Has anyone taken advantage of Blockbusters new no late fee policy to get games

Gorilla Jones

CAG Veteran
If so can you post your experiences here. Let us know of how it went, what games you got, and how long before you got your bill. I'm really interested in seeing other peoples experiences. Thanks
The only thing I would think worth keeping would be older games that BB might have price dropped but are still worth quite a bit of money. (I.E. Some N64 games)

Either way, I doubt Cheapy would appreciate us talking about ripping off Blockbuster around here.
[quote name='Grave_Addiction']The only thing I would think worth keeping would be older games that BB might have price dropped but are still worth quite a bit of money. (I.E. Some N64 games)

Either way, I doubt Cheapy would appreciate us talking about ripping off Blockbuster around here.[/quote]

Dude...my blockbuster has corvette for xbox and ps2 for 49.99, I wouldn't trust them to charge anything less.
I dont rent from blockbuster anymore, now If I want a game or dvd I just buy it and deal with the consequences, recently I purchased medabots infinity and gladius, I despise both games but it was still worth the extra cash to own them then just rent them.
[quote name='dragonfireflys'][quote name='Grave_Addiction']The only thing I would think worth keeping would be older games that BB might have price dropped but are still worth quite a bit of money. (I.E. Some N64 games)

Either way, I doubt Cheapy would appreciate us talking about ripping off Blockbuster around here.[/quote]

Dude...my blockbuster has corvette for xbox and ps2 for 49.99, I wouldn't trust them to charge anything less.[/quote]
Damn thats quite a price for a game included in the WalMart 3 for 10 pack!

"uh, no."
[quote name='dragonfireflys'][quote name='Grave_Addiction']The only thing I would think worth keeping would be older games that BB might have price dropped but are still worth quite a bit of money. (I.E. Some N64 games)

Either way, I doubt Cheapy would appreciate us talking about ripping off Blockbuster around here.[/quote]

Dude...my blockbuster has corvette for xbox and ps2 for 49.99, I wouldn't trust them to charge anything less.[/quote]

It's $9.99 at my blockbuster...
I'm wondering when they do charge you and you decide to keep the game -- can you go back and turn in their BB case and demand an original game case w/ instruction manual?
[quote name='TXboxGuY']I'm wondering when they do charge you and you decide to keep the game -- can you go back and turn in their BB case and demand an original game case w/ instruction manual?[/quote]

You can't demand jack given the fact that you agree to their terms when you rent.

By the way, I think it's a two week grace period after the due date. After that, you have 30 days to return the item for a refund minus a restocking fee, (which wasn't fully defined.)

Seriously, don't be a schmo. If you intend to keep a game, go out and buy it. Don't rent it and assume you can keep the game and pay at your leisure. Besides, Blockbuster goes straight to the credit card you used to open the account to charge for the games.
Can you just ask to buy it? like tell them you want it, and will be keeping it anyway? My local BB has RE3, Backyard Baseball, and a couple other GCN titles that are worth something.
I guess i should chekc into it myself.
It's not a bad deal actually. After the game is one week overdue they charge you the cost of the full game, BUT they give you a chance to return the game within 30 days for only $1.50 for a restocking fee. So that's like $7.50 for a 6 week rental:)

I haven't taken advantage of it yet due to the fact that my local blockbusters all have pretty limited GC selections and I have plenty of games to play already, but if blockbuster keeps this going after a few more months I'll probably partake.
This "The end of late fees" is actually a bunch of shit, IMO. I was there the other day, and yes, now they give you a couple of days grace period, but it's now $4 to rent movies and $7 to rent games. Looks like I won't be renting anymore.
i rented like 50 games and then i never took them backa nd i tradedt hem tino eb and then i got all this tsuff and ai got a credit and i traded it fora mario nad now i play mario and its albeacuse i got blockbsuter
Actually, what's even funnier, is that the "end of late fees" is YMMV. They advertise it nationwide, but some outlets don't go with it. There's not one store in Tennessee that has "no late fees" - they all still have late fees here, yet advertise "no late fees" on public television. Amusing.
[quote name='iheartmetal']i rented like 50 games and then i never took them backa nd i tradedt hem tino eb and then i got all this tsuff and ai got a credit and i traded it fora mario nad now i play mario and its albeacuse i got blockbsuter[/quote]

please, please, type properly, that's all i ask, o ky, it s ll we aks ta iths wbesiet,

jeez, i can't even read what he said.
[quote name='iheartmetal']i rented like 50 games and then i never took them backa nd i tradedt hem tino eb and then i got all this tsuff and ai got a credit and i traded it fora mario nad now i play mario and its albeacuse i got blockbsuter[/quote]


