Does anyone get the sense that the PSP is dying a slow death?


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I really like the PSP but I'm getting the feeling that the PSP is failing. It seems that after Crisis Core and God of War the releases have once again died down. I'm hoping to see some good stuff at E3 but it seems like there really hasn't been much in terms of "news" for the system. I know it is selling really good in Japan but it seems if that is only directly related to Monster Hunter 2 being released. It's not all roses for the DS either as there isn't really anything I'm interested in on that side either but it seems as if they have captured a lot of the 3rd party market at this point. I don't think it helps that Ready At Dawn one of the PSP's strongest developers has shipped back their dev kits for greener pastures. It seems that even on this board there really isn't a whole lot of "talk" about the psp and new releases. It seems as though Sony is at a stalemate with the system not sure of which direction to move. So do any of you that own a PSP feel the same way? or perhaps you could point me to new exciting stuff I've missed out on?
I just put a crapload of SNES, GBC and NES games on my PSP last night - it never gets old! As far as new releases, Hot Shots Golf and some other puzzle games are all that's really held my attention since I got the thing in 2005. I can appreciate the Metal Gears and God of Wars but I have a hard time finishing them in 20 minute bursts... even if support stopped completely I think I'd have enough to keep me playing with my PSP for years and years.
I love my PSP, but that is because I'm playing Final Fantasy 7 on it right now and will be diving into Vandal Hearts and Suikoden afterwards. The last game I bought was MLB 08 The Show, but I still play that almost daily. I like it better than the PS3 version.

I think the PSP really could have a huge surge if they could get the PSone game on PSP together and support it with games people would actually pay for.
I agree. It seems many that get every day enjoyment out of their PSP are the folk using CFW for emulators and free games and whatnot. It's really a shame too, since the system has a lot going for it, but lacks an amazing line up.
It won't be dying anytime soon. The situation is many western developers (and some Japanese developers) pulled support away from the PSP. But since the PSP has been selling very well late last year and this year in Japan (Japanese PSP games sales aren't bad when a game comes), there are many Japanese developers with planned PSP projects because of this. However, since the rise in hardware sales came out of no where, we will not see a flood of games over night (It takes at least over a year to start getting games going). The same happened to the Wii, where many developers did not anticipate it being huge, and when it was, they had to plan more projects for it (but the results would not show for a while).

We should definitely see a bunch of PSP announcements at TGS, but the flood of games may not come until early to mid 2009. But, PSP will not see many new western games (DS doesn't see many western games either). SCEJ will probably ramp up production in PSP games themselves, but SCEA/SCEE probably won't much (because many of the great games they made, outside of God of War, Socom, Daxter, and R&C, their own games didn't sell much, so they are pretty much sticking to PS3 right now). There was an article about it once how Japanese devs will bring more, but it will take time.

PSP isn't dying anytime soon, but we'll see a dry lineup of games until next year. It's the top selling platform in Japan this year, it won't die.
[quote name='rodeojones903']I love my PSP, but that is because I'm playing Final Fantasy 7 on it right now and will be diving into Vandal Hearts and Suikoden afterwards. The last game I bought was MLB 08 The Show, but I still play that almost daily. I like it better than the PS3 version.

I think the PSP really could have a huge surge if they could get the PSone game on PSP together and support it with games people would actually pay for.[/QUOTE]Most people would want the Square Enix PSOne games, but they are never coming as a download (if anything, Square Enix will just re-release them on a UMD at full price, that's just how they believe). Vandal Hearts was suppose to come to DS, but who knows what happened to it.

Kingdom Hearts, FF Dissida, etc. are still coming. KH should be just as big as Crisis Core.

I'll admit, I use to be one of the biggest posters in the PSP forum here, but it's just that PS3 has taken me over, and that's why I'm not posting here much.
[quote name='javeryh']I just put a crapload of SNES, GBC and NES games on my PSP last night - it never gets old! As far as new releases, Hot Shots Golf and some other puzzle games are all that's really held my attention since I got the thing in 2005. I can appreciate the Metal Gears and God of Wars but I have a hard time finishing them in 20 minute bursts... even if support stopped completely I think I'd have enough to keep me playing with my PSP for years and years.[/QUOTE]

I agree it has its uses and is good for emulators and what not but that isn't exactly what I was talking about. Emulators won't keep the system alive in the marketplace.
[quote name='rodeojones903']I'm playing Final Fantasy 7 on it right now[/QUOTE]

I guess there is a way around the multiple disc save thing now? I need to figure that out.
I dislike the idea of putting emulators on PSP, and sometimes I feel they don't deserve a PSP (only because that is piracy, and I'm completely against it). I want PSP to have strong software sales, and that hurt it early on. I have 40+ awesome UMD games on my PSP. I'm still far from having everything I want.

