Gears of War 2 - Who's leaving it on the shelves?


3 (100%)
I just read about the 5 extra chapters with the Brumac fight. I thought, "No big deal, it'll be DLC on Live for sure." Then I read in a similar article - "Extra content on Gears of War PC highly unlikely to make it to 360." What the hell is this?

So I read about it, and apparently Epic is proclaiming that Gears of War on PC uses a different engine than Gears of War on 360 and that it makes it entirely too difficult for the extra content to make it on 360.

Now, what everyone is speculating is probably true- It's probably a load of crap and they're saying that so people won't shy away from the PC version if they own the 360 version. What will likely happen is 3-4 months after the PC launch, the extra content will be announced as "coming to 360" because "Microsoft makes every effort to satisfy its customers". The truth? They're just looking for another way to nickel and dime us. I'd imagine it's going to cost $10-20 in MS points to get the extra content, and the justification is the whole "different engine" bullcrap they're feeding us now.

"So why charge for content that PC gamers got for free?"
"Well it used a different engine, which is the reason it didn't come out on 360 at the same time. We need to make back the developers money for having to port it to 360. But we are charging such a cheaper price compared to the real costs, cuz we love our 360 owners! Pre-order your Halo 4 copies now, new 360 deluxe limited ultra uncut director's edition too!"

Nothing but marketing and nickel and diming.

And it really pisses me off too because the 360 right now is the most third party supported console in the market, but if you want to own it, prepare to get the shaft in every aspect. Accessories, monthly fees, additional content. Whatever it is, you're going to have to pay for it. I'm surprised they let Square-Enix allow their customers to play FFXI online without paying for XBL gold.
fuck'em. I'm going to play Orange Box 'til my fingers bleed. There's plenty of other titles around now to worry about a bit of extra content for GoW. It'll probably come out as DLC some time next year when Epic needs a revenue stream. Remember, GoW wasn't supposed to come out on PC either it was a 360 exclusive. Of course everybody knew that it wasn't really, but that's the way it was marketed. Be patient. If there's money to be made it will come out.

IMHO, GoW is best as Multiplayer. I never enjoyed/played so many hours of an online FPS as I did GoW.
I'll still buy GOW 2, and hopefully the MP will be a bit more "open" ala Halo 3 than its predecessor. Also, People have to spend $1000's to maintain computers that will even run GOW. If it was only $10 or $20, you should be grateful! Especially since MS points can be had for FREE almost anywhere! I have gotten 6 codes for free, 3 of which I havn't even used yet and one I gave to my brother! The MS points system can be used in your favor sometimes.
[quote name='help1']I'll still buy GOW 2, and hopefully the MP will be a bit more "open" ala Halo 3 than its predecessor. Also, People have to spend $1000's to maintain computers that will even run GOW. If it was only $10 or $20, you should be grateful! Especially since MS points can be had for FREE almost anywhere! I have gotten 6 codes for free, 3 of which I havn't even used yet and one I gave to my brother! The MS points system can be used in your favor sometimes.[/QUOTE]

$1000s? More like millions! I had to sell off my left nut and my first born child, just to run Half life 2 at the lowest settings :roll:
It's funny how people have opinions on what will and will not run on a PC whilst having no clue about the subject.
[quote name='munch']It's funny how people have opinions on what will and will not run on a PC whilst having no clue about the subject.[/QUOTE]

it would take 10 8800gtx cards, all SLI'd together, just to show the title screen of Halo 3.

anyway, NamelessMC, you can see my thoughts on this in the Gears PC thread.
I don't think it's so much about money as it is that Epic was originally a PC developer, so they have some bias toward that platform.

A PC that's able to run Gears would probably cost a good amount of money, though. Definately not less or similar to 350 bucks.
[quote name='Apossum']it would take 10 8800gtx cards, all SLI'd together, just to show the title screen of Halo 3.

anyway, NamelessMC, you can see my thoughts on this in the Gears PC thread.[/QUOTE]

Even then it would only run at 29 FPS. TRUTH.
[quote name='Punk_Raven']I don't think it's so much about money as it is that Epic was originally a PC developer, so they have some bias toward that platform.