[quote name='Trakan']This "The end of late fees" is actually a bunch of shit, IMO. I was there the other day, and yes, now they give you a couple of days grace period, but it's now $4 to rent movies and $7 to rent games. Looks like I won't be renting anymore.[/quote]

I agree. My local blockbuster doesn't participate in this "end of late fees" deal, but they said if they did the prices of rentals, etc would go up. I don't see how people can pay 7 bucks to rent a game at all.
[quote name='iheartmetal']i rented like 50 games and then i never took them backa nd i tradedt hem tino eb and then i got all this tsuff and ai got a credit and i traded it fora mario nad now i play mario and its albeacuse i got blockbsuter[/quote]

That took me around 4 reads to understand.
Personally I think the new policy is pretty lame, but if you're paying for your game you're not riipping them off. I know someone who picked up Suikoden 2 from my local BB. I'm not sure what they paid, but I don't think is was ebay pricing. *shrugs* But yeh, I personally find it too costly to even rent there as with the help of this site you can BUY a game for less than you can rent it. :)
[quote name='onikage']I haven't tried it, but it could be worth it if you were able to find something like Suikoden 2 or RE2/3(GC).[/quote]

They do own gamerush so they may use actual retail from their lists, meaning suikoden 2 would be worth 70-80 bucks...Just a heads up on a untested pollicy
[quote name='siamesellama'][quote name='TXboxGuY']I'm wondering when they do charge you and you decide to keep the game -- can you go back and turn in their BB case and demand an original game case w/ instruction manual?[/quote]
Seriously, don't be a schmo. If you intend to keep a game, go out and buy it. Don't rent it and assume you can keep the game and pay at your leisure. Besides, Blockbuster goes straight to the credit card you used to open the account to charge for the games.[/quote]

could always just cancel the card before they attempt the charge.
[quote name='fireball343'][quote name='iheartmetal']i rented like 50 games and then i never took them backa nd i tradedt hem tino eb and then i got all this tsuff and ai got a credit and i traded it fora mario nad now i play mario and its albeacuse i got blockbsuter[/quote]

please, please, type properly, that's all i ask, o ky, it s ll we aks ta iths wbesiet,

jeez, i can't even read what he said.[/quote]

Believe me...what he said wasn't worth reading.
[quote name='Scorch']Actually, what's even funnier, is that the "end of late fees" is YMMV. They advertise it nationwide, but some outlets don't go with it. There's not one store in Tennessee that has "no late fees" - they all still have late fees here, yet advertise "no late fees" on public television. Amusing.[/quote]

that's because blockbuster has franchisees; the corporate owned likely have no late fees with raised prices, while franchisees late fees with no price raise.

by the way...BLOCKBUSTER's rental fees were already too high. Here's what I pay (at a decent grocery store rental place).

1.49 stock dvd or vhs for 5 days (older releases)
3.50 for new releases/recent releases (some 2 days some 5 days)
4.99 games for 5 days.

In addition they recently began a rewards card program rent any 5 videos get 1 free rental (no restrictions on free rental, can be new release).

Now let's see I can goto blockbuster and rent leprechaun 2 for 4 or grocery store and rent it for 1.50.

blockbuster is just shit
Pay Gamefly or simliar service $22 a month and keep the game as long as you feel like. I'd rather do that than pay BB like $60 for a game that will likely be scratched all to hell and practically unusable.
[quote name='moojuice'][quote name='iheartmetal']i rented like 50 games and then i never took them backa nd i tradedt hem tino eb and then i got all this tsuff and ai got a credit and i traded it fora mario nad now i play mario and its albeacuse i got blockbsuter[/quote]

That took me around 4 reads to understand.[/quote]

after 4 reads im still trying to understand...
I love the way the ads word the change-over.