It's been a slow time for PSP gamers. After the release of Crisis Core and God of War, things have slowed down quite dramatically for the handheld. Exclusives for the PSP are few and far apart, with releases of Secret Agent Clank and Hot Shots Golf being but a few known titles that will release in the upcoming summer months. SCEE boss David Reeves admitted that software has slowed down on PSP. "Hand on heart, would we like more PSP games? Yes, we would. We really would," Reeves told

Where and when will we see new games? It looks like we're going to have to look towards Japan, where PSP has become something of a phenomenon. The success of PSP in Japan has created a resurgence of PSP development -- localized versions of upcoming Japanese games is what we'll have to wait for. "We've seen in the last six months that because of the success of the PSP in Japan many Japanese developers have got some absolutely phenomenal games. They're not Monster Hunter 2G or things like that, but they are in development and we'll see them over here," he added.
[quote name='The Mana Knight']It won't be dying anytime soon. The situation is many western developers (and some Japanese developers) pulled support away from the PSP. But since the PSP has been selling very well late last year and this year in Japan (Japanese PSP games sales aren't bad when a game comes), there are many Japanese developers with planned PSP projects because of this. However, since the rise in hardware sales came out of no where, we will not see a flood of games over night (It takes at least over a year to start getting games going). The same happened to the Wii, where many developers did not anticipate it being huge, and when it was, they had to plan more projects for it (but the results would not show for a while).[/quote]

In your scenario and if the Wii is any indication rushed production of new games will not help the state of the current lineup. If it wasn't already in production and is coming out in '09 it's likely a cash in due to the better sales of the PSP in Japan. If the games are coming later than that I fear it may be too late.

[quote name='The Mana Knight']We should definitely see a bunch of PSP announcements at TGS, but the flood of games may not come until early to mid 2009. But, PSP will not see many new western games (DS doesn't see many western games either). SCEJ will probably ramp up production in PSP games themselves, but SCEA/SCEE probably won't much (because many of the great games they made, outside of God of War, Socom, Daxter, and R&C, their own games didn't sell much, so they are pretty much sticking to PS3 right now). There was an article about it once how Japanese devs will bring more, but it will take time.[/quote]

This seems to be a bit on the hopeful side. I'm just not sure that Japanese devs can keep the system from being anything more than a niche product at this point. The system needs triple AAA titles which it won't be getting according to this logic. Square could re-release FFVII but I wouldn't be surprised if they did it on a Nintendo platform at this point.

[quote name='The Mana Knight']PSP isn't dying anytime soon, but we'll see a dry lineup of games until next year. It's the top selling platform in Japan this year, it won't die.[/quote]

It won't die but a dry lineup until next year? I'm not sure it can stay afloat that long if it is already having problems.

The truth is Sony is going to keep the system going at this point but there needs to be some direction for the system and as of right now I'm not seeing anything. I'm somewhat hopeful that TGS or E3 will bring us some good stuff but the lack of real PSP "news" is disheartening.
[quote name='jkam']I agree it has its uses and is good for emulators and what not but that isn't exactly what I was talking about. Emulators won't keep the system alive in the marketplace.[/quote]

True. But it will keep it "alive" indefinitely for me and many others. At some point Sony is going to move on to PSP2 or maybe drop it altogether but I know that I will be playing my PSP for a very long time (unless of course the PSP2 has all the capiabilities of the PSP). :D

[quote name='The Mana Knight']I dislike the idea of putting emulators on PSP, and sometimes I feel they don't deserve a PSP (only because that is piracy, and I'm completely against it). I want PSP to have strong software sales, and that hurt it early on. I have 40+ awesome UMD games on my PSP. I'm still far from having everything I want.[/quote]

That's cool I guess but IMO you are missing out. I played a great game of Baseball Stars on the crapper about a half hour ago...
Well, once I work through my DS catalog I'll get going on the PSP. I have Crisis Core, Patapon, FFT, and Jeanne D'Arc all waiting for me. Outside of those four I'm not sure that there is anything else out now that I want to play on it and I'm not sure what's coming down the line.
[quote name='The Mana Knight']I dislike the idea of putting emulators on PSP, and sometimes I feel they don't deserve a PSP[/QUOTE]

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: You really crack me the hell up, hombre. I'm not kidding.

