How did you get your name? (real name)


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Mauson is my real name, mousin is just a nickname , since i was in first grade, all the people who didnt know how to spell my name would spell it mousin on like valentine cards and stuff.. its pronounced mouse - in. i got my name Mauson because my dad name was Mau, and i was his son.. so it came Mauson. =]

share your name, doesnt matter if its unique, or your named Bob.
My name is Bob. I was named after Dick Van Dyke. His name was Rob on his show way back in the day and my mother thought he was the shit
Wow, where do I start. OK, well, my full name is Tyler Harrison Lemonds. At first, my first name was supposed to be Harrison. Then my Mom thought of the horrid nickname of "Harry Lemonds". Then she thought of switching Harrison to my middle name, and making Moore (my Mom's maiden name) as my first name. Then she thought of "Moore Harry Lemonds". So after more thinking, she decided to name me Tyler Harrison Lemonds.
My first name is Markus...

No real story to that other than my mother put a K in my name instead of a C.

My middle name is LeAngelo...

That name is a combination of my father's middle name "Lee" and a name of a relative "D'Angelo"...

Hence "LeAngelo"...

Sounds like a Teenage Muntant Ninja Turtle though, lol.
[quote name='snotknocker']My name is Bob. I was named after Dick Van Dyke. His name was Rob on his show way back in the day and my mother thought he was the shit[/quote]

that is fuckin great

my first name is Austin, and I am named after my grandfather
My name is Sara without the "H." My parents just liked the name. They kept the "H" off because they thought my last name was already too long (they didn't like the "H" either). I also have an older brother named "Gary" and they wanted to keep the names the same # of letters long (like we are going to fight about who has the longer name?). We both have longer middle names though with a different number of letters so I guess it didn't really matter anyway.
[quote name='CrimsonGeist']Um... I was named King but in another language. I cannot share it. Too embarrased.[/quote]

Are you embarrassed of the name or of the language? You shouldn't be embarassed if it is the language.
[quote name='CrimsonGeist']Um... I was named King but in another language. I cannot share it. Too embarrased.[/quote]

why.. you shouldn't be ashamed of your name
My mom wanted to name me Vecheslav, my grandparents didnt like it. My grandmother wanted her to name me Maximillian. So she named me Yevgeniy :lol:
[quote name='6669']I got my name cuz my parents gave it to me. No really, thats how it happened :)[/quote]

What is your name?
I was named after my uncle who was killed in Vietnam. My parents gave me his first name and my twin his middle name.
[quote name='XboxMaster']Wow, where do I start. OK, well, my full name is Tyler Harrison Lemonds. At first, my first name was supposed to be Harrison. Then my Mom thought of the horrid nickname of "Harry Lemonds". Then she thought of switching Harrison to my middle name, and making Moore (my Mom's maiden name) as my first name. Then she thought of "Moore Harry Lemonds". So after more thinking, she decided to name me Tyler Harrison Lemonds.[/quote]

:lol: Made my day :lol:
Initially: my Scot mother wanted to moniker me as Conner Larkin and my Montanan father was shooting for Thorkill or something equally Nordic.

They had trouble agreeing on it, so my great-grandmother suggested using the traditional family name used by her family (Pharlain) for 800 years. Thus Ian Michael Avent.
[quote name='zewone']My name is Robert named after my father, and his father and his father. So I'm the IV.[/quote]

Wow, the 4th? I know a 3rd, but I've never met anyone higher than that.
[quote name='SadieDee']My name is Sara without the "H." My parents just liked the name. They kept the "H" off because they thought my last name was already too long (they didn't like the "H" either). I also have an older brother named "Gary" and they wanted to keep the names the same # of letters long (like we are going to fight about who has the longer name?). We both have longer middle names though with a different number of letters so I guess it didn't really matter anyway.[/quote]

Cool, my name's Sarah (but with the h). I guess it was either that, Ariel (o_O) or something else that I can't remember, but my parents both agreed on Sarah.
Nicholas, my sister named me that. My mom wanted to name me Luke or Levi. Damn, that would have sucked. Luke, I am your father or Hey Levi, what kind of jeans do you wear.
[quote name='SadieDee'][quote name='6669']I got my name cuz my parents gave it to me. No really, thats how it happened :)[/quote]

What is your name?[/quote]

David(or Dave) . . . Not really sure how my parents came up with it. I know for sure its not religous since my parents aren't Christian. Its also not from any family member or relative. So I'm guessing they probably just liked it.
Christopher, I believe after St. Christopher, and my middle name, Andrew, is what my dad and his three brothers' middle names are. They're first names all begin with D, too.
My name (before marriage) was Heidi Olivia Haynes. At first, mom wanted to name me Britney (The horror!), but Dad didn't like it and wanted it Heidi instead. He also chose my middle name Olivia, a deviation of his own middle name, Oliver.

Now my last name is Balladares, D4rkewolfe's last name, of course. :3
[quote name='BigNick']Nicholas, my sister named me that. My mom wanted to name me Luke or Levi. Damn, that would have sucked. Luke, I am your father or Hey Levi, what kind of jeans do you wear.[/quote]

You think that's bad? My dad wanted to name me Thaddeus. Mom wouldn't have it though. They ended up naming me Adam. No particular reason as far as I know, just a name they liked.
I'm named Pedro Rainerdo after my Dad, My mom won't fucking tell me what the hell Rainerdo means.
My oldr sister is named Farah Indihira after Indihira Ghandi.

My younger brother's name has a great story. I was to be originally be dubbed Vladimir Lenin, cuz my parents are like socialist dominican hippies. But current political situation ( the early 80's ) did not lend that name to be acceptable. They decided to be safe and just give me my dad's name with a nonsense middle name. Several years later, my brother was born. Times were different. Reagen and Gorbie were on good terms, we didn't fear the bomb going off. Vladimir was ready for a comeback. The gave it to him, and its given the kid the kind of edge that he needed.
[quote name='CrimsonGeist']Language, and my name is Fahad. King in Arabic.[/quote]

What religion to you practice? I hope this isn't too personal, if u don't want to post it just PM me
Well, my mom wanted to name me Christopher, but my dad thought that was really, really gay (no offence, porn man, my dads a macho dude), so I was named after him, my grandpa, and my great-grandpa. Venancio Nunez IV.
I got my middle name from my grandfather. I have my first name because my parents are anal. My last name is Summerville (which is long and at the end of the alphabet), so my parents wanted my sister and my names to be short and at the beginning of the alphabet. They also wanted our first and middle names to have as many syllables added together as our last name, so I am Adam James Summerville and my sister is Amy Lynn Summerville. Now, I feel I must continue the ridiculous naming convention so I need 2 syllable B names for my children.
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