"The end of late fees... the begining of more"

Now, I know they have a completely different intent for the wording, but I still chuckle at it, because by getting rid of one fee, they now can charge two new ones. So, even in that case, the statement is still true.
Wow $7 to rent a game? I haven't rented a game (outside of using a coupon to rent one for $1) this entire generation anyway. I end up buying most of my games for $10 or less, so what's the point of renting :)
You guys don't know all the details and some of you are talking out of your ass. I work at GR so I'll tell you what's going on.

Yes, games are now $7 to rent. That's a $0.71 mark up, wow big deal. And movies are $3.99 and have always been that price. But all games are now a 7 day rental, no more 5 days.

You have a week from the due date to bring it back. If you don't bring it back, we'll charge you the "used" price subtracted the $7 you paid to rent it. You can't do anything with your account until you pay it or return it. That's means you do get a month game rental but that's all you get. If your mom or dad want to rent a movie at the time and we see theirs a $35 charge on the account, theirs no "pay it next time".

Now the CEOs at blockbuster know what the hell they are doing. That are smart guys, they wouldn't be around for 20 years if they weren't. Blockbuster what's you to keep the movie and game for a long time and for you to end up buying it.

For Example: You rent Champons of Norrath, You like it a lot, so you keep it for 2 weeks, you come back a see you have a $10 charge on your account becuase it's $16.99 to buy pre-owned subtracted the $7 you payed to rent. So say screw it, I want it pay $10 and keep it. That's EXACTLLY what blockbuster wants you to do. You can even ask you for box. Since we are Games Rush too, we'll probably just take another Champs of Nor from the used section and transfer it to rental.

If you guy really want to play lots of games for cheap, I suggest getting a Game Pass. It's $20 a month for unlimited game rentals. So if you rent 3 games a month it's worth it. You can keep the game as long as you like or return it the same day.

Any questions? Please ask.
This deal screws me over though... :p

I got a $30 gift card and I never rent anything, and all the used games to buy are insanely overpriced. Most Greatest Hits are $25-35.

That being said, that's why this move is such a smart move by Blockbuster. Most people who are renting games for $7 each are probably clueless... make more money on them.
[quote name='controlcommerce']You guys don't know all the details and some of you are talking out of your ass. I work at GR so I'll tell you what's going on.

Yes, games are now $7 to rent. That's a $0.71 mark up, wow big deal. And movies are $3.99 and have always been that price. But all games are now a 7 day rental, no more 5 days.

You have a week from the due date to bring it back. If you don't bring it back, we'll charge you the "used" price subtracted the $7 you paid to rent it. You can't do anything with your account until you pay it or return it. That's means you do get a month game rental but that's all you get. If your mom or dad want to rent a movie at the time and we see theirs a $35 charge on the account, theirs no "pay it next time".

Now the CEOs at blockbuster know what the hell they are doing. That are smart guys, they wouldn't be around for 20 years if they weren't. Blockbuster what's you to keep the movie and game for a long time and for you to end up buying it.

For Example: You rent Champons of Norrath, You like it a lot, so you keep it for 2 weeks, you come back a see you have a $10 charge on your account becuase it's $16.99 to buy pre-owned subtracted the $7 you payed to rent. So say screw it, I want it pay $10 and keep it. That's EXACTLLY what blockbuster wants you to do. You can even ask you for box. Since we are Games Rush too, we'll probably just take another Champs of Nor from the used section and transfer it to rental.

If you guy really want to play lots of games for cheap, I suggest getting a Game Pass. It's $20 a month for unlimited game rentals. So if you rent 3 games a month it's worth it. You can keep the game as long as you like or return it the same day.

Any questions? Please ask.[/quote]

Congratulations to you, however you are teetering toward promotion which is spam. There are SO MANY gamers that want to take advantage of buying SCRATCHED TO HELL GAMES.

tell me this...you walk into gamerush with a copy of GTA san andreas with pages missing from the manual and the disk scratched to hell they'll give you like 4 bucks and a used condom. Under this plan Blockbuster would charge the price for a like new game even though what you are getting is basically a beer coaster.

To be honest, late fees are not a problem. Anyone that can't return a dvd to a dropbox within 5 days is a fuckING MORON. There is absolutely no reason to rent ANYTHING from blockbuster when local retail chains do better for less without the bullshit.
[quote name='Lina']This deal screws me over though... :p

I got a $30 gift card and I never rent anything, and all the used games to buy are insanely overpriced. Most Greatest Hits are $25-35..[/quote]

Oh yeah? Mine has greatest hits for 49.99 (I shit you not).