I tried playing Crisis Core, but I thought it was a fucking dreadful game overall. I'm looking forward to God of War - and I have a decent backlog.

It's 4 years old at this point, and maintains a 30/70 marketshare relative to the DS. Which, while "losing," is still monumentally better than any prior handheld has managed against Nintendo since the Game Boy launched in 1991 (give or take a year).

There are some good titles coming out for it, but its biggest drawback is that many "big" titles are either slimmed-down PS2 ports, or those titles worth playing (Silent Hill Origins, the GTA Stories titles) come to the PS2 eventually - meaning that there's not as much incentive to buy a PSP for a title you know will show up on the PS2 eventually.

I wholly agree that the PSN/PSOne games could be the saving grace of the PSP saleswise, and really draw attention to the PSN Store in ways that nothing they've done yet has. The biggest drawback for Sony is...well, whatever lame-ass, stupid, bullshit, nonsensical excuse(s) they have for why they're so slow and lackluster in releasing PSOne titles. 22 titles in 1.5 years, compared with 200+ PSOne titles on the PSN in Japan, probably close to 200+ Virtual Console titles available (not counting WiiWare), and coming up on 20 Xbox Classics downloads on the 360. It's pitiful that PSOne classics and Xbox classics are approaching parity when one has been around for a year and a half and the other for 6 months at best.

They may never get Chrono Cross on PSOne classics, but that doesn't mean that there's no catalog to draw from. It's bullshit, plain and simple.

So the PSP isn't dying, but Sony's completely overlooked a useful means of easy money and prolonging the life of the console itself.
I don't have enough hours in my day to use my PSP regularly, but I seem to go through waves where I alternate playing it and/or my DS.

The Syphon Filter games are a blast, and I still play Combat Ops whenever I'm stuck in a hotel with wi-fi (which is fairly often). I've also been playing (poorly) a lot of Echochrome lately. Beats is also very addictive.

Secret Agent Clank comes out this week, too...doesn't it? Might have to grab that, too.
It's not a downhill death countdown unique to the misunderstood SONY portable. Both DS and PSP games/systems are on the wayside as far as new must-haves, but I've got about 30 umd games on the shelf waiting to be played so I'm not in a rush for more either.

And should there be a game drought in the US, I'll look overseas for anything that peaks my interest. In fact, I'm itching for one, or two of the "Bleach: Heat the Soul" games since I recently got hooked on the show.

The problem is SONY doesn't support the PSP like it should. Suggestions to improve the PSP and requests to add certain features that gamers actually want are ignored by SONY. Their own board is a sea of frustrated users who'd love more functionality. Adding Google search to the XMB for the next update isn't one of them.

It's in SONY's court if the PSP should live or die. Sadly, I don't think they care. As long as I can play the games I own, I won't count it out yet though. My PSP is very much alive and certainly gets more play time than the dust collector I call Wii.
I think everyone is missing the point. I have plenty of old consoles and the way the PSP is right now I could hold onto it for 15 or 50 years. It's great for emulators etc etc. It even has some good PSP titles. The main focus here though is how long can the system sit in a perpetual no man's land and stay viable in the marketplace? It would seem that there are more options added that no one wants then a substantial upcoming game lineup. I realize that yeah we can look on our shelves and probably "get by on what we have" but that could be said for any console. I think Ready at Dawn leaving PSP development was a big deal considering they made some of the best games on the console. I can't imagine it getting "better" from here on out. It's not that I'm not happy with what we already have but as a brand the PSP is in limbo.
Judging by the responses here I don't think anyone cares whether new games come out or if it remains viable in the marketplace. It does enough right now to keep a lot of people happy for a long time to come. Whether or not 10-15 AAA games come out over the next 3 years really doesn't make a difference in the long run - there are plenty of PSP games to play right now and more than plenty games to play using emulators.
Yup. Why does it matter if it stays viable in the current marketplace? As you inferred, systems can live forever as long as the user finds it useful and enjoyable. If things go belly up tomorrow, I can still use my PSP well into the future and remain happy too.

