Japan is a weird place



"More moms going down, to ensure grades go up! By Michael Hoffman Contributing Writer

Jan. 6, 2002

Dad comes home from an "adult toy store" and hands his wife a chastity belt. She nods and turns to the couple's 15-year-old son. "Let's go," she says. They disappear into the boy's bedroom. The story begins with Japan's obsessive exam culture. A boy's whole future can depend on the senior high school he gets into. Some mothers will do anything to make sure their junior high school sons pass the all-determining entrance exams.

Anything? Pretty nearly.

Asahi Geino hears the story of (not their real names) Meiko, 38, and her son Haruki from Kanagawa cram school director Yukio Shibagaki, who wrote a book on experiences like theirs.

Every evening at 8:00, Haruki would vanish into his room, ostensibly to study. Meiko was pleased -- until one night she caught a glimpse of him through the slightly open door and realized he was not studying but masturbating. Intrigued, she peeked into his room the following night, and the night after that. The conclusion was inescapable. At the rate he was going, he would not be ready for his tests.

"I'd better have a talk with him," she thought -- and did.

"Mom," he said, shyly but firmly, "I wanna do it with you."

"With me!" What to do? Be shocked and angry, or calm and understanding? "Let's see what your father says."

Father was surprised but kept his head. "No genital sex," he stipulated. "However, if it's just a question of making the boy feel good, I won't say no."

And so every evening Haruki's studying was prefaced by a 15-minute maternal blow job. His concentration improved; his marks soared. Everyone was happy -- except dad, whose doubts grew as time passed. Weren't things going a little too far? The chastity belt, at least, would close the last frontier.

Our first reaction is disbelief, but Shibagaki swears the story is not only true but also fairly typical, and special high school instructor Tadashi Sato, to whom Asahi Geino goes for confirmation, agrees.

"I often hear stories like that," he says. The mother-son relationship has always had rich dramatic potential; the steadily contracting nuclear family can enrich the drama to the point of deviance. "Mothers do want their children to pass those exams," says Sato. "We're not talking about just a few cases."

Nor are we talking only about 15-year-olds. Akiko (as we'll call her) is 28, her son Atsushi 12. He too faces entrance exams -- junior high school ones. The boy seemed to be studying. Why was he floundering? "Why?" Akiko asked him one day. The answer was a seeming non sequitur, but Akiko saw the point. "I want to see a woman naked."

Akiko undressed. "I'll do it again for you if you do well on your next test, OK?" He did very well.

There are endless ramifications to the sex-for-grades business, Asahi Geino discovers. Teachers too get in on the act. Some third-year junior high school teachers are not above capitalizing on the leverage they wield. Some ask for money in return for influential written recommendations. Others ask for sex. Thus Mari, 37-year-old mother of a daughter about to graduate junior high, took to visiting the girl's divorced teacher at his home. One afternoon the teacher's 14-year-old son showed up unexpectedly. "Me too!" he insisted."
Bullshit. I know Japan is stereotypically considered "weird" and all, but come on.

Even if that's true, which it isn't, I refuse to believe it. Score one for my sanity.
[quote name='theq87']Bullshit. I know Japan is stereotypically considered "weird" and all, but come on.

Even if that's true, which it isn't, I refuse to believe it. Score one for my sanity.[/quote]

Agreed, I'll wait on further proof before I swallow anything. :wink:

Asahi Geino hears the story of (not their real names) Meiko, 38, and her son Haruki from Kanagawa cram school director Yukio Shibagaki, who wrote a book on experiences like theirs.

Could this vouch for the validity of this story?


Haha, just read the last line.

One afternoon the teacher's 14-year-old son showed up unexpectedly. "Me too!" he insisted."

I'm going to have to say there some truth in this. I'm an East Asian Studies major and this topic was brought up a few times. Don't get the impression that every mom in Japan is doing this. But it's not like we don't have incest here in the states. Just turn on Jerry Springer if you need proof.
My neighbors wre incesstant. The father was sleeping with the daugher and grandmother, and sister. They all looked the same. They were fat, had red hair, and one of them was next to blind!! Those were some sickening people. I heard that when the new people moved in that they found bloody tampons, and a dead snake in the washing machine. Those were some filthy people! :shock:
[quote name='cgpwns']My neighbors wre incesstant. The father was sleeping with the daugher and grandmother, and sister. They all looked the same. They were fat, had red hair, and one of them was next to blind!! Those were some sickening people. I heard that when the new people moved in that they found bloody tampons, and a dead snake in the washing machine. Those were some filthy people! :shock:[/quote]

For the sake of comedy, whcih state was this in?
cdfox, I'm EAS as well. So far I've taken 2 semesters of Japanese language, Japanese history, and postwar Japanese history/culture...