Blockbuster is a scam, their upper management is clueless and decadent, and their lower management is completely powerless and utterly mouthpieces. They will continue to have their market share DESTROYED by A)local retail/drug store/grocery store rental. B)Cable on demand rentals C)Lowered cost of dvd new releases and D)the ineptness of everyone in the organization.

Also: Gamerush is shit, blockbuster has no business in game retail.
So let me get this whole "end of late fees" scam right. They charge you the full price of the game if it's late, and then issue a partial refund if it's returned within 30 days. So they're hiding late fees behind grace periods and "partial refunds" and increasing the prices to do so. That's so idiotic that millions of people will start going there to "take advantage" of the new system and never even notice the new high prices. I used to go to Blockbuster if I wanted to rent something for some reason because you got a longer rental for around the same price as Hollywood, but looks like they're not going to see my cash anymore.
[quote name='controlcommerce']And movies are $3.99 and have always been that price. [/quote]

Not true. I had been renting movies for $2.99 at my BB for some time. They now changed the prices to $3.99 now that they have "The end of late fees."
[quote name='moojuice'][quote name='iheartmetal']i rented like 50 games and then i never took them backa nd i tradedt hem tino eb and then i got all this tsuff and ai got a credit and i traded it fora mario nad now i play mario and its albeacuse i got blockbsuter[/quote]

That took me around 4 reads to understand.[/quote]

[quote name='x_fiddle'][quote name='iheartmetal']i rented like 50 games and then i never took them backa nd i tradedt hem tino eb and then i got all this tsuff and ai got a credit and i traded it fora mario nad now i play mario and its albeacuse i got blockbsuter[/quote]



[quote name='fireball343'][quote name='iheartmetal']i rented like 50 games and then i never took them backa nd i tradedt hem tino eb and then i got all this tsuff and ai got a credit and i traded it fora mario nad now i play mario and its albeacuse i got blockbsuter[/quote]

please, please, type properly, that's all i ask, o ky, it s ll we aks ta iths wbesiet,

jeez, i can't even read what he said.[/quote]

[quote name='dragonfireflys'][quote name='fireball343'][quote name='iheartmetal']i rented like 50 games and then i never took them backa nd i tradedt hem tino eb and then i got all this tsuff and ai got a credit and i traded it fora mario nad now i play mario and its albeacuse i got blockbsuter[/quote]

please, please, type properly, that's all i ask, o ky, it s ll we aks ta iths wbesiet,

jeez, i can't even read what he said.[/quote]

Believe me...what he said wasn't worth reading.[/quote]

I think that the gibberish was used to purpose. By talking like a complete n00b, iheartmetal was simply expressing his disgust towards the original poster and this topic in general; you see, by talking in n00b, he suggests that anyone who would try and attempt something like this would also be a n00b. My opinion, anyway.
Hmm... so the price actually varies from game to game, instead of a flat retail price? That seriously surprises me.

Here is the danger of Blockbuster and not returning games. I'm not sure if this practice is still done, but most likely is. When you don't return the game, and don't pay the fee.. if you do not pay the balance, they send it to collections. Once in collections, it's on your credit report. So just for not returning a damned game, your ability to get a loan in the future is hindered. I've known somebody who ended up destroying his credit doing this, over some damned PS1 and N64 games back in the day. Take it from somebody who's been working in the Mortgage industry and now Commercial loans for 2 years.. a black mark on your credit really hurts you in the long run.
[quote name='WinnieThePujols']
I think that the gibberish was used to purpose. By talking like a complete n00b, iheartmetal was simply expressing his disgust towards the original poster and this topic in general; you see, by talking in n00b, he suggests that anyone who would try and attempt something like this would also be a n00b. My opinion, anyway.[/quote]

Wow, one lone person got it (besides me) :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

