bootleg games and having no policy whatsoever against the trading in of counterfeit or bootleg games. Considering the price of gamestop's merchandise I do not think we should be putting up with being treated this way and being sold these bad-condition products as customers.

If we keep buying their junk merchandise they will keep dishing it out that way, if they were giving us a quality used product I could see putting up with the extra hassle over reserves and what not but given that they are essentially selling worse than yard sale condition games to customers at over inflated prices I really don't think we should be putting up with that. I am going to have a voice by not shopping there anymore at least in a way where it would give them significant business and I am going to tell all friends and family what gamestop is really like. If they sell me a piece of junk I put a complaint through using the form on their website.

There ARE shops out there that sell good-condition used games for even less than what gamestop charges (and have policies that they will not take it unless its in reasonable condition with no more than a few scratches), once you find one of these shops in your area trust me, you will see the light and you will never want to shop at gamestop again.

Note: ebgames was OK before it got bought out by Gamestop, the prices were lower and I could live with scratched discs and carts that always needed a good cleaning especially because I was only paying 3-5$ per game or cart. Need I mention all the fun I had with their website! Also customer service was good and they did not seem as pushy about warranties and extras as they are now (and there were cool employees who were actually allowed to talk to you). Now the employees seem all the same, as if gamestop only hires a certain type of male for the job, or a certain type of female. The selection of cheaper older merchandise at ebgames is what kept me coming back for more and they no longer have that. Gamestop has really brought this corporation downhill in terms of customer service and quality of merchandise offered.
The only system I ever bought used from Gamestop was a N64 on special for 14.99, damn thing came with the memory upgrade too. Was dang hot. In general I wouldn't buy a used system from them though, games are fine, I can buff them out with Wipe Out CD Repair if they are funky on mii.
Yes, because each store has the ability to test 20,000+ games and play them all front start to finish to make sure they don't freeze. I'm sure your 6 year old X-Box covered in cat hair is not the problem.
[quote name='gizmogc']Yes, because each store has the ability to test 20,000+ games and play them all front start to finish to make sure they don't freeze. I'm sure your 6 year old X-Box covered in cat hair is not the problem. [/quote]

:lol: There are SO many smarmy anti-GS comments I could put in this spot, but I'll digress for now.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']:lol: There are SO many smarmy anti-GS comments I could put in this spot, but I'll digress for now.[/QUOTE]

Just don't shop there anymore. It baffles me how people will continue to bitch how crappy they are for selling 'used' games as new, re-shrinkwrapping, giving bad trade-in values, etc. yet are quick to return again and buy more product.

They are not the only place that sells video games. Shop somewhere else or stop bitching when you get a fingerprint on that 6 year old X-box game. Seriously. How many of these threads do we need with the same dozen people talking about the things above?

Gee, wonder if we will have a thread next week titled 'ZOMG! GS screwed me out of my Pokemon Stylus!!!11"
It was my first time buying used from gamestop. I actually bought some games that came from corporate because it had that burned smell. the ones that work and the ones that don't is a very low ratio. I got 6 games 2 didn't work. so if I buy six more 4 wont work.

I'll take the hit if I can get some good games for cheap. My xbox is only less than 2 years old and I guess I won't be buying any systems from Gamestop.
[quote name='gizmogc']Just don't shop there anymore. It baffles me how people will continue to bitch how crappy they are for selling 'used' games as new, re-shrinkwrapping, giving bad trade-in values, etc. yet are quick to return again and buy more product.

They are not the only place that sells video games. Shop somewhere else or stop bitching when you get a fingerprint on that 6 year old X-box game. Seriously. How many of these threads do we need with the same dozen people talking about the things above?

Gee, wonder if we will have a thread next week titled 'ZOMG! GS screwed me out of my Pokemon Stylus!!!11"[/quote]

Someone is mad because GS corporate didn't give them this years nickel raise, I see. Or, did you miss out on the coveted Easter ham prize by selling too few extended warranties or pre orders? Which is it?

So much angst over people critiquing one place, you would think you're actually the CEO and even if you were, it's pretty apparent GS doesn't give a crap about their customers or employees, as long as they get their profits.

And actually, I RARELY buy games from them, though I did take full advantage of the trade 3, get $10 extra deal while it was still good. I buy most of my games from BB,CC,TRU and other stores I can get them new and complete from or my local small game shop.
They don't care about you, they just want your money, as long as you pay and piss off ASAP... You never have guarantees when you purchase anything anymore...
Of course not, which is why I always wait till I see games I want on clearance at Kmart or on sale at CC or BB. I'd rather have them NEW than risk getting someones disc only, dog chewed or sneezed on copy.

I bought a copy of Powerdrome for PS2 a while back for like $2, the bottom of it looked like someone sneezed on it, then dropped it in sawdust.

