Ending to Assassins Creed sucked! [SPOILER]

Alex Murphy

CAG Veteran
The ending to Assassins Creed pissed me off like you wouldn't believe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And it's not even the whole cliffhanger ending thing, it's that in the real world, you're wearing a white hoodie and at some point you steal a pen from your captors. I could not fucking believe that at the end of the game you didn't pull that hood up over your head like the medieval assassin and stab that doctor guy in the neck. What a missed opportunity! If I ever see Jade Raymond on the street I'm going to slap her in the face with my cock.
I thought the ending was fine.

Just because it didn't have any explosions or crazy violence doesn't make it a bad ending.

Though the cliffhanger part was kinda annoying, it set up the story for the next one really well.
[quote name='Alex Murphy']The ending to Assassins Creed pissed me off like you wouldn't believe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And it's not even the whole cliffhanger ending thing, it's that in the real world, you're wearing a white hoodie and at some point you steal a pen from your captors. I could not fucking believe that at the end of the game you didn't pull that hood up over your head like the medieval assassin and stab that doctor guy in the neck. What a missed opportunity! If I ever see Jade Raymond on the street I'm going to slap her in the face with my cock.[/quote]

What the hell would you do after you stabbed the doctor in the neck? Your alternative ending is poorly thought out and significantly worse than the actual ending. If I ever see you in the street, I am going to punch you in the face.

IMO at least 90% of action movies and 90% of action/adventure games I've seen have WAY worse plots than AC.
I have no issue with the way Asssassin's Creed ended, as long as they are going to build on that ending for the next game (I also felt the same way on Tomb Raider Legend).

What I do have a problem with is setting up the sequal in the ending, then either dropping the series or going a different direction. If your plans on the next game are based on sales, then give us an ending, it isn't that hard to give an actual ending, and have a sequal. And yes, I'm looking directly at you Sega, I think you owe the fans some sort of conclusion to Shenmue. I don't care how (write a 20 page book and release it for free, make a 15 min movie and add it to the next Sonic game, etc). You drag fans along, then you owe it to finish the tale.
I don't really mind the ending now, since the rest of the plot has made up for it.

If they pulled the same shit in the sequel, then I'd be pissed.
I think Altair should have exploded to reveal that he was actually Tom Clancy in disguise. It could then be Tom Clancy's Assassin's Creed.
I didn't mind the ending as much as I did grinding through the last half of the game to get there.

I so wanted to like this game.
The ending/plot of this game is not the problem, it's the game part. I actually like the game, but it could've been better, and I hope the sequel is better.
The game was fun, but way too repetitive. I loved the informant missions where you had to grab flags - I wish there were more of them as opposed to the assassinate-the-guard missions.

The plot, for me, was just terrible. It was just far too pretentious for its own good, and the whole twist was pretty obvious.
I know I'm in the minority here, but I actually really liked the game. The missions were fun, so I didn't mind the repeating, and I can't wait for part 2 (if there ever is one). Talking about this makes me want to run through the game again :D
Same sentiments as everyone else, story wasn't the problem, just the repetitive nature of the missions bugged me. Plus the pointless filler (kill all the templars, collect all the flags, get to all the view points, etc.). Though they can suck it if they think I'll reward them by buying their inevitable sequel.
bread's done