Great deal on anyone looking to get a used Xbox (GameRush)

Gorilla Jones

CAG Veteran
From my Gamerush email

Buy a used Xbox with 2 used games for $139 for anyone still not with Xbox now that Halo 2 is out this is a pretty good deal. There are tons of used games which are platinum hits now that are really great games.

Anyway, I think its a good deal.
Fair warning: I tried to purchase a used X-Box back in July (from EBGames) - it finally arrived after two weeks and it was totally shot. I had to wait another few days to get a return shipping label and send it back and have it inspected before I could get a replacement console. After a week with no updates, I cancelled my order and grabbed a new one from a local store.
From what I've read online, this is not uncommon.
Used X-Boxes and PS2s, IMHO, are for those who have a lot of patience and a lot of luck.
When my local Gamestop opened up about a month or two ago, they had used Xboxs for $99.

So I picked one up, it worked for a day and then started crapping out on me. I took it back and they gave me one that was manufactured in August.

The damn thing is practically brand new. Best purchase I've made in a long time.
[quote name='Othergods']Why not just buy a new one with 3 games from Target for $149.99?[/quote]

Well, maybe you don't want those games. It's still cheaper, and if it works fine, then it's a good deal.
I thought the Holiday bundles were already out. You get the xbox plus Top Spin and NCAA 2005 with the system, all for 150 bucks. IMHO, I would pay the extra 11 dollars knowing I had a new system, with a used system your playing russian roulette. If you don't want the games just trade them in or sell them. To each they're own.....
[quote name='rg0019']I thought the Holiday bundles were already out. You get the xbox plus Top Spin and NCAA 2005 with the system, all for 150 bucks. IMHO, I would pay the extra 11 dollars knowing I had a new system, with a used system your playing russian roulette. If you don't want the games just trade them in or sell them. To each they're own.....[/quote]

They are referring to the Target black friday ad that advertises the standard holiday bundle plus the game Crimson Skies.
Just get 150 dollar bundle, I would never buy a used xbox. Evertime I tought about it I pictured some dumbass dropping it on the floor. Then it ending up at my house broke in 31 days.
[quote name='TomCloud9']Just get 150 dollar bundle, I would never buy a used xbox. Evertime I tought about it I pictured some dumbass dropping it on the floor. Then it ending up at my house broke in 31 days.[/quote]

Yeah, I just picture too yahoos in wife-beaters jumping up and down on their worn-out, spring-bearing couch laughing themselves silly about how their going to trade in their Xbox to Gamerush for credit, and using said Xbox as a launch pad onto the couch, bonking heads and playing grab-ass the whole time.

A used CD-based system would have to be very cheap for me to chance picking one up. And come with mucho warranty.
[quote name='rg0019']I thought the Holiday bundles were already out. You get the xbox plus Top Spin and NCAA 2005 with the system, all for 150 bucks. IMHO, I would pay the extra 11 dollars knowing I had a new system, with a used system your playing russian roulette. If you don't want the games just trade them in or sell them. To each they're own.....[/quote]

FYI the NCAA and Top Spin are a dual packaged game on the same disc, not regular barcode, not for sale etc.....harder to sell....better to trade...
I'm probably going to look into this, just so i can make a media center x-box....i just have to fully pay for my DS there though...
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