A PC that's able to run Gears would probably cost a good amount of money, though. Definately not less or similar to 350 bucks.[/QUOTE]

Well, going by the minimum requirements, you could have built a Gears-capable PC three years ago for around $650-700. Now sure, minimum requirements aren't necessarily indicative of what's necessary to make the game look nice, but it's a thought.
I'm leaving GOW2 on the shelf because I thought GOW1 was a shitload of fuck. I couldn't even defend the front of the fucking house because when the boomer and theron guard with torque bow come out next to each other, you're fucking dead. There's no fucking way around it. You're dead. It wouldn't have been so bad if the torque bow wasn't so overpowered, but no, they had to fuck it up by giving headshot sniper rifle damage to any part of the body to the torque bow. And since the guard's out there, the boomer becomes so unpredictable that if the bow doesn't hit you, the boomer will.

And if you try to rush out into the courtyard, you blow up. Seriously. There's a fire in the doorway. If you try to run through it, you blow up. You don't burn to death. You blow the fuck up. What happens when you run into a fire in any other game? You take damage. What happens when you run into a fire in real life? You get burned. What happens when you run into a fire in Gears of War? You blow the fuck up. What a pile of fucking shit.
fuck Cliffy B, all the people at epic games and all game companies leaving content out. Isn't this why Blu-Ray and HD-DVD are the future because of the space on the discs. If the information won't fit on one disc then there is plenty on two. I know they're in business for profit, but this DLC and keeping shit out is highway robbery. Where is Cliffy now with his comments about software should be released at around $20. Though I'm a fan of Gears I will be waiting for price drops or free items like the map packs. Thanks to CAG I have enough games I got on the cheap to hold me over until a price drop or a B2G1 sale. You would think companies would take the early losses to boost sales. This kind of shit is what leads gamers to the black market and modding systems. Also why were on the topic of pricing when are the gamers going to get a kick back on game prices from all the fucking annoying in game advertisements?
I will probrably rent gears 2 to play the single player. I have no interest in the multiplayer after playing the online in the first Gears.
Epic is shafting me! Blah Blah Blah.. Seriously though, Epic gave you the first MP pack for free and the 2nd MP pack after after an exclusive window set not by Epic but by MICROSOFT. Epic wanted to give it out for free but MS said no. Get your head outta your asses people.

If the game came out on PC first, what makes you think they wouldn't tap you for another $30 for an expansion pack? Fact of the matter is PC gamers have gotten the shaft for years. And now they have the balls to charge you $50 instead of the usual $40 for a PC title thanks the new 'premium' on console titles so they think they can get away with it.

At least the PC version you can create your own maps and share them online. That's the only thing holding me back on buying the 360 version of UT3 and just going with the PC version.

I have a feeling that this will come out on 360 as a seperate standalone title at a reduced cost.
[quote name='omgu8myrice']they should change the name of this game..gears of war 2 is too long and sounds retarded[/QUOTE]
What? WHAT?
[quote name='neudog']fuck Cliffy B, all the people at epic games and all game companies leaving content out. Isn't this why Blu-Ray and HD-DVD are the future because of the space on the discs. If the information won't fit on one disc then there is plenty on two. I know they're in business for profit, but this DLC and keeping shit out is highway robbery. Where is Cliffy now with his comments about software should be released at around $20. Though I'm a fan of Gears I will be waiting for price drops or free items like the map packs. Thanks to CAG I have enough games I got on the cheap to hold me over until a price drop or a B2G1 sale. You would think companies would take the early losses to boost sales. This kind of shit is what leads gamers to the black market and modding systems. Also why were on the topic of pricing when are the gamers going to get a kick back on game prices from all the fucking annoying in game advertisements?[/QUOTE]

two things-- Epic wanted to give the gears 360 content all away for free. They also wanted to give people incentive to buy the PC version (so PC gamers didn't feel like they were getting sloppy seconds.) Another thing, this is an extra hour of gameplay, maps developed and released for the 360 since it's release last November, among other things, so it's not like they had the option to throw this on the disc when the game launched for the 360.

I don't get how Blu ray or HD-DVDs are relevant, considering the 360 uses neither. :lol:

It sounds like you're more pissed at hardware companies than the software companies. and indeed, every time a crappy DLC idea is hatched, MS is usually at the root of it.