It's not like SONY has shown any love for anyone at any time before. Business as usual. The indifference goes both ways.
Not to be an ass, but I'm hoping that it dies soon, and that a PSP 2 comes out with dual analog, at least 8gigs on board flash memory, brighter screen, and support for more video formats.
I just sold my ds to get a psp about two weeks ago, the game library to me is far more superb to the ds and the mod capabilities and umds make it a must own for gamers, so i dont see it dying anytime soon.
It feels like its dying, but they're selling a hell of a lot of systems in JP right now. I'm sure companies will be hopping back on soon.
lol using the emulation logic my xbox 1 is better than my ps3 and xbox 360 because i can play every snes and ps1 games full speed.
[quote name='62t']lol using the emulation logic my xbox 1 is better than my ps3 and xbox 360 because i can play every snes and ps1 games full speed.[/quote]

Yet you can't take them with you on public transportation.

Honestly the machine is dying at least in the West. There are lots of games still coming out in Japan and importing is how I'm keeping my love of the system alive (Namaikida and Nippon no Asoko de are both rad chilis). SONY really dropped the ball by trying to re-launch UMD's along with the slim instead of pushing digital distribution across the board. It also didn't help that the content available was comparatively expensive.

I am torn at this point as to whether I should sell my system or just wait until TGS/E3 and see what we'll get. I'd certainly consider these two events to be the 'make or break' events in the PSP's future.
It is dying in terms of software right now, but not hardware. The problem is piracy AND custom firmware with emulation. No one is buying games anymore. Right now Sony's content to get the hardware sales for it, which are actually benefited by piracy and CFW. Hopefully, they can stop it though sometime soon before its too late. It will change, more software will come soon, but if that does not sell, it will not get much after that. So buy a friggin game at retail!
I don't think Piracy has anything to do with it, per se... simply because the device's trouble is its greatest strength... versatility. It can be a portable music player, movie player (both UMD and otherwise), and a conduit to a PS3 (which is fairly new, I know.) So if someone buys the console and no games for it... it's because they decided to use the PSP in a manner other than a portable game system. It does not automatically go in the "he's pirating" catagory. (Ugh, I hate "piracy" as a word for copyright infringement...) Does that hurt overall software sales? Certainly, but only in a certain perspective. Because the PSP is more than just a game system, a sale of a PSP does not guarantee software sales to follow. (The same holds true to a lesser extent for the PS3, because it is also a very reasonably priced Blu-Ray player...) So game companies say "X PSPs were sold in May, but we had flat sales" and almost always attribute it to piracy, Sony's lack of promotion, or what have you. Not to mention it's the classic overblown argument to insinuate that an infringed copy of something == a lost sale. (But that's for a different forum...) PSP developers need to stop treating the PSP as a "little PS2" and focus on less flamboyantly stylish titles that cost oodles of money and get some fun, smaller games on the system if they want to move product past the hardcore like us. :) Some good games that are able to be played on a train commute without requiring tons of effort come to mind.

As for mainstream titles... show of hands... who bought R-Type Command? I did. It's fun. But I'm not your normal gamer. I love the RPGs on the PSP... even the cheesy ones that are just Diablo clones. :) But who else in the "casual" gaming crowd does that? They're content to watch a UMD movie or listen to their tunes more than game, but does that spell the end of the PSP? If so, we can kiss all our versatile electronic devices goodbye.
it is really no easier to pirate games on DS or GBA. I would say getting a flash cart is a lot easier than installing custom firmware
[quote name='62t']it is really no easier to pirate games on DS or GBA. I would say getting a flash cart is a lot easier than installing custom firmware[/quote]

Completely agree.
It has been for a long time. A very slow death, but it's definitely dying. I'm glad I inherited mine from my boyfriend or else I'd be pissed I got one.
What did everyone expect from Sony? Most of the hot franchises like God of War, Ratchet, Burnout, Killzone, and Metal Gear are on the system. There are quirky exclusives like LocoRoco, Patapon, Field Commander, and Lumines. Hell, we've even gotten Tekken, Guilty Gear, SF Alpha 3, Darkstalkers, and Power Stone ports. That doesn't even count the superb tactics games like FF, Disgaea, and Jeanne d'Arc.

The DS is still unquestionably number one in the handheld market but I think Sony carved out a small part of the market. You guys expect too much for a company that is making it's first foray into the handheld market. Microsoft went through growing pains too and now the 360 is going toe to toe with the Wii and PS3.