We have yet to cover the topic of parental blowjobs. I'm very curious as to where and why the hell the topic ever came up in class.

Seriously. What the hell. I would ask one of my professors about it, but they'd probably be forced to kill me on the spot to preserve some token of dignity for their homeland. And I'd understand.
[quote name='zionoverfire'][quote name='theq87']Bulls***. I know Japan is stereotypically considered "weird" and all, but come on.

Even if that's true, which it isn't, I refuse to believe it. Score one for my sanity.[/quote]

Agreed, I'll wait on further proof before I swallow anything. :wink:[/quote]


[quote name='evilmax17'][quote name='cgpwns']My neighbors wre incesstant. The father was sleeping with the daugher and grandmother, and sister. They all looked the same. They were fat, had red hair, and one of them was next to blind!! Those were some sickening people. I heard that when the new people moved in that they found bloody tampons, and a dead snake in the washing machine. Those were some filthy people! :shock:[/quote]

For the sake of comedy, whcih state was this in?[/quote]

I lived in the south for a couple of years and one day I was trying to find someone, but I wasn't quite sure which house was theirs. So I just decided to knock on a couple of doors to find out. Well, one of the doors opened up and this pretty good looking high school girl (I was around her age at the time, so I can say that) answers the door. She is wearing a bra and pulling up her pants as she opens the door. :shock: She wasn't able to help me, so she calls out to her dad. He comes to the door, weighing in at about 300 lbs., and wearing nothing but his underwear. I couldn't help but think about what I had interrupted as I walked away... *shudders*
[quote name='theq87']dcfox, I'm EAS as well. So far I've taken 2 semesters of Japanese language, Japanese history, and postwar Japanese history/culture...

We have yet to cover the topic of parental blowjobs. I'm very curious as to where and why the hell the topic ever came up in class.

Seriously. What the hell. I would ask one of my professors about it, but they'd probably be forced to kill me on the spot to preserve some token of dignity for their homeland. And I'd understand.[/quote]

It was in my Contemporary Japanese Society class. It was actually mentioned in one of the text we were reading, 36 Views of Mount Fuji by Cathy N. Davidson. Even though it was just a short statement in the book, we dicussed it in class when we were talking about the education system in Japan. Here's the quote from the book
Newspapers recount incidents of teenage boys beating up mothers who put pressure on them to do well in school. There are also grim reports of an increase in mother-son incest, rapes, as well as mothers having sex with their sons to help relieve the boys' tension.
[quote name='theq87'] I would ask one of my professors about it, but they'd probably be forced to kill me on the spot to preserve some token of dignity for their homeland. And I'd understand.[/quote]


[quote name='zionoverfire']
Agreed, I'll wait on further proof before I swallow anything. :wink:[/quote]

:lol: Best double entendre ever.
[quote name='dcfox']You know the old saying "If it was good enough for your father, than its more than good enough for you" :twisted:[/quote]

That is revolting in every way. I'd rather chop my own dick off.
[quote name='manofpeace20'][quote name='dcfox']You know the old saying "If it was good enough for your father, than its more than good enough for you" :twisted:[/quote]

That is revolting in every way. I'd rather chop my own dick off.[/quote]

That would make an interesting national poll.
wasnt there a post about a black guy who wrote about how he's a teacher in japan and all the kids girls/boys try to grab his dick to see how big it is, and try to shove their fingers up his ass.... and the other teachers see and just laugh... if thats true i wouldnt doubt this is true.. those sick bastards.
[quote name='theq87']Hey guys, friendly reminder! "Jap" is a derrogatory racial epithet that you, especially as gamers, have no business using![/quote]

Why especially? We are kidding around you moron. And is there something especially wrong with gaming? If there is, then you are especially on the wrong website....... especially :twisted:

Sorry if I'm coming off as harsh, but for some reason this post especially pissed me off.
[quote name='Cracka']wasnt there a post about a black guy who wrote about how he's a teacher in japan and all the kids girls/boys try to grab his dick to see how big it is, and try to shove their fingers up his ass.... and the other teachers see and just laugh... if thats true i wouldnt doubt this is true.. those sick bastards.[/quote]

Probably referring to this guy: http://outpostnine.com/editorials/teacher.html

Heh, I remember getting liked to this article a few years ago, from the same site actually. Considering it's from the land of used panty vending machines I can't really see this being too much a stretch of the imagination.
[quote name='Greetard'][quote name='theq87']Hey guys, friendly reminder! "Jap" is a derrogatory racial epithet that you, especially as gamers, have no business using![/quote]

Why especially? We are kidding around you moron. And is there something especially wrong with gaming? If there is, then you are especially on the wrong website....... especially :twisted:

Sorry if I'm coming off as harsh, but for some reason this post especially pissed me off.[/quote]

I say "as gamers" because we owe much of, if not most of, modern gaming to our friends across the Pacific.

I just figure that throwing racist terms around that insult a group of people who've made our wonderful hobby possible isn't the most justifiable thing to do.

Then again, if you're just kidding around, do what you will; the internet is a free, free place. I don't think Japan is going to read this, get pissed off and stop making games. My statement was half intented as humor ("friendly reminder"), so don't let it piss you off.
I just want to know when the Japanese took the road to being a land filled of crazy asses.

Honestly, how can one nation be so screwed up.

Maybe it was Little Boy and Fat Man?
I think every nation has their own little quirks that everybody else thinks is crazy. I'm sure Japan right now is looking at the US and thinking how strange we are.
As disturbing as it sounds, this article does have some truth to it. I've heard numerous similar accounts from other sources. Yep, Japan is like a large scale social experiment where you put a whole bunch of people on an island and then let them develop their own isolated culture through hundreds of generations. Some good, some bad, and a lot of fucking weird shit.
You know I think that is the first time i've ever seriously yelled what the fuck while reading something, damn talk about stomach turning. :puke:
[quote name='evilmax17'][quote name='cgpwns']My neighbors wre incesstant. The father was sleeping with the daugher and grandmother, and sister. They all looked the same. They were fat, had red hair, and one of them was next to blind!! Those were some sickening people. I heard that when the new people moved in that they found bloody tampons, and a dead snake in the washing machine. Those were some filthy people! :shock:[/quote]

For the sake of comedy, whcih state was this in?[/quote]

South Carolina. They were originally from Georgia I think.
[quote name='cgpwns'][quote name='evilmax17'][quote name='cgpwns']My neighbors wre incesstant. The father was sleeping with the daugher and grandmother, and sister. They all looked the same. They were fat, had red hair, and one of them was next to blind!! Those were some sickening people. I heard that when the new people moved in that they found bloody tampons, and a dead snake in the washing machine. Those were some filthy people! :shock:[/quote]

For the sake of comedy, whcih state was this in?[/quote]

South Carolina. They were originally from Georgia I think.[/quote]

Oh god, they're moving north :shock:
another reason to fear the japs:



Kiki becomes a public toilet, total strangers right off the street use her as a shit pot!
We are amazed and entertained by her heroic efforts at winning the Scat Olympics brown medal.
Possibly the most shocking, extreme, insane attempt at winning!
Kiki surprises us all when she says she�s going to go for a walk on the street and
wants us to follow! Her dress and face covered in shit that�s now starting to
dry on her sexy body!
Taken from http://mdn.mainichi.co.jp/waiwai/ from the same series of articles (MDN's WaiWai):

WaiWai stories are transcriptions of articles that
originally appeared in Japanese language publications. The Mainichi Daily News cannot be held responsible for the contents of the original articles, nor does it guarantee their accuracy. Views expressed in the WaiWai column are not necessarily those held by the Mainichi Daily News or Mainichi Newspapers Co.

Anyway, I'm sure the newspaper chose this article for the same reason the OP chose to share it with us: it makes you go W T F. The other stories in the WaiWai series are just as outrageous. Japan is more lax when dealing with sexual acts, but they're normal people like you and me. -_-

bread's done