I do agree about ads though-- my 360 doesn't feel like my system despite paying for it and paying for live. Ads should be restricted to Silver users.
I'll buy GoW2 the day it comes out or if the DLC goes up. Gears was a fantastic game with great mutliplayer...the only thing that held it back was the horrible way in which games were set up (lobby FTW), atleast if you wanted to play with your friends.

[quote name='Chuplayer']I'm leaving GOW2 on the shelf because I thought GOW1 was a shitload of fuck. I couldn't even defend the front of the fucking house because when the boomer and theron guard with torque bow come out next to each other, you're fucking dead. There's no fucking way around it. You're dead. It wouldn't have been so bad if the torque bow wasn't so overpowered, but no, they had to fuck it up by giving headshot sniper rifle damage to any part of the body to the torque bow. And since the guard's out there, the boomer becomes so unpredictable that if the bow doesn't hit you, the boomer will.

And if you try to rush out into the courtyard, you blow up. Seriously. There's a fire in the doorway. If you try to run through it, you blow up. You don't burn to death. You blow the fuck up. What happens when you run into a fire in any other game? You take damage. What happens when you run into a fire in real life? You get burned. What happens when you run into a fire in Gears of War? You blow the fuck up. What a pile of fucking shit.[/quote] you hate a game because you are horrible at it?
[quote name='Mattte'] you hate a game because you are horrible at it?[/QUOTE]

No, I hate the game because torque bows are fucking retarded. It wouldn't be so bad if you got a couple seconds to press a button and pull the arrow out. I also hate the game because you blow the fuck up when you touch fire. You can't even work a strategy because about the only thing you can do is stand behind something upstairs and shoot at those assholes until one of them kills you. It's stupid.

I've never been able to pick up that grenade on the floor right behind Baird and Cole after they leave after that cutscene where Baird complains that you took too long to get there, either. I hadn't reached my grenade maximum. Glitchy and stupid.

Speaking of that cutscene, I sometimes get hit with the aforementioned torque bow right after it ends. Instant death. It's stupid.

Also, you can't be strategic online because everybody rushes in like morons. You get the "revolutionary cover system" at your disposal, and I'm the only one who uses it until I'm the only one on my team left and the numbers overwhelm me. Everybody else is stupid.

I really wanted to like the game, but it was just so stupid.
[quote name='Chuplayer']No, I hate the game because torque bows are fucking retarded. It wouldn't be so bad if you got a couple seconds to press a button and pull the arrow out. I also hate the game because you blow the fuck up when you touch fire. You can't even work a strategy because about the only thing you can do is stand behind something upstairs and shoot at those assholes until one of them kills you. It's stupid.

I've never been able to pick up that grenade on the floor right behind Baird and Cole after they leave after that cutscene where Baird complains that you took too long to get there, either. I hadn't reached my grenade maximum. Glitchy and stupid.

Speaking of that cutscene, I sometimes get hit with the aforementioned torque bow right after it ends. Instant death. It's stupid.

Also, you can't be strategic online because everybody rushes in like morons. You get the "revolutionary cover system" at your disposal, and I'm the only one who uses it until I'm the only one on my team left and the numbers overwhelm me. Everybody else is stupid.

I really wanted to like the game, but it was just so stupid.[/QUOTE]

So yeah. You hate the game because you are horrible at it.
[quote name='KaneRobot']So yeah. You hate the game because you are horrible at it.[/quote]


Also, back to the topic, I don't know whether I will be picking up GOW 2 or not. I beat it on Insane mostly by myself, with some exceptions, and I found it enjoyable, but really short. Also, I never really cared for the online weapon achievements. Sure Halo has something similar to the weapon achievements, but unlike Gears, this isn't as bad and it doesn't lead to every single person using the same gun.
DLC is a beast that no one likes. At least they were free, but Microsoft almost NEVER lowers their prices on content. This is like one of the few times DLC prices were dropped permanently.

I'm going to leave Gears 2 sitting on the shelves until it's $30.
[quote name='KaneRobot']So yeah. You hate the game because you are horrible at it.[/QUOTE]

You blow up if you walk into fire. If that doesn't scream walruses with down syndrome made this game, I don't know what does.
I don't remember ever blowing up after walking into fire. It might've happened but if it did, I simply avoided walking into the fire again.
Probably a rental for me, assuming we get these on 360.

If it comes out as DLC, I will probably get it (with many free points).