The original Xbox was dying a slow death even though it was technically superior and arguably had a better library. It was seen as a modder's system. Many people had Xbox but never bought a game for it since they had every DC, SNES, etc. game know to man on the system. But look at it now, other than the Red Rings, the 360 is the system to have for most people.
[quote name='Mechafenris']...I love the RPGs on the PSP... even the cheesy ones that are just Diablo clones. :) ....[/quote]

Which RPG on the PSP would you say is a Diablo clone and in what ways is it similar? TIA
[quote name='Teh Nitwit']Which RPG on the PSP would you say is a Diablo clone and in what ways is it similar? TIA[/QUOTE]

Dungeon Seige
Both untold legends
X-men legends 2
Marvel ultimate alliance
Justice League Heroes

all are 1/4 overhead action rpg grinders. Might be more these are just the few I have played.
It does feel like it's dying. I've had my PSP since LCS came out. I really don't know what's coming out for the rest of the year. I think I might pick of Agent Clank, but that's about it. I think the rest of 2008 could be pretty lackluster. I guess that's ok, since I have a lot of games I need to catch up on. I really want to play Syphon Filter 2 (psp version). I think the first one was the best game on the system. I don't watch a lot of t.v., but does Sony put ads out for the PSP?
But this is CAG, even with a dying system most of us can easily find enough games to last us a really long time.
I just bought Patapon, Puzzle Quest, and MGS Portable Ops used and I bought GTA LCS new within the last couple of months. I have all the games I could ever need now except for Burnout Legends, God of War CoO, Field Commander, and Ratchet and Clank Size Matters. The system has so many great games that I am not minding the lack of new releases. I don't play my PSP too much now anyways, but it is not lacking games at all.
To those of you that say it won't die, too late. It's dead. There will be no good games out for it ever again. Maybe one or two. The only reason they still make games for it, is because Sony supports their console for years, whether it's doing good or not, because they care about their customers. (Thanks Sony, and fuck you MS for dropping the Xbox 5 minutes after the 360 was released.) The only thing the PSP is good or now is homebrew.
Right :roll:

If anything, the PSP is just coming to life. Hardware sales started off slow and are taking off now. Developers will start giving it more support over the next few years. IMO the PSP already has a solid library, it will only get better.
There aren't any games coming out for any systems other than GTA and MGS. This is the slow season. Releases always pick up again as the Holidays approach. If the PSP is dying a slow death, then so is everything else. Other than Wii Fit, what has Nintendo brought to the table recently? No one is saying that the Wii is dead in the water. Every system has a slow time which is great because it allows people to go back and play games they passed over.

There are plenty of quality games that can be had for cheap. It's not like DS games that stay at $30-$35 until they sell out never to be seen again. Not only do you have the greatest hits but most Sony games drop to $20 anyway.
The PSP isn't dying. It is a slow system however when it comes to game releases. I sold my DS lite and got a PSP 2000 and I enjoyed it a lot more compared to the DS since I use it as both a game system and portable media center. I wish Sony would at least release more PSone titles through PSN and Sony also put more effort into games on the system.
Sony does not mind the piracy too much at the present because of the hardware sales it is driving for PSP. More great games will come because the installed base is growing rapidly. However, if people do not purchase the great games coming, then very little more will come after that. People need to stop just using the PSP for piracy OR custom firmware (both are very bad for PSP's future), and need to start buying some games for it at retail.
Crytek and Bioware have recently said they are looking into the PSP. That's great news that they are considering the PSP. Right now, if you actually break things down, the PSP is getting getting support from almost all major developers, so with these two devs added to the list, i can't wait to see what's out next year. Just wondering if Bioware will bring a previous title to the system or something new...
it's the most affordable system out there so to me it dosn't apply. a large chunk of some of the best games on the system run around or under $20, so it's super CAG friendly.
All told, while the system has sold fairly solidly, it never really became what Sony wanted it to be. It's not the 'hip, cool alternative to the DS', the launching pad for the next big portable format, or the 'IPod killer'... it just sort of never had an identity.

On a personal level, I've had my PSP since before launch, and have never been real impressed with it. I am speaking, however, from the position of someone who used it only for the 'legal' purposes... and the games just never excited me. The biggest issue I had is that I wanted the games to be GOOD, not just 'good, considering the system'. I always felt that there was that caveat due to poor design... I mean, how many games would've actually been great if Sony had the foresight to throw a second analog stick on there? Why Sony didn't just copy the DualShock layout is beyond me.

That said, it's an impressive system, but it's NEVER been used to it's full potential... unless you were doing it through questionable means. I get that the emulation and homebrew is great, but let's admit that without it the PSP is nothing but lackluster. In essence, I've felt it's always just been sort of on life support and that the best thing Sony could do is to launch a PSP2 (with the DualShock layout) before Nintendo does a DS2.