As for renting. . . well it's not too bad if your the sort who only cares about beating the newest games, or if you want to try out as many games as possible without spending a tremendous amount of money. For some of us BB is a haven. Why? One word: HDLoader ;)
blockbuster has some good deals in their games section, you just have to look. dw7 6.99, r-types 6.99, suikoden 1 and 2 6.99 (all used). many of their rental games that end up being sold as used are messed up, some aren't. not everything they get traded in is in great shape either, but who is at fault? blockbuster doesn't scratch their games, the idiots who rent games do. i wish they had higher standered when it came to what they were going to accept as a valid trade-in, but they'd rather keep people trading in the store than keep hardcore gamers happy. also, blockbuster is in the gaming industry in a big way-- they've bought out rhino games (company in the southeast started in gainesville, fl) and are talking of aquiring ebgames or gamestop. this sucks because it helps devalue our older generation games (blockbuster pays around .25 or .50 for snes games like chrono trigger) and adds to the rampant stickering retailers love so much. gamerush will be matching trade in values of any store soon and that helps with the devaluing of games initialy, but if they buy eb or gamestop they are cornering the market and can help set the value for used games. soon ebay and your local small buisness game stores will be the only place you'll find used games in anything approaching good/ like new condition. do you think blockbuster wants to have to make sure the traded copy of digital devil saga has all the fixins it was shipped with? no, they don't. they want to merchandise as many games as possible the same way to keep costs down. i currently work for a gamerush store but plan on leaving because i'm not happy with the way the games resale market is headed as a result of blockbuster/gamerush strategies. remember: all game stores are making 70% of their profits on casual gamers. these are people who trade games in as soon as they beat them, don't spend much time researching games before purchase, and are generally not that familiar with the gaming industry (this according to blockbuster research before and after test markets for gamerush report). blockbuster/gamerush wants to sell to these people, they spend more money and more importantly trade more and buy traded stuff with less discrimination (the profit margin on traded games is much larger than new games).

sorry for the long post, but it is stupid to just say things like "blockbuster sucks" or "they don't belong in the game industry" or to read like a blockbuster employee meeting. take advantage of what they do offer, because 6.99 for suikoden 2 is worth it.
I agree the whole thing is a bit of bullshit. BB's pre-played prices are even higher than EB and Gamestop. Heck, half the time I see used prices higher than new ones at the BB here on the limited selection of games they sell.

Here's my opinion on the whole thing. The only time I ever rent from BB is with a free rental coupon (of which I get 2 every 3 months thanks to MCI) and special coupons like rent 2 for 1 or rent for a $1. I will continue to rent from BB in this way but now I will keep the games an extra week and return it a day or two before the grace period is over. Longer rental, same price, no penalties. I will take advantage of this whole no late fees thing and screw BB with it as much as I possibly can without touching my credit or spending additional money. I advise everyone else to do the same within their normal renting habits. Abuse the grace period constantly but always return before that period ends.
Doesn't BB own (or is owned by) one of the large cable network corporations? I figured they had so many fingers in all the pies that they didn't care if you said screw it I'll watch my movies on cable, or i'll rent online, etc since either way they were still making tons of money. If I owned both a cable tv network & a video store, I'd want to move all my customers to the cable network and ditch the video store to save on materials costs. Charge them the same price either way :p
[quote name='shoobywizard88']BB is crap. A game store I go to around where I live charges .99 for a 1 nite rental. For games or movies, new or old. :)[/quote]

That's like, $7.00 for 7 days. Whoaa, that's like exactly what the other guy said for BB.

But seriously, the main problem with this is that now nothing will ever be in stock, which I think will make BB lose money from the people who go out to rent something specific.
viacom used to own blockbuster, they don't anymore. that is why they don't push direct tv as much anymore.

yeah, and if you keep the game for 37 days it will cost you a total of 8.25 (in sc at least the "restocking fee" is a 1.25). divide that by thiry and a half and smoke it.
Has anyone actually tried to do this or are people just taking out there ass all both sides about something they don't really know anything about? Just curious, since the answer seems to be no.

I can tell you one thing that, BB is real bad about repricing items. I know - I worked there. Repricing is annoying and gets ignored a lot.

I think that, depending on the game, it could be a good and bad thing. I am gonna go check out BB for myself in the next couple days and find a game I would want to keep and see how much they would charge me if I kept it.

When it comes to games, this will probably kill their selection of games pretty hard at some stores if the prices aren't crazy...the people not returning VHS tapes that cost $90 are not going to be too happy though. Don't want to be the CSR dealing with that shit.
bread's done