And I don't remember any fire "blowing me up" either.
[quote name='Rig']And I don't remember any fire "blowing me up" either.[/QUOTE]

I guess you technically don't blow up. You sort of fall apart. But body parts do separate from the rest of the body. It looks so stupid.
[quote name='Chuplayer']I guess you technically don't blow up. You sort of fall apart. But body parts do separate from the rest of the body. It looks so stupid.[/quote]

You remember any particular part in the game where this happens? I honestly don't remember such a thing, and would like to go back and see it in action.
[quote name='opterasis']Don't you love that logic?[/quote] It would be interesting to see Ninja Gaiden sales if every gamer developed this "trait"

As for the fire/body blowing up thing, I've never noticed that either. Though I'd find it funny if I did see it. Would be a nice throwback to the old PC games like Half-Life where you cold gib a Marine by hitting them with a crowbar...
[quote name='Chuplayer']You blow up if you walk into fire. If that doesn't scream walruses with down syndrome made this game, I don't know what does.[/quote]

I would assume rockets/grenades/gun powder is flammable and explosive.

Anyways, I will definitely pick up Gears of War 2 the day it comes out, or the first good deal on it. Although I do find the whole "DLC is PC exclusive" thing ridiculous, because doesn't GOW run on the Unreal 3 Engine? I mean, I know I don't know a lot about game engines, but there sure isn't an Unreal 4 Engine yet. But yeah, considering the first GOW is great, I will not feel like a got ripped off if I buy GOW 2 and they come out with a PC version with a little more content, a whole year later.
[quote name='Rig']You remember any particular part in the game where this happens? I honestly don't remember such a thing, and would like to go back and see it in action.[/QUOTE]

It happens when you need to protect the front of the Fenix house. The enemies run through the front doorway, which is on fire, and into the house, but if you try to run out, you blow up. It was so stupid.
[quote name='Chuplayer']It happens when you need to protect the front of the Fenix house. The enemies run through the front doorway, which is on fire, and into the house, but if you try to run out, you blow up. It was so stupid.[/QUOTE]

The fucking game tells you to stay in the house. Learn to listen.
[quote name='mrcheapo11']I would assume rockets/grenades/gun powder is flammable and explosive.

Anyways, I will definitely pick up Gears of War 2 the day it comes out, or the first good deal on it. Although I do find the whole "DLC is PC exclusive" thing ridiculous, because doesn't GOW run on the Unreal 3 Engine? I mean, I know I don't know a lot about game engines, but there sure isn't an Unreal 4 Engine yet. But yeah, considering the first GOW is great, I will not feel like a got ripped off if I buy GOW 2 and they come out with a PC version with a little more content, a whole year later.[/QUOTE]

It may run on the same engine, but they added effects and new stuff to the PC version that they would have to take out if they released it on the 360, and from a time perspective I bet they would rather devote resources to finishing UT and getting GoW 2 set to come out next year.
You know if all these game companies would just stop trying to make money and just make us happy the internet would cease to have a function.
[quote name='Chuplayer']It happens when you need to protect the front of the Fenix house. The enemies run through the front doorway, which is on fire, and into the house, but if you try to run out, you blow up. It was so stupid.[/quote]

Being retarded and horrible at the game doesn't mean that it sucks.*
[quote name='Chuplayer']It happens when you need to protect the front of the Fenix house. The enemies run through the front doorway, which is on fire, and into the house, but if you try to run out, you blow up. It was so stupid.[/QUOTE]

Kind of like the part where you step in a puddle of water and drown?
[quote name='Chuplayer']I'm leaving GOW2 on the shelf because I thought GOW1 was a shitload of fuck. I couldn't even defend the front of the fucking house because when the boomer and theron guard with torque bow come out next to each other, you're fucking dead. There's no fucking way around it. You're dead. It wouldn't have been so bad if the torque bow wasn't so overpowered, but no, they had to fuck it up by giving headshot sniper rifle damage to any part of the body to the torque bow. And since the guard's out there, the boomer becomes so unpredictable that if the bow doesn't hit you, the boomer will.

