Giving away Cod:WAW M1A1 code for..

You Selfish Shmuck, this is the free stuff thread, so why dont you bring that sissy trading Bull&#!7 somewhere else. I hate people who do this Crap, anyone want a code? Take this one. QH78G-RP4BD-96GPG-437B8-RVFMD Don't trade anything with this loser. :p
bigdaddybruce, that's not like you at all to post in a dead thread from over a year ago and not realize the thread is super old. WeeMee the code is obviously long gone by now so don't revive dead ass threads.
Actually, yes it is since he was offering something to the OP. He revived a dead thread and you made an offer in said dead thread. No need to excuse yourself though, I was merely pointing out the fact that the thread was old... Didn't know you would get so offended.
it's not worth a crap really because once you get to a certain level you can't use that custom class since all the newer custom classes you've unlocked will override it.
bread's done