Fatal Frame series for cheap

i have fatal frame 3 unopened for u who are collectors or dont want to worry if the used copy has marks on it messenger me and make me an offer
This deal has been posted a few times now, thanks anyway.

Ordering online PS2 titles from gamestop typically lead to getting gutted games. Its a nice deal if you can find it complete in store as I found a mint FF3, but I wouldn't bother with it online (though CAG16 makes it a few bucks cheaper.)
Price isn't limited to just online, so you can find it also in stores. However, being PS2 games means you're not guaranteed a box or booklet.
[quote name='Tsukento']Price isn't limited to just online, so you can find it also in stores. However, being PS2 games means you're not guaranteed a box or booklet.[/QUOTE]

I'm pretty sure that most of these are reprints; the caveat holds for online purchases since you never know what Gamestop will ship you, but in-store there's a decent likelihood you'll find a "used" copy that's never been played.
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