And if you try to rush out into the courtyard, you blow up. Seriously. There's a fire in the doorway. If you try to run through it, you blow up. You don't burn to death. You blow the fuck up. What happens when you run into a fire in any other game? You take damage. What happens when you run into a fire in real life? You get burned. What happens when you run into a fire in Gears of War? You blow the fuck up. What a pile of fucking shit.[/QUOTE]

I know your pain man, I almost snapped the disc in half after 2-3 hours of trying that shit. The easiest solution? Play it with a friend in Co-op.
[quote name='CaseyRyback']The fucking game tells you to stay in the house. Learn to listen.[/QUOTE]

Doing what I was told got me real far, didn't it?
It definately would have. Why do you think the game goes to a cutscene upstairs and why do you think there are bullets in the room to the left?

You are supposed to DEFEND the front of the house while they fix the truck.
[quote name='SNKMat']Geow was overrated. MP+POOPtascular[/quote]

[quote name='CaseyRyback']It definately would have. Why do you think the game goes to a cutscene upstairs and why do you think there are bullets in the room to the left?

You are supposed to DEFEND the front of the house while they fix the truck.[/quote]
Yeah, some people are just stubborn, I've noticed this.

And to the poster that said nobody uses the cover system online and it isn't strategic, most of the games I host/join have a TON of strategy, from flanking weapons to catch people off guard, to bluffing people with shots, and I've see a lot of people use the cover system effectively, myself included.

And also, the Torque Bow shoots explosive arrows...wouldn't they, you know, EXPLODE YOU?
you guys do know that most likely the idea of charging for the content is the idea of MS not Epic right? Epics been known to give all kinds of content for free with their PC games when they could of sold it as an expansion. Are you people not familar with this company on the PC market at all?!?! o_O
The only problem I have with GoW is probably more my connection than GoW; on Multiplayer, when you press A and hold down, sometimes it STILL smacks you into cover. That's the only niggly thing.

And whoever thinks Multiplayer isn't strategic, and no-one uses the cover system needs to get their heads in gear. Timing switching cover positions will dodge rounds and melee attacks easily. Sometimes much easier than rolling.
[quote name='Apossum']$1000s? More like millions! I had to sell off my left nut and my first born child, just to run Half life 2 at the lowest settings :roll:[/quote]

HL2 is how old now? Im sure by the time GOW 2 comes to PC, you are going to need shit that isn't even out yet.
[quote name='CaseyRyback']It definately would have. Why do you think the game goes to a cutscene upstairs and why do you think there are bullets in the room to the left?

You are supposed to DEFEND the front of the house while they fix the truck.[/QUOTE]

So instead of running up to the guard and chainsawing him between shots from the boomer and then running back to the house to pick the boomer off from a distance wouldn't have worked? Because I think it would've worked pretty fucking well.

And to the guy who said the arrows BLOW YOU UP, no shit. Of course they blow you up, and that's the problem. They're too powerful. Stick one in the proverbial Achilles Heel, and you die just like he did. It's the same death potential as a sniper rifle to the head, and it's stupid.

You know what else is also stupid? Carmine, the only person to wear a fucking helmet in the game, is the only person to die from a headshot. What the fuck?
[quote name='help1']HL2 is how old now? Im sure by the time GOW 2 comes to PC, you are going to need shit that isn't even out yet.[/QUOTE]

Yeah man, you're going to need moon rocks built into your cell processor and wait at least 10 years for a graphics card that'll even display the company logos at the beginning of the game. Not to mention at least a terabyte of RAM.

When all is said and done, a PC to run GoW2 will cost at least 2 or 3 million dollars. That's without the labor of putting it together and the 3 months of installing drivers just to get the "enter" key on the keyboard to work.
[quote name='Chuplayer']So instead of running up to the guard and chainsawing him between shots from the boomer and then running back to the house to pick the boomer off from a distance wouldn't have worked? Because I think it would've worked pretty fucking well.

And to the guy who said the arrows BLOW YOU UP, no shit. Of course they blow you up, and that's the problem. They're too powerful. Stick one in the proverbial Achilles Heel, and you die just like he did. It's the same death potential as a sniper rifle to the head, and it's stupid.

You know what else is also stupid? Carmine, the only person to wear a fucking helmet in the game, is the only person to die from a headshot. What the fuck?[/quote]

Thats why the bow needs to charge're supposed to hide behind shit when the guy is standing there pointing it at you, not trying to take him down.
bread's done