[DOA] GTA:San Andreas is $19.99 at EBgames!!!!!

holy muslim shiite, i just preorderd DOAU for 19.99 as well. something is wrong with their site
Heh, that was a quick fix to a mistake. They must have EB and Gamestop employees on these message boards looking for people who find exploits in the system, guess it's cheaper than hiring a quality assurance guy for the website :D
I have it $20 in my cart but it won't let me proceed to checkout.

Damn, I can't get it in the cart either.

[quote name='bankson']X-Men Legends for Xbox shows 19.99 on the front page, but it won't let me add to cart.[/quote]
doau still 19.99, went back and got another order thru with another account, keep trying folks its on and off
Haha, just saw Halo 2 and the Xbox console on the front page for $19.99 each. When the link went the the page they were normal price, though. I think someone screwed up when putting in prices in some places...
[quote name='nachzeher']i think the items only show up as $19.99 if you do a search. EB maybe udating its database or something.[/quote]

We have a winner, everything I'm searching for comes up for 20 bones.
i am trying to get steel Battalion thru for 19.99. so for i have 2 order of doau thru and one DS for 19.99
[quote name='alfonsosoriano']They won't honor ****. Remember FYE and the Mafia crap?[/quote]

Which means that people are still going to try and order a bunch, and then when EB tells them they can't honor the prices go into this "I can't believe they would do somethting like this!" rant before finally cancelling the orders, bitterly, and doing the same thing the next time. It's an endless cylce. :(
I think they fixed it, I loaded another browser and it's searching regularly. Fable now shows reg price instead of 20, controller extensions are 6.99 instead of 19.99.
Ha, everything searches as $19.99 Somebody screwed up over at EB. But at least it's now jumping back to the right prices when you add to your cart. If that weren't the case they'd probably have about 500,000 orders to cancel by tomorrow morning :lol:
[quote name='Bastion']Damn, a DS for $20! How are you doing that. I got GTA:SA but that was it.[/quote]

dumb luck, i try to go back and add another, won't let me :(
i gues it's part of fun we gamers stick around with EB website.. you never knwo when or what you are going to find.. gamestop seems rare to have such problem tho.. which make it suck..lol
bread's done