Shocking to see some of the crap they take in.
My gamestop actually checks every disc they take in. They take each disc out and examine it for scratches and marks. I've seen em refuse a few games because they were too scratched to play so it really depends on who you are talking to.
Yeah yesterday I went an purchased a *new* copy of a game that was the last one and it was opened.. well I usually don't have any issues this way and the disc's are fine but this copy had to of been used or taken home or just not taken care of on thier end.. Thia all was noticed at about 12:30am last night so I know in another 30 mins they are getting an earful....
Im not gonna return the non working games I'm just gonna be boycotting them. I will never shop at gamestop again as long as I live in hopes everyone else doesnt shop there anymore no matter what. Together we can make a difference.
[quote name='Pharrell1']Im not gonna return the non working games I'm just gonna be boycotting them. I will never shop at gamestop again as long as I live in hopes everyone else doesnt shop there anymore no matter what. Together we can make a difference.[/QUOTE]

lol so you made a thread complaining about how GS screwed you over. And now you're just going to take it like a man and not return it. Yeah that's showing them whos boss. Somehow I really don't think they care since you gave them money for games that don't even work. :applause:
yes because even if I return I'll be wasting more money on gas plus. so I'll just pull even this way I save gas. Gamestop is about 20 miles away from my house.

and if I don't give em my money anymore in the long run they'll lose some cash right?
[quote name='Pharrell1']yes because even if I return I'll be wasting more money on gas plus. so I'll just pull even this way I save gas. Gamestop is about 20 miles away from my house.

and if I don't give em my money anymore in the long run they'll lose some cash right?[/QUOTE]

Yes they will but not enough for them to care.
[quote name='gizmogc']Just don't shop there anymore. It baffles me how people will continue to bitch how crappy they are for selling 'used' games as new, re-shrinkwrapping, giving bad trade-in values, etc. yet are quick to return again and buy more product.

They are not the only place that sells video games. Shop somewhere else or stop bitching when you get a fingerprint on that 6 year old X-box game. Seriously. How many of these threads do we need with the same dozen people talking about the things above?

Gee, wonder if we will have a thread next week titled 'ZOMG! GS screwed me out of my Pokemon Stylus!!!11"[/QUOTE]


I'm not a fan of their practices, and I haven't shopped there over a year now? I did preorder for the Portrait of Ruin preorder, but I returned the game once I got my bonus, so I don't really count that as a "sale".

People on here keep bitching, but they give in so fast anytime there is a deal or a trade-in special... sure, I may miss out on a few deals, but I refuse to support them with the current way they do business.

Every single they sell is obtainable someplace else, usually for MUCH cheaper.

It's really very easy to never shop at EB / GS again.
[quote name='Radioactive_Man']Yes they will but not enough for them to care.[/QUOTE]

well thats where you come in if we come together to stop used game defiency we can stop Gamestop from selling us slop games and systems.

happy gaming for all.
Most educated gamers don't go to Gamestop anymore. Somehow, they've managed to stay in busines. Unless you get the clueless grandparents and frazzled soccer moms out of there, Gamestop will be around until the Apocalypse.
[quote name='RAMSTORIA']just ask to see the discs before you buy used games, i swear theyll let you[/QUOTE]

Wait, you mean people DON'T do this?? :rofl:

Seriously, whenever I buy used games I check the disc conditions thoroughly. I've turned down MANY a purchase after seeing the discs. Some weren't so bad, but if it was a game I was on the fence about then that settles it for me.

Part of my problem is that I generally won't get around to playing the game for a long while so I'd be way outside any potential return period if a problem crops up with it. So I try to restrict my used game purchases to minty ones.

I had to turn down a NEW game at Gamecrazy the other day because it was all scratched up. Yes, new... It was their "demo" copy :roll:.
If they're really evil they probably charged a $2 resurfacing fee to the original owner who traded it in.

But I would expect this to be more common for the older games since the next gen systems are out everyone will be dumping their old games at Gamestop, etc.
I did check all discs and the ones that dont work weren't even scratched up that bad. The one disc that was scratched up bad ended up working. mostly mine have smudges and lil marks on them. I guess there s a big scratch somwhere. that makes the game unplayable.
[quote name='Pharrell1']I did check all discs and the ones that dont work weren't even scratched up that bad. The one disc that was scratched up bad ended up working. mostly mine have smudges and lil marks on them. I guess there s a big scratch somwhere. that makes the game unplayable.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I saw your (original) response to that after I wrote my post. Well, in terms of scratches/smudges/whatever, some discs can look pretty bad but just not have that critical flaw that makes them unplayable. Others will look fine but have that one knick in exactly the wrong place... So, unless they look nearly new I guess it is hard to tell, really...

I've had a few of my personal GC games stop playing (the wife/kids will tell me the "Gamecube is broken"). A wipe of the disc will make it play. Usually, one of my kids had handled the disc just before (though sometimes it was just my wife - women and their lotions :roll:). And the smudges in those cases weren't bad at all (I've certainly seen much worse for sale as used games).

(A complete and utter off-topic side-rant: WHY the hell is it that in my family only I can handle any type of disc media without grabbing the damn thing like a frisbee?? It seems to be some sort of genetic thing with my wife, and now my kids, that they are unable to grasp discs by the edges!!)
Io, you didn't break them in early enough. My son is 12 now, but has been uber-careful with all of my stuff since he was at least 6. Now his friends are another story ! Ugh ! Don't get me started on how poorly they treat things--even common household items...
I figured out they don't give a fuck about traded in stuff when my friend got his PSP in '05 and bought a used memory stick from GS and there was porn on it when we got back to his house to put some music on to try it out.

I bought the PS2 last year because I had the trade 3 in get an extra 10, 10% from GI coupon, 10% from edge card. I didn't feel like dealing with ebay so I just traded in old GC, Xbox, some 360 stuff. I wanted to get the PS2 because I never owned one and wanted to play the classics I missed out on. This DRE stuff sucks though. I love how my launch N64 has outlived numerous Xbox, Xbox 360's, and PS2's I have owned.
bread's done