Oh, and something someone said on page one... I completely agree that porting games to the PS2 isn't helping anything. There were two PSP games I was looking forward to, Silent Hill and God Of War, both of which are, or will be, on the PS2. My issue is that, given the choice, I'll pick the PS2 counterpart every time just because I'd much rather play on the TV (don't have a PSP2000) and because it's more comfortable to use a DualShock. This is especially pressing with a game like Silent Hill, which is all about atmosphere... which I find hard to get from that small screen. All told, if they weren't ported, I'd defnitely own two more PSP games but, instead, I haven't purchased a PSP game in well over a year.
[quote name='007']All told, while the system has sold fairly solidly, it never really became what Sony wanted it to be. It's not the 'hip, cool alternative to the DS', the launching pad for the next big portable format, or the 'IPod killer'... it just sort of never had an identity.

On a personal level, I've had my PSP since before launch, and have never been real impressed with it. I am speaking, however, from the position of someone who used it only for the 'legal' purposes... and the games just never excited me. The biggest issue I had is that I wanted the games to be GOOD, not just 'good, considering the system'. I always felt that there was that caveat due to poor design... I mean, how many games would've actually been great if Sony had the foresight to throw a second analog stick on there? Why Sony didn't just copy the DualShock layout is beyond me.

That said, it's an impressive system, but it's NEVER been used to it's full potential... unless you were doing it through questionable means. I get that the emulation and homebrew is great, but let's admit that without it the PSP is nothing but lackluster. In essence, I've felt it's always just been sort of on life support and that the best thing Sony could do is to launch a PSP2 (with the DualShock layout) before Nintendo does a DS2.

Oh, and something someone said on page one... I completely agree that porting games to the PS2 isn't helping anything. There were two PSP games I was looking forward to, Silent Hill and God Of War, both of which are, or will be, on the PS2. My issue is that, given the choice, I'll pick the PS2 counterpart every time just because I'd much rather play on the TV (don't have a PSP2000) and because it's more comfortable to use a DualShock. This is especially pressing with a game like Silent Hill, which is all about atmosphere... which I find hard to get from that small screen. All told, if they weren't ported, I'd defnitely own two more PSP games but, instead, I haven't purchased a PSP game in well over a year.[/quote]

I agree PSP never had an identity. I disagree that Sony should've copied the Dualshock 2 setup for the controls. That would've resulted in so many games just being ports of PS2 games. I've always used the PSP for only legal, retail games, and downloading videos of the internet, and I've been very very pleased, and I didn't get one until last December. Silent Hill is very good on PSP, I find it actually more atmospheric on a handheld in the dark, because I don't see the other stuff in the room with a TV.
I think games like Patapon and Jeanne d'Arc are great period. You could put those games on any system now and they'd do well (at least critically).
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']it's the most affordable system out there so to me it dosn't apply. a large chunk of some of the best games on the system run around or under $20, so it's super CAG friendly.[/quote]

I finally made my splurge a few weeks ago when the GoW PSP was released. Since then, I've picked up 6 games & 1 UMD for a grand total of $62. The only game I paid full price for was Patapon($19.99 = nice price). Stopped into G$ to check the used accessories and picked up an official PSP zip case for $3.00 & the 1st party headphones w/remote for $5.00.
Since I work one weekend per month, and Sunday's can be really slow, I finally got to retire my GB Micro(gave it to my uncle, & very happy to recieve). IMO, the PSP is the best handheld out there(and yes I've played my share of DS, both of my kids have them). I do find it funny that the game I've played the most by far is the one I paid the least for (HSGolf 1 purchased at Target for $4.98).
After owning a PSP for only a few weeks, I'm extremely disappointed to see Ready at Dawn throwing in the towel. I've had a blast with GoW and Daxter.
With that being said, I wonder how many folks are out there like me and have just waited for a healthy variety of games to be available. So, I sure hope it ain't dying.
I just don’t think that handhelds are as big as they used to be. Mostly they are a novelty item, but still a sweet one at that.
[quote name='bmachine']I don't have enough hours in my day to use my PSP regularly, but I seem to go through waves where I alternate playing it and/or my DS.

Same here. I recently picked up the new Red PSP God of War bundle. I have nearly finished GOW, and I have Crisis Core waiting to go in next.
bread's done